Friday 18 September 2015

None So Blind: Please Note - Your World Is Now Dying

None So Blind  
Please Note  - Your World Is Now Dying

Who doesn't love a good mystery?  We read them and perhaps more frequently; watch them on everything from an iphone to a 60 inch HD plasma TV screen.  Our minds like sinking into a mystery, trying to figure it out before the reveal.  Some folks are kinda like a pit bull with a rag doll when it comes to mysteries; they won't quit chewing it apart till they figure it out.  I'm one of those.

Increasingly over the last four years; my mind jumps back & forth between what has happened to this planet, and the refusal of so many to acknowledge said peril on any level. I fluctuate like a ping pong ball between deep sadness over what has happened and mind numbing incredulity at how nobody wants to acknowledge it.

 Interesting hobby. 

When my mind encounters something it doesn't or cannot understand, I seek to gain that understanding, sometimes to the point of analysis paralysis; and I simply don't yet understand this planet wide denial syndrome.  It's not for the lack of trying.

 I blog for one reason, to share information. I have no interest in spending precious time & energy trying to change minds which are rigidly closed.  The only minds I care about reaching are those absorbing information. 

When I was in school I took debate for three years; and not once did anyone ever win an argument on the weight of their denial alone.  Yet in these days of Faux News and spin doctors the simple act of denying something seeks equal merit as the facts.  Doesn't work that way.

Attempting to understand what is at the root of this civilization-wide denial syndrome:
I wonder if it isn't a by-product of the great awakening.


Millions of folks worldwide have been "waking up" to a great many rude and unpleasant facts about how the power elite have turned this place into a prison planet.  They just start to get a handle on things when we're blindsided by Fukushima.  That'll sure as hell spill the wind from your sails.  The straw that broke the camel’s back, a bridge too far. 

The good news is that humanity is awakening right on time, and the matrix's days are numbered.  The bad news is; the planet is dying from radiation poisoning, and we're on our own now.  And your rent is overdue.  As if just surviving the day anymore isn't difficult enough sometimes, and on top of personal dilemmas, the world is dying.

Humans can only see less than 3% of the visible spectrum, and can only hear around 2% of the acoustic spectrum.  Most haven't even begun to use the chakra system properly; so maybe we shouldn't be so quick to think we know everything.  Maybe we also have such limits on how much cognitive dissonance the mind can cope with. 

Evolution and the natural world equip all animals with an instinct for self preservation.  A part of this survival mechanism called the discount rate deals with the recognition of and response to life threatening situations.  Animals like a rabbit for example who are weak and tasty have a low discount rate meaning they disregard almost no threats they perceive.  On the other end of the spectrum are animals like the lion, who have few life threatening situations, thus a high discount rate, because few animals pose them a threat.
Like the king of beasts, humans enjoy a high discount rate, albeit artificial in the extreme. We gauge life threatening things on a kind of triage system generally speaking, paying the most attention to the most pressing danger...except Fukushima.  When it comes to that subject our discount rate goes thru the roof to 1000%.  Lets go back for a moment to the lion.  If the grasslands he lives in were burning and closing in, he would get his arse up and leave.  All the animals around would also leave, or try to hide.  None of them would ignore the threat, would they.  We certainly do!

Unfortunately the solution for earths problems aren't as easy as the lions because there's nowhere we can go to escape the nuclear fire.  Nothing has been done or even tried to stop Fukushima's spewing and there's no way to protect our loved ones, no answers.  As it turns out about the worst thing we can do is to just deny & ignore the problem.  Deer in the headlights.

Perhaps the answer is that we're simply not equipped to cognate at the level of human extinction.  Kinda like when Columbus's ships were first sighted by north Americans.  Because none of them had ever seen or even conceived something like a sailing ship, all they could "see" were the canvas sails which they took to be simply clouds.  Only after the shaman had greeted men coming ashore in rowboats could he begin to see the ships beneath those sails.  As the word spread, within a short time the other members of the tribe also began seeing the ships.

Despite hundreds of dead whales washing ashore and sea life dying off the entire length of the pacific coast, nobody wants to "see" the problem because then it would have to be addressed.  Too bad radiation isn't visible like oil spills are, but even then those who refuse to see will continue living in denial. 

 No matter how much proof, evidence or facts are presented, it will never be enough for some.  They'll use false equivalency to discredit everything they aren't yet able to cognate; then categorically deny facts agreed upon by leading scientists.  When all else fails, if you persist upon shoving their nose in a pile of reality, they'll resort to verbal abuse and character attacks.  These are some seriously closed minds, and to be truthful here, not worth the effort.  Leave them be in what bliss their intentional ignorance can give them. 

Because most folks still attach emotional value to their belief systems; they can become quite annoyed and even angry when confronted with cold harsh reality like human extinction.  They get this way because it's rude of us to remind them of the genetic mutations and cancers their children and grandchildren will know.  Such thoughts are painful, why should we attack them this way?   Uhh, is anyone forcing you to read things you don't want to know about, or is yours just the blanket type of denial where reading facts doesn't matter?  Selective reality syndrome.

Those who willfully ignore the subject as if it never happened do so to defend whatever it is they are working towards in the future.  A world class dream killer is embracing the planet with invisible death, and if your future plans don't take that into account, what possible good are those plans? 

All I'm talking about here is acknowledging reality.
 Not the reality you thought you were going for,
but the reality that is. 
That's all.

Why is that so hard?

It's not as though Fukushima is some urban legend or internet rumor.  It happened; and it will continue to spew nuclear death into the air and sea because nobody anywhere knows what to do.  Hmmm; too late now but perhaps it wasn't too smart to build a nuke plant near the ocean on a fault line like Fukushima...and San Onofre in California.  Hey, for that matter, maybe we shouldn't have ever messed with atomic power until we were intelligent enough to safely contain and dispose of nuclear waste, but that's just me.

If  you are one of those who always blows off due diligence to skim by on the virtue of what chance may bring, remember what Louis Pasteur said: "Chance favors the prepared mind."  The un-prepared mind, ahhh, not so much.  Then on the other hand we have the preppers who not only acknowledge reality but are stocked up for a couple decades of it.  Opposite ends of the extinction spectrum.  One group intentionally sees nothing while the other sees only the danger, to the exclusion of other obvious considerations. 

"Sometimes you have to give up on people,
not because you don't care but because they don't"

We hear from some who disparage the message saying such things like "I'll only listen to positive things" Well, OK then, Fukushima is positively an extinction level event.  Happy now?  As much as I hate to disillusion the sky blue & dandy bunch, the future sucks! Now for old farts like myself that is nearly a moot point, but for someone much younger who just had their entire future stolen away, its way more devastating. 

In all honesty I am quite shocked at how bad things are after just four years, I thought it would take much longer to kill the pacific ocean.  This is not a good sign.  Factor in all the chicken hawks pushing for world war three with Russia and I get a bit nervous thinking this time they might really do it.  If another nuclear war develops; the devastation added to what has already happened would be beyond catastrophic.

Now, along with thousands of dead marine mammals washing ashore there is something else that nobody wants to acknowledge washing ashore as well, bodies of dead aquatic humanoids.  Mermaids and Mermen to be exact.  Dead ones have been found a few times before Fukushima, but now these incidents are increasing.  Soon no amount of censorship, cover-up or conspiracy will be able to prevent the reporting of dead aquatic humanoids.  Just like with the whales and seals.  We've relegated aquatic apes to the same category as bigfoot, or UFO's and attempt to ridicule our discomfort away because it doesn't fit within our belief system.  That's certainly an enlightened approach for a species that is nearly blind and deaf.

Does life imitate art?  In perhaps as soon as a few years we're going to see increasing rates of children born with non-life threatening mutations as a result of all this free range radiation.  How will we react to these new humans?  Will we embrace them into our culture, nurture them and provide for their needs, or will we reject them, or worse?

 I think we all know how that will play out.  Maybe this is where the transhuman agenda comes into play.  Perhaps the matrix minders seek to create a cyber-humanoid which can exist on a radioactive planet, in a synthetic body.  No thanks, I'll pass!

Another thing I wonder about is if this population wide denial syndrome is an intended by-product of the chemtrail and GMO food campaigns.  Seems like it could be a possibility, or maybe it's just us being unable to cope with something on this scale. 

We so badly want for this to all be a bad dream we can't wake up from; that we'll even put stock into reports from Japanese scientists claiming radiation is less harmful and easier to clean up than previously thought.  Really?  Japanese scientists!!  Let me just tell you something.  Nuclear radiation does not respond to wishful thinking or bold face lies!
Taking the word of Japanese scientists about radiation effects is like getting henhouse status reports from the fox.  "The hens & eggs are fine; the sky is blue, all is dandy and the future is bright."  Puzzle me this, if the Japanese think radiation is so harmless how come on the videos all their workers are in full radiological safe suits?  How about that?

It isn't just marine life that is dying out; all kinds of mass bird deaths are being reported with alarming frequency.  As with the oceans, the first to go will be the smallest and frailest creatures having nearly zero tolerance for radiation.  Seen any hummingbirds recently?  The feeders outside my California window used to attract squadrons of hummingbirds; they're gone this year, I haven't seen a one.

If you keep a garden, how's it doing this year?  Was it healthier last year? 

Human history on this planet is not a smooth trek from its beginnings till now.  There are entire periods where little or nothing is known about.  Times when civilization seemed to stop for several thousand years or so, then rise up again.  Here too we find the same type of staunch denial, which has given rise to forbidden archaeology in an effort to hide the truths of long, long ago from the people of the present.  Why so much secrecy?  How many times has civilization ended?

The more I ponder on this, the more it reminds me of how people react to the death of a loved one.  I think maybe I'm on to something here, because almost always the first reaction is stunned disbelief.  In such moments everything around us shifts, time dilation mimics weird camera effects as we're momentarily adrift in time and space.  Then the weight of it begins to set in.  Depending on who you read, there are 5 to 8 additional steps in the grief process, but denial is always the first. 

Could it be that all this planet-wide denial is just the first stage of grief ?

Here in the now; the matrix ramps up its campaign of syncopated pandemonium to more insane levels every week, ensuring that everything is kept at a brisk & frothy boil.  We are staggering around like a punch drunk prize fighter in a standing eight count.  We aren't out of the fray yet, in fact we have yet to get our second wind. 

We can't let this planetary disaster to take us down.  In any disaster you care to name, you'll see no shortage of people rising to the occasion, and helping others.  In such times differences are set aside and people come together for the common good.  It's what we do.  Well folks, the disaster has happened, the slow motion extinction of humanity is at hand; shouldn't we be busy coming together and helping each other?  Unplug your mind from the matrix, think for yourself. 

Those who are in extinction denial still have a rough road ahead as they transit thru the phases of anger, bargaining, and depression on their road to acceptance.  Try to remember that as you encounter them.  Be as gentle as you can without empowering wishful thinking.  Also remember that they are likely confused and disoriented in their state of emotional denial, so be patient with them too, though they be annoying.

As horrific as it sounds, we are four years into an extinction level event from which there is no escape.  It's almost as if something just swept away all the things which distract us from our spiritual self, and path.  Now that all the artificial, bogus, illusionary crap has lost meaning, maybe instead of chasing after status we will at long last turn towards our souls to help us find the way home.  You have all had four years to struggle with your grief & disbelief now; isn't that long enough?  Don't you think maybe now is a good time to progress to the next level.  If you enjoy your denial, you're just gonna love the anger phase.  When you reach the next stage just don't kill the messengers. When you find that anger, take it out on the matrix, use it to take down the great shining lie.

Guess it's true after all, there are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

© 2015

May The Source Be With You

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  1. I don't think we're in denial about anything. Accept this life as an experiment, we're born and we die. The entire world is born and it dies. Through this cycle process of life and death we may willingly destroy ourselves because we may believe that money has more value than life, or we may destroy ourselves because it's fun, and or exciting to anticipate our inevitable demise. We go forward through life with reckless abandon maybe because there is a part of us that knows that death is not a bad thing but a necessity for a new kind of life to enter into existence in our ongoing evolutionary process essential for becoming more balanced. Really, how do we know peace if we haven't been through the wars? How do we know a clean and pollution free world if we haven't first poisoned it to death. With every destructive force, is born a new life with all the potential and creative ability for construction and or destruction. That is the ultimate creativity in a nutshell, and yes, within each nut shell is the destructive force of life that smashes the shell to death.

  2. Most of the public is in deep denial that we are responsible for the greatest mass extinction of life in 67 million years. Every 24 hours the global human population expands by a further 220.000 while during this same time period, 150 species, on average, are driven extinct. As we destroy the intricate bonds of life that sustain this beautiful world, we move ever closer to our own extinction event.

    As Kurt Vonnegut said, "The good Earth- we could have saved it, but we were too damn cheap and lazy"

    Nemesis- the goddess of retribution, the punisher of pride and hubris waits impatiently for her meeting with us.

  3. ffkling, are you so arrogant to believe that we can actually destroy the earth? What I mean by destroy is to eliminate ALL life forever upon this planet. What is this extinction event that you theorize? Even when an astroid hits the earth it's not destroyed, for life builds on so called destructive forces, wake up to that FACT. We think we're so powerful and matter so much, but we're metaphorically speaking just an irritating flea upon the massive world dog. There a defensive forces that protect the dog from our tiny bites. The big dog just has to shake just a little to flick us off it's massive body, perhaps it will take a few scratches or an anti-body in the form of an astroid, etc... If we do get too far out of bounds, I assure you the world will be ok, but we won't. And who say's 150 species on average are driven to extinction, and that we destroy intricate bonds? Are you aware that with every destructive force, new forms of life are born? Out of the 150 so called species that are consumed by the extinction process, how many enter into the realm of reality? Do you know? Does anyone know? Lets speculate shall we?

    1. There are 438 nuclear reactors on the planet, and 67 new ones under construction. If electric grid goes down for given length of time, these reactors will melt down.
      It is true that the Earth will still be here, after humans expire, and one wonders what life forms would survive.This is a situation that is unprecedented, as far as we know.

    2. Alternatives are indeed viable. I once called my father an idiot for advocating nuclear. I'll tell you this again, we're just not a very intelligent species. So be it!

  4. Thanks for the clarity of this sensitive essay. I have long thought on the causation of mass denial. As usual it is a combination of factors. Every system as 2 basic goals. survival and reproducing itself. (represented by the 2 base chakras) We are socially engineered to remain in those 2 base chakras. Environmental factors such as flouridated water, chemical-laden processed foods,GMO's-especially sugar beets and corn syrup, aspartame.hormones in processed meat, etc. Daily exposure to chemtrails, EMF bombardment, possible mind control frequencies from GWEN towers, and yes exposure to radiation levels, now very high, for people who keep up with unofficial recorded levels throughout the US.(Veteran's Today has a weekly report) Many have been hypnotized by a steadily immoral dumbing down via state curriculum, TV, mindless sports, holly wood perversions, etc.
    And as the essay referred, many in the US feel they are special, as most don't have historical reference for a national suffering, such as people who live in Russia and China or the rest of the world for that matter. So they don't think it could happen here. Many Americans don't want to entertain the idea that it could happen here.It is odd how ferociously humans cling to a given belief system, even when shown to be in error. Often, when one who is awake attempts to share the truth, the ignorant turn on the messenger. Cognitive dissonance often drives a person more deeply into shoring up their misconceptions.
    My heart weeps on a daily basis for what is occurring to us, animals,plants and our planet. I have been active for years in attempts to turn things around. Here is an excerpt from a recent letter from John Lamb Lash, regarding the collective denial of humans: "The way I see it, humanity today is like a herd of wildebeest under attack by an invisible vapor. The animals do not see who is attacking them. They turn on anyone who acts in a way that presents a slight challenge or offense, but they fold under the massive impact of the invisible assault. Irrational projections fire off in all directions when the emotional plague is active. You can make a gesture of generosity toward someone, and they will say you threaten them, they will act as if attacked and attack you for trying to reach them in a simply human way, directly and honestly.

    I guess that some of my despair comes from the sad realization that the emotional plague has already ravaged and incapacitated a huge part of the anthropine species. The fabric of human nature is so rotten it cannot resist the predatory onslaught, but on the other hand, neither can it sustain the impact of the life-giving beauty of the Dreaming.Such is my observation at this dawn.

    It takes beauty to meet beauty and uphold beauty. So may you stay in beauty.
    I will never give up hope. Thanks for a beautiful article.

  5. "The fabric of human nature," Is fine, free your mind. Our beliefs are another matter entirely, for, are we not all somehow dying for a LIE? And, I guess this too is perfectly natural, for if we couldn't die for a lie, a myth , fiction and or fairytale, we wouldn't. Keep your sense of humor and just stand aside and observe the myriads of ways people are willing to die for a concocted story of what it means to be human within the framework of a make believe value system that renders us all unimportant to a money system that transcends the existence and value of all men.

    1. "Stand aside'? That's precisely the problem - that's what BILLIONS are doing. Quoth the quote above: 'As Kurt Vonnegut said, "The good Earth- we could have saved it, but we were too damn cheap and lazy" '
      You're either part of the problem or part of the solution, after all. And as the wise commentator Frees Your Mind; "The way I see it, humanity today is like a herd of wildebeest under attack by an invisible vapor. The animals do not see who is attacking them. They turn on anyone who acts in a way that presents a slight challenge or offense, but they fold under the massive impact of the invisible assault. Irrational projections fire off in all directions when the emotional plague is active. You can make a gesture of generosity toward someone, and they will say you threaten them, they will act as if attacked and attack you for trying to reach them in a simply human way, directly and honestly."
      We conclude (with) the usual - Turn On, Tune in, but above all OPT OUT of this pseudocivilisation and start something NEW, NOW, with likeminded friends and loved ones - while you can ;)

  6. Yes, stand aside and ignore them. One undeniable FACT, here. People do whatever they want to do, even at the point of a gun. Stand aside or you quite possibly will get your head blown off by the hypnotized. What can you do to change people's BELIEFS, Illuminator? Not one God damn thing! We can only reach people who want to be reached, all else is a futile attempt to dictate the FACTS who cannot discover them in the possession of their own mirrors!

    1. Virtually all writers are crafting new belief systems for themselves and others; viz your comments, seeding the collective consciousness... and there is always spontaneous illumination ;)

  7. Ok Illuminator, but are we really crafting new beliefs, or are we simply sharing factual information that we've discovered for others to observe? I perceive our easily repudiated beliefs to be the problem, and or the misrepresentation of our symbolic language that cannot possibly form a universal consensus of it's basic abstract meaning. This leaves everyone seemingly in conflict. This is why I support a social system based on our observations and or the laws of nature- (causes and effects) for the facts of nature cannot be repudiated by our opinions and or beliefs and their myriads of interpretations that cannot possibly form a universally accepted consensus. Our current social norm of belief structures (puffballs) is based on socially accepted mores that elevates semantics over all of life. The language of our beliefs are the problem, no? To me, there's simply no "illumination," within the realm of Alice, but our discoveries in nature are another matter entirely.


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