Tuesday 19 May 2015

Solar Warden: Secret Space

Solar Warden: Secret Space
You live at the bottom of a deep gravity well…

Depiction of Constellation lauch vehicle (Ares 1)  leaving Earth. Photo NASA

by Michael Salla, PhD

On April 13, 2009, the National Archive Records Administration made available almost 250,000 pages of documents from President Reagan's administration… The released material may yield insight into a curious comment found in President Reagan's Diary.

The entry for Tuesday, June 11, 1985 (page 334) reads:

Lunch with 5 top space scientist. It was fascinating. Space truly is the last frontier and some of the developments there in astronomy etc. are like science fiction, except they are real. I learned that our shuttle capacity is such that we could orbit 300 people.

This is curious since the Space Shuttle holds a maximum of eight people and only five were built for space flight.

Even if all five took off fully loaded it would be impossible to place and maintain 300 astronauts in orbit. Was Reagan revealing the existence of a highly classified space program that could accommodate hundreds of astronauts in orbit?

Apparently so according to dozens of military and corporate whistleblowers. Hidden within one of the ten unified combatant commands of the U.S. military, Strategic Command, is a highly classified fleet of aircraft carrier sized antigravity vehicles that operate in outer space.

The United States has organized its military forces into ten unified combatant commands respectively led by a single four star General or Admiral who reports directly to the Secretary of Defense. Six of the unified commands span the globe in terms of different geographical areas. In addition, there are four functional commands where specialized military activities are run by a single “Combatant Commander.”

From 1985 to 2002 Space Command was responsible for outer space operations by the U.S. military. In June 2002, Space Command merged with another of the functional commands - Strategic Command which is responsible for a range of space, satellite, missile, nuclear and intelligence activities.

Rumors that the U.S. has a highly classified fleet of antigravity vehicles have circulated for years.

On March 23, 1993, at an engineering conference in Los Angeles, Dr. Ben Rich former CEO of Lockheed’s Skunkworks, showed a slide with a black disk headed for space and said:

"We now have the technology to take ET home".

Corporate and military whistleblowers have come forward to claim first hand knowledge of classified space vehicles using antigravity technology such as the Aurora and TR-3B.

In his book, The Hunt for Zero Point, Jane's Defense Weekly analyst Nick Cook writes about the Aurora:

"there has been speculation since the late 1980s about the existence of a secret replacement for the Blackbird, a mythical plane called the Aurora that supposedly flew twice as fast and on the edges of space" (p. 14).

Other whistleblowers such as Edgar Fouche, a former contractor with the Department of Defense, have come forward to claim that the Blackbird's [or SR-71] replacement, the Aurora actually comprises two types of hypersonic aircraft used for space flight.

"The Aurora comprises the SR-75 capable of speeds above Mach 5, and acts as a mother ship for the SR-74 that can travel at speeds of Mach 18 or more into space to deliver satellites."

More significant is the large black triangular vehicle, the TR-3B that Fouche claims generates an intense magnetic field that reduces its weight by 89 percent.

He says that the TR-3B uses the Biefeld-Brown effect (created by large electrostatic charges) to reduce its weight so that more conventional propulsion systems such as scramjets can give it amazing speeds. This would be well above Mach 18 that he claims is the speed of the SR-74. Fouche claims the TR-3B is 600 feet across which would make it similar in size to an aircraft carrier.

Circumstantial evidence points to the existence of a secret space fleet of antigravity vehicles.

Cover of The Reagan Diaries
(Harper Collins, 2007)

President Ronald Reagan's startling Diary entry for June 11, 1985, for example, reveals a space shuttle capacity that could launch 300 people into orbit. Also, on August 6, 2007, for example, NASA awarded the “Human Spaceflight Support Team” for assisting NASA vehicles in avoided space debris.

The support team was part of USAF Space Command which is publicly stated to be the major military command providing space forces for U.S. Strategic Command.
The citation … highlights the team for its exceptional support in keeping the space shuttle, International Space Station and its crews safe from the dangers of orbital debris, spacecraft collisions and other inherent hazards of orbit operations.

However, neither the USAF Space Command nor Strategic Command is publicly known to have any kind of space vehicle that would assist the Space Shuttle or International Space Station from orbital dangers.

Normally, both NASA vehicles would require gradual orbital corrections that would take much time and be insufficient to deal with an immediate threat.

According to Ted Twietmeyer, the citation is circumstantial evidence for the existence of antigravity vehicles with advanced particle beam weapons that could remove orbital debris from the path of NASA vehicles.

The idea that a secret space fleet exists that can intervene to assist the Space Shuttle or International Space Station is also supported by the testimony of a former NASA employee.

Clark McClelland worked as a SpaceCraft operator for Space Shuttle missions during 1989-1992.

On one occasion he claims to have witnessed an eight to nine foot tall astronaut and what appeared to be a delta winged antigravity vehicle nearby (see below illustration).

Richard D Hall: The Secret Space Fleet  
(1:03:04) @ https://youtu.be/QVckFjFceFI?t=17m30s
Richard D.Hall discusses the secret projects going on in space. Looking at various false flag operations by NASA to president Obama & revealing how little the publi
c are actually aware of. Richard talks about Ed Fouche former avionics engineer at the S-4 & Area 51 instillation revealing some very shocking physical bits of evidence Ed provides which proves he was an employee there but also that these black projects have been in operation for some time.

Since McClelland knew all astronauts in the NASA space shuttle program he assumed that the very tall being in a space suit was an extraterrestrial.

While such a possibility can’t be excluded, the being and the nearby delta shaped vehicle may in fact have been part of a classified Space Fleet attached to U.S. Strategic Command.

Finally, the idea of a secret space fleet using advanced technologies was boosted by a British hacker, Gary McKinnon, who faces extradition to the U.S. for hacking into U.S. government and military computers.

McKinnon claims that he came across secret Pentagon and NASA files that contained a list of 'non-terrestrial officers', and a spreadsheet detailing 'fleet-to-fleet transfers'.

Could the tall being depicted with the two Space Shuttle astronauts actually belong to a group of "non-terrestrial officers" that periodically give assistance to Space Shuttle programs through the US Air Force's Space Command?

Based on the available evidence from a range of sources, President Reagan's 1985 Diary entry is a frank acknowledgement of a classified space program that can transport and accommodate hundreds of astronauts. The Diary entry suggests he received one or more briefings on the topic.

Important clues may emerge from the recently released Reagan records about Strategic Command's classified space fleet.

More significantly, the public may soon learn about the advanced antigravity technologies that have been secretly developed and used for decades to fly military astronauts into deep space. 

NASA decline and antigravity space fleet

NASA’s decline is inevitable. If whistleblower reports are accurate, then NASA is little more than a cover for a highly classified antigravity space fleet that regularly takes hundreds of military astronauts into space. The alleged name of this secret project is ‘Solar Warden’.

As discussed in part one of this series, President Ronald Reagan alluded to a highly classified space fleet in the June 11, 1985 entry in his diaries where he revealed that “our shuttle capacity is such that we could orbit 300 people.” A succession of whistleblowers and aeronautical experts have come forward to reveal various details of advanced antigravity technologies that can, in the words of Ben Rich (former Lockheed Skunkworks CEO) “take ET home.”

If Reagan’s comments and whistleblower testimonies are correct, then the operational home of this secret antigravity space fleet, as shown in part one, is U.S. Strategic Command. The project name of the classified space fleet, according to several whistleblowers is “Solar Warden”. The existence of Solar Warden, if true, proves that NASA is a cover program using antiquated rocket propulsion technologies. If so, the 'futuristic' Constellation Program aimed to take astronauts to the moon and mars is a cover for an existing space program that regularly flies interplanetary missions using advanced antigravity propulsion technologies.

The first reference to Solar Warden occurred in March 2006. A reliable source, according to administrators of the Open Minds Forum, revealed its existence and capacities. 

All space programs are a cover that exists to deceive the people of this world. We have a space fleet, which is codenamed” Solar Warden.” There were, as of 2005, eight ships, an equivalent to aircraft carriers and forty-three “protectors,” which are space planes. One was lost recently to an accident in Mars' orbit while it was attempting to re-supply the multinational colony within Mars. This base was established in 1964 by American and Soviet teamwork.

Another source describing Solar Warden is an anonymous whistleblower known as ‘Henry Deacon’ who works at Laurence Livermore laboratories as a physicist. Deacon’s true identity is known to the creators of the Project Camelot website who have witnessed his credentials and believe him to be credible. According to Project Camelot, "Henry confirmed the existence of a large manned base on Mars, supplied through an alternative space fleet (codename SOLAR WARDEN)."

According to Wiliam Arkin's manual for military code names which designates specific two letter alphabetical sequences to distinct U.S. military projects, Solar Warden falls into a Joint Forces Command project. This suggests Solar Warden is operationally located within Strategic Command as claimed in part one [above].

If Solar Warden has been successful in establishing a Mars colony using antigravity propulsion systems, then this might explain why antigravity research became highly classified in the mid-1950s. It also would explain why civilian researchers who successfully replicated antigravity technologies were ruthlessly as occurred to Otis Carr in 1961.

This suppression was revealed for the first time in 2007 through the testimony of Carr's former protégé, Ralph Ring (below video):

NASA’s steady decline since its Apollo heyday has nothing to do with the competence and expertise of NASA personnel. The political reality is that highly compartmentalized military programs prevent advanced antigravity technologies into the public sector for commercial application.  

A growing number of whistleblower and expert testimonies point to the existence of a highly classified antigravity space program that can place hundreds of military astronauts in space. If Solar Warden or a similar classified military program does exist, then it is understandable why President Obama has delayed appointing a new NASA administrator. NASA’s steady decline since its Apollo heyday has nothing to do with the competence and expertise of NASA personnel.

The political reality is that highly compartmentalized military programs prevent advanced antigravity technologies into the public sector for commercial application. NASA’s new ‘futuristic’ Constellation Program, based as it is on antiquated rocket propulsion technologies from the 1940’s, is a cover program and does not deserve to be funded. Instead, U.S. military and corporate projects involving advanced antigravity technologies and the means by which these were acquired need to be exposed to the American people.

[Author Note: My newly released Exposing U.S. Government Policies on Extraterrestrial Life (2009) contains a detailed exposé of U.S. government suppression of a civilian space industry in 1960/1961 that updates an earlier 2007 paper

Stan Deyo's Big Picture: Insider Secrets 

(1:05:40) @ https://youtu.be/rQlrbaN3M40

For more information about space migration see http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/secret%20space
- Scroll down through ‘Older Posts’ at the end of each section

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  1. There are layers upon layers of political and financial interference to these exiting technologies that could in fact revolutionize the world. It's a sad commentary to on our human condition when one realizes that we're stuck in the worst possible situation as we allow a few power mongers to control the rest of humanity through our unwitting acceptance of horse shit energy systems that will continue to keep us stuck in the muck of a very bleak future for purposes related entirely to our collective insanity problems.... I think there is no home, I think we're programmed to self destruct after which we can install a new operating program based on benefiting everyone, that is if there any survivors left to reboot the system.

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTVsDrf1CUY

  3. See many ufo's last 5 years and in first year it was amazing how much and diffrent types showed it self. There where also two craft acting and looking completly diffrent from the others. I suspect them to be human. Above my head a realy big triangular craft put it's lights on to show it self and after few secs out. Than the second craft puts it's lights on. It was bit smaller and have a inward curved base and was beautiful to see.
    After few secs the lights go off and can't see them anny more.
    After first year see the same group of saucers fly by on regular basis.


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