Friday 15 May 2015

The Choice Is Ours: The Venus Project Continues

The Choice Is Ours
The Venus Project Continues

The Venus Project - New Video!  in5d ubunto the venus project

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

If you’re not familiar with The Venus Project, then you’re in for a treat!  Imagine living in a world of abundance and prosperity without the need for money. Imagine using space age technology in the next few years.  Imagine living in a world with clean air, fresh water, and healthy, non-GMO food?

It’s within reach right now!

Aims and goals of the The Venus Project


Realizing the declaration of the world’s resources as being the common heritage of all people.

Transcending the artificial boundaries that currently and arbitrarily separate people.

Replacing money-based nationalistic economies with a resource-based world economy.

Assisting in stabilizing the world’s population through education and voluntary birth control.

Reclaiming and restoring the natural environment to the best of our ability.

Redesigning cities, transportation systems, agricultural industries, and industrial plants so that they are energy-efficient, clean, and able conveniently to serve the needs of all people.

Gradually outgrowing corporate entities and governments (local, national, or supra-national) as means of social management.

Sharing and applying new technologies for the benefit of all nations.

Developing and using clean, renewable energy sources.

Manufacturing the highest-quality products for the benefit of the world’s people.

Requiring environmental-impact studies prior to construction of any mega-projects.

Encouraging the widest range of creativity and incentive toward constructive endeavor.

Outgrowing nationalism, bigotry, and prejudice through education.

Eliminating elitism—technical or otherwise.

Arriving at methodologies by careful research rather than random opinions.

Enhancing communication in schools so that our language is relevant to the physical conditions of the world.

Providing not only the necessities of life, but also offering challenges that stimulate the mind while emphasizing individuality rather than uniformity.

Finally, preparing people intellectually and emotionally for the changes and challenges that lie ahead.

If you're not familiar with The Venus Project, then you're in for a treat!  Imagine living in a world of abundance and prosperity without the need for money?  Imagine using space age technology in the next few years?  Imagine living in a world with clean air, fresh water, and healthy, non-GMO food?  in5d

You can learn more by visiting the Venus Project website.

From the Venus Project:

Part I of this three-part documentary series explores the determinants of behavior to dispel the myth of “human nature” demonstrating that environment shapes behavior. Part II illustrates how our social structures impose our values and behaviors demonstrating that our global monetary system is obsolete and increasingly insufficient to meet the needs of most people. Part III, to be released this year, will depict the vision of The Venus Project to build an entirely new world from the ground up, a “redesign of the culture” where all enjoy a high standard of living, free of servitude and debt, while also protecting the environment.

We want to send a heartfelt thank you to all of our Kickstarter donators & The Venus Project supporters who made it possible for us to produce Part I & II of The Choice is Ours.

The following video will give you a tour of the Venus Project

For more information about space migration see
- Scroll down through ‘Older Posts’ at the end of each section

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