Wednesday 16 July 2014

Reality is a Fluid Fractal Hologram

Reality is a Fluid Fractal Hologram


The Dance of the Holographic Universe


holographic universe
For more than three quarters of a century now, modern physicists have known that scientific thought based solely on the previously accepted Newtonian view of a mechanical universe is fundamentally incorrect. What is now referred to as the ‘new science’ has emerged from new understandings and discoveries that were simply not possible by scientific ideas prevailing from the time of Isaac Newton to the early twentieth century. These new realizations have interesting implications on the role human consciousness plays in our understanding of reality.

Before these new discoveries, the world was assumed to operate according to concrete physical laws, and any idea of consciousness having any importance was shunned. As Henry Stapp puts it in his book Mindful Universe: “Any notion that your conscious choices make a difference in how you behave was branded an illusion: you were asserted to be causally equivalent to a mindless automation.”

As Stapp goes on to explain, even though this incorrect view of human functioning was proven false long ago, its influence can still be seen in all aspects of our society: governments, schools, the media, courts, medical institutions and ultimately, ourselves. This fundamental flaw in the worldview of a vast majority of people in the world could be the reason why there is so much widespread neglect of the environment, social injustice and the general degradation of humanity as a whole.

What follows from a mechanistic view of reality is a sense of detachment from one’s true nature. If a person views him or herself as having no control over the material forces that are assumed to run the universe, a hopeless state is bound to take hold. If everything is happening ‘out there’ beyond our control, what meaning is there to be found in life and humankind’s place in the universe?

We are now at a point in the evolution of humanity where the new discoveries of scientific research are more accessible than ever, as is the ancient wisdom which has been with us all along. It is becoming obvious that the mainstream media and the majority of the current educational system do not actually have an interest in elevating the consciousness of humanity. Rather, they are concerned with perpetuating misleading memes and keeping the majority caught in the fatalistic worldview of a mechanical universe.

The new Holographic Paradigm


Elevated states of consciousness, which were once only accessible by the mystic, are rapidly beginning to be investigated by scientific minds of our time. A new paradigm is emerging: that of the holographic universe. It is a paradigm in which consciousness, once thrown out as a useless imagining, is now acknowledged as the long sought after ‘missing link.’

Researchers like the late David Bohm of the University of London drew on large bodies of contemporary research to formulate a new theory of the role consciousness plays in our understanding of the universe. Bohm viewed thought as an organizational framework by which we categorize our experience of the world.

In this sense, thoughts can be seen as world views, or a sort of filter through which we can understand the totality of the world. These world views are dynamically linked to the energetic fields we resonate with. From this, it stands to reason that the clearer our minds become, the more we are able to see reality as it truly is.

David R. Hawkins, another recent leader in the field of consciousness research, summarizes this new theory as follows: “Our brains mathematically construct concrete reality by interpreting frequencies from another dimension, a realm of meaningful, patterned, primary reality that transcends time and space. The brain is, therefore, a hologram interpreting a holographic universe.”

From this new perspective, it is evident that our conscious intention has a prominent role in determining our experience of the material world around us. If our physical brains are interpreting the energy fields of higher dimensions, then it stands to reason that our thoughts hold far more power over our material world than is currently accepted.

Thought as an Emergence from a deeper reality


Thought itself has begun to be understood as emerging from energetic fields, which are beyond time, space and the material brain. When we think we are tapping into and simultaneously broadcasting these fields into our environment. Thus, we have a conscious choice as to which energy fields we decide to tap into, and each of these different fields has its own world view.

We can tune the dial to pick up the fields of anger and resentment, and adopt its corresponding view of a world of frustration. Likewise, we can tune the dial to pick up the energetic fields of acceptance and peace, and its corresponding view of the world as helpful and nurturing. The choice is ultimately ours.

A basic law of consciousness, which has long been realized by the mystic, is that what is held in mind tends to manifest itself. It is interesting that the direction of contemporary theoretical physics is now pointing towards this exact same realization. Scientific research is now confirming that our minds have the power to shape and create our reality.

This shift in perception changes everything. We are no longer resigned to the hopeless idea that we are too small and insignificant to do anything about the ‘problems’ of a mechanistic world. The holographic world can now be seen as a grand stage on which various energetic fields interact and play with each other.

We are actors upon this stage, and our roles are influenced by the various energetic fields we tap into. Some are the actors of positive, life affirming energies; others tap into the apathetic and pessimistic world view of negativity. Each person gravitates towards an energetic field that resonates with their current level of consciousness.

The beauty of the play is that all of the actors have the choice, in any moment, to adjust the dial and consciously choose which energetic fields to align with. The only way to positively transform ourselves, and the world, is by elevating our own consciousness, and this is done simply by holding the intention to align ourselves with energetic fields of a higher vibration.

When understood in this way, everyone has the opportunity to step into the energetic dance of the holographic universe.

From Fractal Enlightenment @

Quantum Physics Tells Us Separation Is Only An Illusion



“Those trees are your lungs. The earth recycles as your body. The rivers recycle as your circulation. The air is your breath. So what do we call the environment?” 
— Deepak Chopra: Physical Healing, Emotional Well Being

A new paradigm is emerging out of the rubble of the reductionist model. This new paradigm dissolves the illusion of separateness between anything and anyone.


Discovering More About Our Universe


As we research smaller and smaller units of matter, it has become clear to some that there is perhaps no final unit waiting to be discovered but a fundamental unity to everything. Physicist David Bohm, whose work is described in Michael Talbot’s the Holographic Universe, calls the fundamental unity at the end of all matter the implicate order. David Wilcock makes reference to the Source Field.

A popular metaphor for the universe in this new view is a hologram that projects what we experience as matter, light energy, etc.  An important property of holograms is that information contained throughout is contained within any unit. For instance, if you cut a piece of holographic film with a picture of an apple in half, both halves of the film will still project the whole apple! (This is only true of real holograms produced by shining a laser through holographic film, not of the hologram type pictures and stickers like those found on credit cards).

One phenomena in quantum physics that supports this view is known as “non locality.” Briefly, 2 quanta (photons, electrons, etc.) can become “entangled” that is, influence each other even across vast distances. Physicists were blown away by this because it seemed like these particles were communicating faster than the speed of light. This led to the notion that on some level these quanta are existing without location, thus no “speed” is needed.

Since this is so contrary to our experience and how we have been taught to view things, it can be a bit mind boggling to think that somewhere particles are “speaking” to each other, where this is no location.

Advocates of quantum biology such as Deepak Chopra point to the similarities between phenomena in quantum physics and biology: It can be said that the cells in your body are doing the same thing, communicating on a non-local level.


What is this “non-local” level of you and of the universe?


Well, it is consciousness. Your sense of self and continuity of experience is not contained within anything in your brain or body in any physical way, the cells of your body die and all the material that makes the physical you is replaced continuously throughout your life. It is consciousness that remains and gives you this experience.   

What is becoming clear is what we experience as separate things is actually an illusion. Since there is only a fundamental unity then the idea that you are somehow separate from the outside environment begins to fade.  The earth in which you live, is you, you are the earth and everything within it.  You are the universe, everything it takes to make a universe is contained within all of us. Remember, consciousness has no boundaries, the only limits to your consciousness, is your imagination.

From Collective Evolution @

For more information about our holographic cosmos see
For more information about consciousness see
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  1. If one simply takes psilocybin mushrooms and meditates they can realise all that you have stated; the universe is a mirage and indeed the perceiver of the mirage is also part of the mirage. There is no self, there is no free will, there is no thinker of thoughts, no doer of deeds, we are all "god", we are all the one eternal energy; as above, so below, as within, so without etc, life implies death, nothing implies something, it is all cyclical and fractal repeating ad infinitum on every level etc etc, but the reality is there is nothing "special" about this understanding, at the end of the day all that is taking place here is organisms consuming other organisms to replicate a DNA molecule for no reason other than replication. Mirage or not, lions are ripping gazelles apart as we speak for a bucket of calories to do the same thing over again. Parasites, slaughterhouses, cancer etc. We are no different than the beats, it's just consumption, excretion, reproduction and death...everything else is drama...and so it continues over and over again, there is no escaping this trapless trap. When the great master Bodhidharma was asked, "what is the main principle of the holy teachings?" He replied, "Vast emptiness, nothing holy." See beyond the veil, enter emptiness...this world is void, there is nothing sacred about it.

    1. Aye - a convincing transcendence of the ego. And yet within and beyond the void is the light of consciousness, eternally manifesting from nothingness.

  2. Thanks - UPLIFTING spam for a change ;)


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