Tuesday 22 July 2014

Secret Caves Discovered Under Giza

Secret Caves Discovered Under Giza

A Report by Richard Gabriel

Does this have anything to do with the wall built to surround the Giza complex? What secrets don't they want us to know?

A recent viewzone.com article [see below] highlighted a rumbling controversy between the former leading controller of the Giza plateau, Zahi Hawass and Archaeological researcher Andrew Collins. The article reminded us how Hawass denied the existence of a tunnel network leading under the Plateau, despite the fact that Andrew Collins and Nigel Skinner Simpson had rediscovered its entrance from the recently published notes of Henry Salt and Giovani Caviglia -- who explored there in the early 1800s.

Collins, sponsored by the Edgar Cayce organization, the Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE), searched and found the fissure entrance at the rear of an apparent tomb, west of the three pyramids at Giza. The entrance had been overlooked by archaeologists for almost 200 years.

The controversy unfolded as Collins continued to develop the importance of the tunnels in correlation to the star system Cygnus -- while Zahi Hawass continued in public outrage and denial. Behind the scenes he barred the main tomb entrance, sent his own hand-picked excavators inside, and presented an infamous documentary purporting to show the tunnels amounted to nothing of interest.

My partner researcher Judith and I had been inexorably drawn to Giza as a part of our own intuitive journey of archaeological discovery, and we have been privileged for more than a decade and through multiple visits to explore and examine many places unavailable to the public (including many times below ground in this tunnel system.) We gathered invaluable evidence which sheds light on its origins and on the likely motivations of Hawass and others who want it kept secret! Read-on to see why we feel this underground system should now be designated as a site of world heritage.

Making Sense of NC2 & the Secret Giza Underground

West of the middle pyramid on the Giza Plateau, the ground rises to its highest point where there are some of the surviving buildings of The Harvard camp, established by George Reisner in 1902 to pursue the aims of the Hearst Expedition of the University of California. The high ground suddenly drops away beyond the buildings leaving eroded cliffs facing north which have many tomb entrances dotted along its length. These sites were given (North Cliff) designations when first explored in modern time; and almost on the doorstep of the main Harvard building - the site of North Cliff 2 (NC2) can be found.

Imagine a very long time ago when sea water lapped to this highest point; and as the sea receded, the deep fissures under the plateau would have been a perfect route for the water to flow.

Erosion from massive water flow has been validated in the deeper tunnels of NC2, and we know that beyond the last ice age, sea levels were certainly as high as or even much higher than the Giza site. The picture [below] from the deep tunnel system is one example of the water erosion.

Imagine at some time in ancient history, the people of the day knew of one large opening and decided to enlarge it and hew it into chambers plus sub-chambers for their own purpose. They may have had strong reasons for not proceeding beyond the initial fissure opening depth. Indeed at the point where the hewn chambers end (on the ground level,)... the (water-eroded) natural entrance into the deeper system was bricked-up and reduced in size a long time ago.

It may be worth noting that inside the first natural (reception) chamber; there is a free standing rock slice alongside the entrance. It takes little imagination to suppose this would have been perfect for use as a door blockage.

For orientation, take a look at the schematic [below] that we produced from an extended underground visit for the purpose. On the left you can see the ground level hewn areas lined black. The ones delineated in red are the hewn sub-chambers. Top right of the left hand pic the reception chambers of the natural system are marked -- and these lead to the extensive tunnel system (bottom-to top) of the right hand pic.

What else do we know?

So what else do we know for sure about the hewn chambers, and then the extending natural tunnels and chambers? We know a lot, and it is surely important to keep close to what we know with any informed speculation; otherwise articles as seen so often take the reader too far from the likely truth.

Powerful legend tells of a huge and extensive underground passageway and chamber system, which may hold valuable repositories from an ancient time. Edgar Cayce spoke of these features extending under the village. We have sampled first hand, a tiny part of the amazing underground network, from NC2, from the Solar Cross, from the village of Nazlet el Samaan and directly from the plateau.

We have spoken to many reliable first-hand local witnesses who explored these regions years before the plateau was barred by its own Berlin Wall. We recall one local security man who lost a friend to a deep shaft in the shadow of the GP. Emotionally he told us how it took a long time to locate his friend's body, and that the tunnels from the shaft led to other equally deeper shafts. He told how the most dangerous of these were plated over, and that many of the most important shafts are now hidden under dirt. We know of at least this exact location.

Ground Penetrating Radar

We know that official ground penetrating radar has produced well published evidence showing networks of tunnels and chambers all over the plateau and in the village. We know that the authorities certainly know of all that the underground promises because of deep imagery received from their own latest survey satellite.

Zahi Hawass and Mark Lehner publications even detailed the proposed layout of Khufu's palace under the village.

In 1817, Henry Salt and Giovani Cavigla were exploring NC2 without the benefit of modern lights and equipment. Henry Salt reported:

"I have little to say. We entered into one, and followed up our researches through rude and craggy vaults, several hundred yards into the rock, creeping at times on our hands and knees, among the bones and carcasses of camels and other animals carried there by the hyenas, which frequent these caves. At last we entered by a forced passage through a thin wall into a spacious chamber, which presented nothing to our view, but bare and mouldering walls. This chamber communicated with three others of equal dimensions, which issued many labyrinthian passages, which had too intricate and uninteresting an appearance to induce us to advance. Captain Caviglia informed me that afterwards he advanced in another direction, three hundred feet farther but found nothing to tempt him to continue his researches."

In the deeper system the main passage extends to circa 350 feet. At that point there is a forced entrance of just a few feet in diameter. We have always referred to it as the Tube Tunnel. This has a blockage at about 20 feet and we have published photographic proof that the blockage was created from the other end of the Tube Tunnel.

At the Solar Cross and NC2 especially we know of the fear that local people have for the underground. They talk of Hanash, the snake which guards the underground. We know of the connection to another spirit snake form in the name of Agathodaimon; the good spirit presiding over the upper and lower worlds. We share the opinion of Andrew Collins that to pass through the Tube Tunnel was as if to pass through the body of the snake to get to what lies beyond.

"Simulacra" in the tunnel entrance

The next picture shows the forced Tube Tunnel. But observe the remains of plaster on the right hand side of the entrance. It has been formed into what looks like ribs, just as if the tunnel was the body of a snake.

A little deeper into the tube-tunnel there are significant rock carvings looking on into the depths of the tunnel. This has a great importance which we will return to later.

There are parallels from a proposed underground complex at Giza to equally unexplained underground cities in other places in the world. Why do they exist? What was their purpose? Perhaps some answers can be teased from NC2.

Thanks to Andrew Collins and Nigel Skinner Simpson in recent times when they rediscovered the entrance from Salt and Caviglia's notes, world attention has been drawn to this important site. Since then, our many visits and many hours in the system have produced important new finds, evidenced in the pictures.

[Above] Image showing first the ground level entrance through to the end platform where the NC2 system entrance can be seen (right.)

Zahi Hawass barred the entrance; he made clear, to prevent others from abusing its contents. Our before and after pictures show in fact it prevented others from seeing that a rape of its contents had taken place -- but not so much that even more important information was missed.

The colour of the rock, covered in bat guano, deposits, dirt and centuries of cultural vandalism, blinds all but the most obvious features to the naked eye. Quite by accident we found that studious digital analysis showed there were faded images covering most surfaces, but so deep to the surface that they required special digital techniques to reveal them.

But these images are not the sort of traditional cave paintings. They are meaningful frescos, murals and 3D scenes of pageant. They contain multitudes of every animal imaginable, many extinct and certainly extinct from this part of the world. There are multitudes of theriomorphic images mixed with natural depictions, including structures, devices and advanced buildings.

Jungle scenes predominate, alongside rock carvings and more. The makers used another technique which we have penned as fractal imaging where the body and features of larger animals etc are themselves filled with ever smaller images until the whole surface is filled like a magic picture waiting to be determined. This feature gives us much difficulty because during analysis it is necessary to develop an eye to see into the depth of the surface to the correct focal point of the main images. It is easy to be tricked into examining the thousands of smaller images and miss the main feature.

The first [above] image is a stripped back final example after many hours of analysis and delineation work, while the second one still requires a lot more work.

We noticed also how rows and lines of figures were facing together in a particular direction, sometimes turning together surreally out of the horizontal. That was one mystery resolved when we realised this happened when the images were an indicator of the route continuing, or of something hidden.

We put this to the test on another "quiet" plateau investigation run by the authorities. We discovered the same imagery there indicating a downward direction in a chamber. Digging revealed a hidden shaft. In NC2, the carvings within the tube tunnel (shown below) peer with great intent deeper into the tunnel. We have no doubt they speak to us to indicate the (blocked) system route!

Ancient Ogam?

Another clue came to light. Thanks to the vigilance of another learned researcher who had been examining the pictures we made available to the public, ancient Ogham script was found!

The deeper system has nothing to indicate Pharaonic influence, but we noticed anomalous markings and rakings in many places, often integral to images. We are still finding targets to add to the dozens of examples so far. These are being determined and translated by experts and the results will be shared when ready, but early indications have given us reason to believe our conclusions to understand the purpose of the system may not be too far of the mark after all.

The language of ancient Ogham script has been verified in the system but we seek peer review before we can go fully public with these findings. Soon we will be publishing a file gallery of target examples of the markings on our site with an open invitation for script and linguistic experts to join the investigation.

Our learned expert friend has a special interest in the correlation of sacred sites around the world through the world grid system. He also has discovered new and strange grids correlations between Giza, or NC2 in particular with other world ancient sites. These too will be shared soon when we have done more work on them.

Techniques for viewing the art...

At one stage of examining the surfaces for the hidden images I thought to try the technique on pictures we had captured inside the Great Pyramid and on other very old surfaces. I had previously noticed discolouration of the stones in the Kings Chamber and was sure my de-focussed eye could make out faint shapes. The new analysis revealed these surfaces also are covered in very faded, but exquisite images.

Indeed a widened search has shown the same generic images from photographs of very ancient rock surfaces at sacred sites around the world. When we can find precious time to attend to the matter, all will be surprised by what has been hidden in plain sight all over the world. The analysis technique can be shared and we ultimately intend that any serious researcher around the world may add to the discovery process with their own identical photo-archaeology.

The following worldly example [below] is from the ancient Bhimbetka rock shelters in India. Obvious cave art conceals much more complex deeper depictions, and these can best be viewed if you copy/save to your own computer.

Back inside NC2 we were able to use the images to help us focus on parts of the system where they seemed to be indicating we should examine more closely. We found again from before and after pictures, there were a number of niches, sealed on our first visit, which had now been opened and raped of their contents by official (secret) teams!

Can anyone have any doubt of former attitudes to truth and public awareness after watching the disgraceful Chasing Mummies episode on TV? Even from stills of that deceitful film we have been able to extract frames which have yielded the images we speak of!

We followed the direction of the analysed images on further visits and we were able to identify difficult hidden shaft locations within the system which will certainly lead to on-going new chambers or tunnels leading deeper into the plateau... and why wouldn't they be there, especially if there was once a massive surge of water flowing to lower outlets.

Then there are the magnificent features of the first and second huge natural reception chambers of NC2.

In the first chamber there is a massive slab supported on raised carved lintels. Beneath it, an apparent stone bowl has been hollowed out. Beyond the slab, which we have penned as the altar stone, it faces a drop of a few feet in the floor level.

The bowl has an open side here and beneath it there is a carved chair or throne with animal carvings on the seat wings. Strangely there seems to be a raised stone cushion on the seat of the throne with a free channel behind and at the sides of it. Anything liquid poured into the bowl under the altar would run behind and around anyone seated on the throne seat. However at the feet of the person seated any liquid would penetrate the floor down through the layers into the end roof of the corridor of the right hand lower hewn sub-chambers.

There is a clear connection of some kind. Furthermore, the corridor of the sub-chamber lines up with the entrance from the reception chamber into the on-going passages.

These pictures [below]show the altar stone and throne from below with the second pic showing detail of the left hand carved wing of the throne.

The second reception chamber holds surprises also. When I explored the rough natural tunnels from the ceiling level of the sub-chambers (indicated G & H on the schematic) I realised that although they were now partially blocked, they were heading to a rendezvous with the second reception chamber. There are so many grand features in the system bearing no relationship to Pharaonic times, but all with clear major purpose and connection originally. We observed many more significant features and these are discussed in our site articles.

So what can we learn from all of this?

Legend tells of an ancient advanced ancestry. Legend tells of the survivors emerging eventually to form the basis of what we know as our starting point in history. Academia is uncomfortable with the tsunami of evidence from a more ancient time when construction was done with tooling and by a means we cannot understand or duplicate now.

We know there was a time of ancient catastrophic inundation. We know even from the Giza plateau there are megalithic sophisticated structures beneath tens of meters of silt, as from an ancient inundation. We can deduce from NC2 that the entrance chambers were used in modern/ancient time as a Tomb to the worship of birds. How much harder is it then to accept that the Walls of Record and other evidence from the deeper system, and their nature, all belong to a people as far removed from the Pharaohs as we are from them?

With forewarning, an ancient culture would scatter to high places in the world, or they would prepare themselves in deep air locked cities below ground, aided by natural deep tectonic faults such as can be found under the Giza plateau. They would take with them their common cultural abilities and wherever they were, they would use them to record through intelligent imagery, their vision of their world before, during and following their experience.

We are in no personal doubt that little by little the whole truth of our very ancient past is being wrestled from the iron grip of self-interested authority figures at the highest levels. Ease of communication enables news and discovery to be immediate today. The danger is manipulation by those who still seek control over the minds and bodies of the world populations. However a serious researcher can research without ever leaving their home.

Use our analysis technique and trawl the photographs of the world to add to discovery for example. Question and analyse information or evidence which is being presented, instead of being taken off track by inaccurate opinion or unbalanced conclusions.

There is no shadow of doubt in our minds that NC2 is indeed one major entrance to the vast underground plateau system. Its importance is immeasurable. The information of its contents even now is priceless.

There is no reason to suppose that if an ancient people sought refuge there, that they would indeed create repositories of their entire advanced knowledge. It would be a natural thing to do. But we must concede that such a prize would be worth the huge effort of wealthy institutions or individuals to prevent the public from following the audit trail to the very thing they wish to possess for themselves!

The lack of attention and official transparent work to examine NC2 belies either an authoritative knowledge of what its implications are, coupled with a desire to secretly possess that knowledge; or a sheer ignorance preventing its open investigation; or prior knowledge combined with complete contempt for the people of Egypt and the world.

If just 1% of what our evidence shows is subsequently validated, then the NC2 system should immediately be placed under public enquiry, and followed-up with a plan to conduct an equally transparent excavation project. People and countries of the world would flock to help finance something of this importance. Rarely is there a chance to re-write the history books from solid new evidence.

Our full time mundane jobs and the limited means, prevents us from devoting the full time needed to present all our evidence faster. We share it all as we are able on our websites. You will find dozens of files already there with access to thousands of photographs. We hope anyone will visit our files with a free mind and a will to pursue the hidden truth of our past with the passion that has gripped us throughout our lives.

Blessings, Richard and Judith

Our other two sites featuring my book Echoes from The Chamber and our Giza Foundation work for the animals of Cairo are linked from our main site above.

Egypt's Cave Underworld Under Investigation

As an "all Egyptian" archaeological team moves in to find answers we hope they will reveal what's really there.

Something extremely strange is happening in Giza, both under the pyramids and in the office of Dr. Hawass. Even skeptics of the "Hall of Records" from Atlantis are now forced to admit that something big is being hidden. It's the perfect set of circumstances for conspiracy theorists.

In August of 2008 a system of caves was discovered under the pyramids. Certainly this is very big news. But look at the reaction of Dr. Hawass on his website:

Surely Hawass is intimately aware of such a discovery. So Why deny it? What is he trying to hide? Dies this have anything to do with the wall that is being built to surround the Giza complex? What secrets don't they want us to know?

(Also see UPDATE: Since Arab Spring Uprising)

Inside Giza's cave underworld

In December 2009, after denying that they existed, Egypt's leading Egyptologist, Dr Zahi Hawass, has had to admit that an excavation team under his charge is investigating an ancient tomb at the centre of claims regarding the alleged discovery of a cave underworld beneath the Pyramids of Giza.

This is a surprising announcement for several reasons, not the least being that the "alleged" cave system has already been explored and photographed by British writer and explorer Andrew Collins. In August 2008, Collins announced that he had rediscovered the entrance to a previously unexplored cave system, entered via a mysterious tomb several hundred meters west of the Great Pyramid. Perhaps it was how Collins discovered the cave entrance that has caused the controversy.

The alignment of the three pyramids with the stars of Orion's belt [above] is not perfect.

Much has been made observation that the three pyramids on the Giza plateau appear slightly misaligned. They are not on a straight line. Since we marvel at the mathematical perfection of the early Egyptians, this has bothered investigators. Thus when in 1993 Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert in their bestselling book The Orion Mystery saw the three 'belt' stars of Orion as defining the ground-plan of the Giza Pyramids the theory was met with cautious enthusiasm. However, not all were convinced by the "Orion Correlation Theory" (OCT), as it became known.

The alignment wasn't "perfect" but it was close enough for many Egyptologists. But not for Andrew Collins.

The alignment with the "wings" of Cygnus [above] is perfect.

Collins discovered another group of stars in the constellation Cygnus that matched with the same perfection that was the trademark of the Egyptians. By superimposing the stars of Cygnus over the three pyramids he could see that one star, Deneb, was not aligned. Looking where something should be -- a pyramid or temple -- there was nothing. Perhaps time had destroyed it? Perhaps it was buried? Or perhaps it was a sign that something else was under the plateau, waiting to be discovered.

Collins later found clues left in the 200-year-old memoirs of British diplomat and explorer Henry Salt. Salt wrote how, in 1817, he and Italian explorer Giovanni Caviglia had investigated cave "catacombs" at Giza for a distance of "several hundred yards" before coming across a "spacious" chamber. This chamber linked to three others of equal size, from which went various labyrinthine passages, one of which the Italian later explored for a distance of "300 feet further".

Collins decided to look for these caves in the area where the unmarked star of Cygnus would align in relation to the three pyramids. He discovered a series of catacombs, as Henry Salt had described, but no sign of any caves. Then, as he was about to leave the site he noticed a break in the catacomb wall which eventually revealed the entrance to this huge complex network of caves.

Excited by this monumental discovery, Collins immediately went to inform the Egyptian authorities and expected them to be as excited as he was. Wrong!

Why Cygnus x-1 is unusual

Several thousand light-years away, near the "heart" of Cygnus, the swan, two stars are locked in a gravitational embrace. One star is a blue supergiant, known as HDE 226868. It is about 30 times as massive as the Sun and 400,000 times brighter. The other star is 5 to 10 times the mass of the Sun, but it's extremely small. The object must be the collapsed core of a star. Its mass is too great to be a white dwarf or a neutron star, though, so it must be a black hole -- the corpse of a star that once resembled the supergiant.

The system is called Cygnus X-1, indicating it was the first source of X-rays discovered in the constellation Cygnus. Discovered by the Uhuru X-ray satellite in the early 1970s, it was also one of the first suspected black holes.

The X-rays come from a disk of gas that's spiraling into the black hole. As the two stars orbit each other once every 5.6 days, the black hole's gravitational pull causes the blue supergiant to "bulge" toward it. In profile, the supergiant would resemble an egg, with the small end aimed at the black hole. But this egg doesn't have a smooth edge. Instead, hot gas flows away from the star toward the black hole. The gas forms a wide, flat accretion disk that encircles the black hole. Friction heats the gas to a billion degrees or more, causing it to emit a torrent of X-rays -- enough to fry any living thing within millions of miles.

But the X-ray glow isn't steady. Instead, it flickers, which is one bit of evidence that identifies the dark member of the binary as a black hole. Gas enters the outer edge of the accretion disk then spirals closer to the star. If the center of the disk contained a normal star, or even a superdense neutron star, then the disk would get hotter and brighter all the way in to its center, with the brightest X-rays coming from the middle. Instead, the X-ray glow cuts off well outside the center of the disk. Observations with Hubble Space Telescope reveal that the central region occasionally flares up as blobs of gas break off the inner edge of the disk and spiral into the black hole.

These blobs are accelerated to a large fraction of the speed of light, so they circle the black hole hundreds of times per second. This causes the system's X-rays to "flicker." If the blobs of gas were orbiting a larger object, they would not move as fast, so their high-speed revolution is one bit of circumstantial evidence that identifies the dark companion as a black hole.

The black hole's strong gravitational field "redshifts" the energy emitted by this gas to longer and longer wavelengths. Eventually, as the gas approaches the event horizon, the redshift becomes so great that the material disappears from view -- just before it spirals into the black hole.

Egyptian authorities try to hide the cave discovery

According to Collins,

"Dr Hawass [Secretary General for Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities] actually denied the existence of the caves. He has done this publicly. Why he has done this is a matter of debate.

The most easiest explanation is that the preliminary investigations that he did following our visit to inform him of the discovery of this cave, in April 2008, meant that his people went in the tomb overlooked the entrance, as we did initially."

Fifteen months later, bowing to the inquiries made by the press and Egyptian scholars, Dr Hawass confirmed that he has ordered an all-Egyptian team to explore the tomb at the center of the "controversy". Controversy? How could a discovery on such a scale be controversial?

"We are clearing this system now, and it is a Late Period catacomb, like many others around Egypt," he stated this week. "There is no mystery about it, and there is no connection with esoteric topics. We will publish our results as part of our normal process."

While applauding Dr Hawass's new interest in the site, Collins remains sceptical of his motives. "We knew in August that he had started clearing the tomb," he said. "The excavations began almost immediately after knowledge of the cave discovery hit the internet."

Collins is also unconvinced by Hawass's explanation of what he calls the "catacomb". "Does his use of the term 'system' now suggest that he has found and entered the caves, which he previously denied even existed? he asks.

"My colleagues and I have examined photographic evidence of dynastic catacombs throughout Egypt, and these all appear to be carved by human hands." --Hawass

But photographs don't lie. Collins says, "Those at Giza are natural, and penetrate the bedrock for many hundreds of metres, perhaps following the course of local geological faulting."

Although Dr Hawass suggests there is no mystery surrounding the "catacomb", Collins suspects that the caves extend beneath the Second Pyramid, where ancient tradition puts the legendary Tomb of Hermes [right], Egypt's legendary founder. This is significant because Hermes is known as the Great Wisdom Bringer and Collins suspects that the chambers could possibly reveal something left behind by Hermes -- something like the legendary Hall of Records.

The Hall of Records -- as prophesied by Edgar Cayce?

According to the legendary psychic, Edgar Cayce, the pyramids were constructed by an ancient civilization that had its origins in Atlantis. This great civilization existed somewhere around 10,000 to 11,000 BC and was responsible for building the Great Pyramid, and for burying the lost history of mankind in a chamber called "The Hall of Records."

"The records are one... [They contain] "...a record of Atlantis from the beginnings of those periods when the spirit took form or began the encasements in that land." -- Cayce

The records extend through the first destructions of that ancient civilization, the exodus of Atlanteans to other lands, and the final destruction of Atlantis. They contain a description of the building of the Great Pyramid, as well as a prophecy of "who, what, where, would come [to make] the opening of the records."

Collins says,

"This has never been found. So perhaps it is still there, awaiting discovery, somewhere close to where Salt and Caviglia reached nearly 200 years ago.

"I do believe that the caves that we have entered are part of a much larger complex that stretches right beneath the entire Giza plateau."

Collins explains that the network of caves are natural and resemble Swiss Cheese. He believes they were formed long before the pyramids were built and suggests that they could be the reason the pyramids were built on this site. The early civilizations believed that part of the dying process involved traversing the so-called "underworld" and these caves might have been viewed as the entrance to this underworld. There is evidence of human activity in the deepest parts of the caves.

Satellite images help verify the caves

According to Collins, "Satellite images would tend to suggest that the caves... go all the way to the Second Pyramid." A little west of here archaeologists have found a collection of bird mummies. Since the constellation of Cygnus is historically depicted as a bird, specifically a swan, it is theorized that worshippers left mummified birds as an offering associated with this star configuration or perhaps to Socar, the bird-like figure that was the ruler of the underworld.

From the entrance of the caves it appears that you can travel towards the Second Pyramid and directly under the spot where the Cygnus star, Deneb, would be aligned with the three pyramids and the wings of Cygnus. Is this where we will find the famed "Hall of Records"? Will the Egyptian government allow the world to know about what's really there? Why are they being so secretive?

What's in the caves

As of February 2010, Dr Zahi Hawass revealed that the system of caves was being probed by a host of experts.

"We have experts in all fields working with us," he revealed this week. "Archaeologists, geologists, engineers, and architects, to name a few... I will be posting information about our excavation at Giza on my web site and will be publishing the results of our work in due course."

Work at the cave-tomb, designated "NC2" by American Egyptologist George A. Reisner, has discovered two new rock-cut shafts and stairways leading into a maze of underground chambers and galleries never seen before in recorded history. Dr Hawass has suggested that they may date to the Old kingdom period. It appears that the caves were originally used as catacombs but leter were used for a bird necropolis, where mummified birds and other small animals were offered as sacrifices.

A British man named Richard Gabriel and his partner Judith was able to gain access to the tomb and cave system and take a sequence of breathtaking pictures. The top 5 photos are from the actual tomb.



Notice the many electrical cables [above, left] indicating the level of activity currently being undertaken in the caves.

One photo [above, right] displays rock simulacrum in the form of a snake's head, making sense of local folk stories which claim that the caves are haunted by a giant snake called el-Nahash.

So now we wait. What will these "Experts" find in the maze of caves? Are there records of a prior civilization, describing their accomplishments in science and philosophy? Are there warnings of a fate that they once survived and is yet to befall us? And will they tell us if they do find these things?

What do you think?

From Viewzone @ http://www.viewzone.com/pyr.NC2z.html , http://www.viewzone.com/pyr.NC3.html and http://www.viewzone.com/pyramidcavesx.html

For more information about Giza see http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/giza
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