Tuesday 4 February 2014

The Men Who Stare At Scapegoats

The Men Who Stare At Scapegoats
The Hidden Hand is Quicker Than the Eye




One day we all grow wise or weary enough to see the world as it is, and begin to understand that there are apparently insurmountable obstacles facing humankind. The faint of heart can be easily discouraged by the plethora of problems that fill our daily mindscapes, or simply look for someone to blame. It’s easy to fool ourselves into believing the cause is an easily identifiable elitist group somewhere ‘out there’, who wish the rest of us grievous harm.


To be sure, there are a number of groups and organisations that may fit this description – particularly religious organisations who preach that if you’re not part of their flock you’re an accursed heretic or wicked infidel, along with just about every large corporation – but they’re all engaged in an eternal competition for power. They all undermine each other. None reign supreme. The competitive compulsion to dominate and control is killing the world.


Why is your food toxic and genetically 'modified'? Why is your air and drinking water radioactive? Why is the planet poisoned and poised on the brink of starvation? Why does everything cost so much? Why was the world you grew up in so much better than today's?

Because of greed and competitiveness. Because almost everyone competes with each other to keep the old broke and broken system going, wasting most of their precious time and energy to feed the beastly status quo – helping banksters, warmongers and control freaks to vainly imagine they're rich and powerful at the expense of everyone and everything else.

Because most people have been trained to fritter the best years of their lives away in mindless labour, consume poisonous concoctions instead of real living food, buy endless amounts of useless crap, compete with incompetents for no real reward, and reproduce all their problems through another generation - doing nothing but struggling and working to keep a barred, screened box between them and the world, barracking for cheating sports teams and corrupt political parties until they die, painfully, miserably and at great expense.

Is that a life? Is that what you really want to do?

Why do you have to pay imaginary ‘money’ to someone else to live on the planet? Most people incomprehensibly pay 'rent', 'mortgages' and quasi-government taxes to live on the Earth. They keep paying for buildings and infrastructure their grandparents have already built (that require very little to maintain compared with the amount shelled out) – along with fees and taxes (which mainly go to the 'interest' of banksters) and for utilities that were built by our parents and then sold off to front companies of wealthy individuals by well bribed politicians.

Inflation eats all your savings and taxes consume all your property unless you’re rich enough to beat the game. Who in their right mind would work to support such a system?


But is there a real, actual, identifiable group or person who’s responsible for all our troubles? There is – and they’re very familiar.



Buried in Crap

Don't be fossil fooled. It’s tempting to believe that our climate, water and food supplies are being destroyed because Big Oil, Big Coal, Big Nuke and Big Fartgas won't allow you to have clean transport or energy systems. After all, neonazi neoconmen fronted by the likes of Cheneys, Blairs, Obamas, Putins and Bushes obviously suppress unfortunate truths and alternative technologies. Corporations and their puppet politicians bribe, blackmail and kill the inventors of alternative technologies, start wars to win elections and steal other people’s resources, rake in trillions from people’s ignorance, lie to you with impunity through their pet media outlets and effectively stunt, maim and kill your babies with poisons prescribed by their medicos.

But the real culprits are you, your friends and your family.

Sure - psychotic, racist, militant industrialist maggots with megalomania complexes rule the roost. They do everything they can to stay on top of the heap and put rivals down whenever possible. They pollute the planet with profitable poisons, defecating on everyone below like the topmost monkey in a tree-bound primate hierarchy. And all the while miseducated dolts do their work for them, while denying that climate change is happening - failing to understand that their widescreen TV and fume-spewing car are killing the world - because half the population is always below average in every respect, and most of the rest can't keep their eyes on the prize. Almost all succumb to the mindless treadmill of wage slavery, feeding the beastly reality of their own demise with every waking hour.

Denial of personal responsibility is a hallmark of a childish mind, not of innocence. Some ignoramuses even believe themselves to be maverick free thinkers because they reckon they know who to blame for all the ills of the world – a small group of evil-minded creatures who lurk in the shadows, a secret society of puppeteers who manipulate the world by remote control. In some respects this is doubtless the case, but it’s only the tip of the iceberg. The invisible majority of the iceberg is made up of you and the people you know – the far from blameless 999% who do most of the destroying and polluting with the ultimate power to purchase crap.

Those who claim that CO2 exists in such small quantities in the atmosphere that it can’t possibly be a planet-warming ‘greenhouse gas’ are entirely mistaken. It is, and ignorance isn’t bliss. Carbon dioxide resonates in infrared frequencies and therefore relatively low levels have huge effects – even at less than one part in a thousand. Our toxic industries have doubled the level of CO2 in our air in just a couple of centuries.

How can anyone believe that doubling the level of a potent gas in the closed system of our biosphere will do nothing at all? Fossil fool deniers remain curiously silent when confronted with the undeniable acidification (and death) of the planet’s oceans, which is directly due to unprecedentedly rapid increases in CO2 levels.

It seems easier for rusted-on republicans who love gas guzzling vehicles produced by rapacious oil barons to look for someone else to blame than  to study data, use alternative vehicles or do anything at all to ease the atrocious burden they place on the planet – easier to call their superannuated nemesis Al Gore a liar every time it snows.

When confronted with inconvenient truths they attempt to claim that any increase in carbon dioxide (or methane) is from natural sources, entirely ignoring the fact that we can determine most of the increase is anthropogenic (created by humans) using easily understood and verifiable means, including isotope analysis. And CO2 isn’t the only ‘greenhouse gas’. It isn’t even the most potent warming gas our smokestacks, exhausts and drains have been jettisoning into the world, or released from melting permafrost by global warming.

We haven’t even stopped pumping out gases known to destroy the ozone layer into the atmosphere, despite the much vaunted Montreal Protocol forced on corporations a generation ago. Is it any wonder the ‘ozone holes’ are still spreading from the poles, burning our life forms with cancerous ultraviolet rays? And is it any surprise that you don’t even hear about the ‘ozone hole’ anymore, while ads for poisonous carcinogenic chemical ‘sunscreens’ fill the airwaves? Slipshod slaps in the face – that’s all you get from governments and corporations who exploit the ultrashort memories and easily distracted pinpoint imaginations of Mr and Mrs Average.

Another popular lie consists of the notion that the Sun is heating up and that that’s the sole cause of global warming. It isn’t, and it isn’t. Some cite the fact that many planets in the solar system are undergoing radical energetic changes never before witnessed by humankind, claiming this is a sign of general warming in our solar environment - but we have barely begun to see the solar system clearly enough to notice these details. It’s quite probable that the solar system is a far more dynamic place than we have been led to believe by outdated perceptions and conceptions.

Many commentators have developed the habit of claiming that H.A.A.R.P. technology (like the Alaska-based ionosphere heating system, similar to other dangerous international projects) is responsible for every weather catastrophe, earthquake and tidal wave to afflict populous areas in the last decade. It’s easy for most to ignore the fact that all these increasing effects were being felt well before the advent of this technology.

The climate catastrophes we’re witnessing were all predicted by science a generation ago. Their cause is well known – injection of excess energy into our biosphere via byproducts of human technologies. Yet climate change denialists misuse H.A.A.R.P. – a potentially dangerous technology still primarily undergoing test phases - to explain just about every negative and radical change occurring in the ecosystem. Many claim it’s a tool for economic warfare. Some even claim it’s used to attack its country of origin; yet obviously, if this technology is everything it’s cracked up to be then local effects would more likely be caused by foreign installations, rather than being domestic terror events or depopulation strategies by clandestine ‘shadow government’ operators.

H.A.A.R.P.’s effect is truly insignificant compared with known problems caused by the vast range of pollutants we’ve filthied our nest with – pollution which more than adequately explains global heating and local cooling effects, and the increase in destructive earthquake activity and concomitant tsunamis (due largely to crustal displacement caused by already increasing sea levels). We’ve been warned about these outcomes of global pollution by environmentalists and other scientists since at least the 1970s. They’re no surprise to the wise.

Similar weather modification claims are regularly made about the widely disputed chemtrail program which, if it exists at all on any scale, seems to mainly affect the USA. Some Americans scan the skies, amazed at the overarching grid patterns laid out in the heavens above and proclaim them to be akin to a vast insecticide program aimed at human beings.

What they fail to consider is that these grid patterns are standard flight and holding patterns for the incredible number of daily flights going on over their heads. Older people who claim ‘the sky didn’t look like that when I was a kid’ have no idea how radically the number of aircraft flights has increased in their brief time on Earth, particularly over and around urban areas. They forget how long the sky has been filled with noxious gases from industrial smokestacks and their own vehicles. The amount of conventional crap spewed from aircraft engines is never considered.

Airplane fuel is no less polluting than the liquid garbage people pump through their car’s fuel tank. Toxic fuel, filled with a raft of attendant poisons like benzene and the seeds of sulphuric acid pour onto their heads and into their food and water continuously. Those who think they’re witnessing evidence of a new phenomenon fail to realise that most of those contrail exhaust patterns are actually evidence of standard human technology’s ongoing assault on an overloaded planet – a planet whose systems can no longer keep the air clean and the sky blue after centuries of nonstop human abuse.

‘Chemtrails’ are a handy screen for covering up the amazing amount of industrial toxins that have polluted soils and water supplies for many generations. High levels of aluminium, barium, strontium and other noxious substances – often misidentified as evidence of chemtrails - have been pouring from the chimney stacks of power stations, aluminium (and other) smelters and toxic industries of all kinds for decades, and raining on everyone and everything downwind. It’s easier for many to imagine that airline companies are adding engine-damaging heavy metals to their aircraft fuel – an absurd impossibility that would result in massive aircraft failures– than to face a truth they’ve been ignoring since the 1960s.

After all, many, many Mr and Mrs Averages earn an unliving via toxic factories, farms and mines.

Meanwhile real, present, extraordinarily dangerous threats to human survival, like nuclear power and ‘disposing’ of mountains of nuclear waste by shooting it at ‘enemies’ in uranium-laced weapons are virtually ignored.

Chemtrails and HAARP, while real, are currently very minor influences – the real culprit is YOU. Humans are wrecking the planet and its climate, but not with little experimental toys like these - yet. HAARP, chemtrails and other weather 'modification' technologies are still experimental and very limited in scope. We have destroyed our climate by polluting the planet with chemicals, fumes and 'wastes'. Our putrid deathstyles are the cause; almost are of us are responsible.

The dangerously high mercury levels in the world’s oceans (and fish) are directly caused by the fumes from coal burning power stations. We all know why most Pacific sea life is now too radioactive to eat. Aluminium smelters are notoriously toxic. Nuclear power plants leak like sieves. Where do you suppose all the ‘waste’ that results from your plastic furniture, carpets, clothes, cosmetics, cars and toys goes to? Who buys and eats ‘foods’ laced with insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and other patented killers of life? Why do you think cancer rates quadrupled in two generations – long before the effects of FukUshima were ever felt?

It’s tempting to blame industrialists and the usual band of moneygrubbing corporate suspects for all this pollution. But the truth is that just about everyone who lives in a city or is connected to the electric grid is directly responsible for their own demise. The occasional effects of technologies like HAARP and chemtrails are miniscule compared with the ongoing damage ‘normal’ human lifestyles wield every day.

It’s hardly surprising that climate change deniers use furphies like HAARP, chemtrails and dubious claims of solar changes to cover their guilt. But don't buy their bullshit or spread it around for them for free. Climate catastrophe is real. Wake up and smell the shit in your air. Greed is ignorance. There’s almost no baby left in the filthy bathwater of today’s human civilisation and it’s time to radically clean that bathwater; there’s nowhere and no way to simply throw it out in a sealed biosphere.

Welcome to the self-enclosed life support system of Planet Earth. How many things in the room you currently inhabit are ‘natural’? How many are truly safe? What are your rugs, carpets and furnishings made from? How about your bed and pillow? You’ve almost certainly already poisoned yourself. It’s time for a radical detox.

Hippies, native people and ecologists have been warning of all these outcomes for generations now. It’s time to realise they were right all along, and to know that anyone who takes an active part in the economy of their nation – or simply flushes their toilet or drains into a river or ocean, or turns on a light switch connected to a coal or nuclear burning power station, or buys just about anything that’s for sale - is directly responsible for their own poisoning and the destruction of their children’s future.

Your bloodstream can only be as pure as your environment, and vice versa. Embrace the long-neglected loving logic of outcast hippies and native people. Treat the earth as a mother, and love her! Treat your body as your lover, and love yourself!

The messenger often gets the blame for an inconvenient truth. The meanings of these two phrases need to be learned by every child (and adulterated adult child) alive today: ‘The Precautionary Principle’ – whereby you don’t do something if you don’t know if it will be dangerous or damaging - and ‘Cui Bono?’ (‘Who profits?’). They’re the simple, obvious keys to understanding where true responsibility lies – and how the truly responsible lie, and die.

We must free ourselves from mental slavery.


Oily Zionist Propaganda Wars

What is ‘Zion’? It’s merely a big, imaginary city, a fantasy vision from a Bronze Age mushroom head, just as fictitious as the underground metropolis of the Matrix trilogy. For some, it refers to the long lost, quasi-mythical land of ancient Israel. But almost every time you see ‘Zionists’ blamed for anything you can be fairly sure you’re reading propaganda produced by zealous oilfield sultanates and potentates (originally created by Britain to divide and conquer the Arab and Persian worlds)- propaganda spread far and wide by unwitting dupes and gormless racists.

The vast wealth of Arab and Persian oil nations is funnelled into anti-Israeli propaganda at every possible opportunity. Their tiny corners of the world are all that really matters to these myopic tribes. It takes up most of their attention. Isn’treal is a tiny postage stamp of a country. It barely impinges on the wider world, but is a massive eyesore and insult to the world of Islime.

Arab countries see the 1948 invasion of Palestine as one of the most significant events in world history, and for all the wrong reasons. To power mongers locked into the ‘Great Game’ of world domination they’re merely throwbacks standing in the path of industrial plans. Isn’treal is simply a beachhead for Western Powers in the Middle Eastern oil fields. When the oil runs out, so will Western support, and Isn’treal and Saudi Arabia will be allowed – or made - to disappear in puffs of bloodstained dust.

That running sore, the nation of Isn’treal, certainly is a colonialist imposition - foisted on the Arab world by Britain and the US, just like most modern Arabian satrapies. It was created to gain a foothold near Middle East oilfields and the Suez Canal at the dawn of the phony Cold War. The refugee tribes of desperate Israelis certainly have morphed into a Nazi-like regime of racist warmongers. Maybe that’s what comes from being persecuted to within an inch of your lives for centuries, and from being connived into a place where you’re surrounded by people who loudly proclaim they want you dead. Dreams engendered by their outdated, sexist, elitist, racist, slave driving Bronze Age religion have been very effectively used against them and everyone else.

Yet despite denials by those who abhor and decry the Israeli propensity for violently aggressive survivalism, ‘Zionist’ is simply a code word for ‘Filthy Jew’ to most. The term provides a handy shield for the same old racist antisemites whose ancestors murdered the so-called ‘chosen people’ in massacres and genocidal pogroms for thousands of years. And not just Jews. Christians and Moslems have been slaughtering each other and everyone else in their way for more than a thousand years.

In fact the vast majority of Zionists are followers of Christinanity. Christinanity is an inherently Zionist religion, proclaiming the need to retake the ‘holy land’ so an imaginary long-dead zombie messiah can arise from the grave in Solomon’s rebuilt Temple of Jerusalem (see The King of the World). Absurd, isn’t it? And yet filthy rich, corrupt, thieving, gold-plated, silk-wearing, child molesting priests of this stupid, putrid death cult are still allowed to spread lies and commit fraud with impunity, tax free, in the ‘modern’ world of the Third Millennium Anno Domini!

The real Zionists – mostly followers of fundamentalist sects of Christinanity in the USA (recreating the nation of Israel is actually prohibited under traditional Jewish religious lore, a fact conveniently ignored by most Israeli ‘Jews’) – make handy dupes and willing propagandists for the industrialists and oil barons who really run the show.

Stupid religious fables suit the purposes of plutocrats who care nothing for the crap vomited out by churches, temples, synagogues and mosques. They know where their real truth of material wealth that spans immortal ages lies – in oil and minerals, factories and farms, workers and taxes. They’ve used various religions to blind and bind their landlocked wage serfs since Adam was a lad.

Most people fail to realise there are only around twenty million Jehovah-bedamned Jews in the entire world. There are around a BILLION followers of Islime, a BILLION Cathoholics, a BILLION other Christians, a BILLION Chinese and at least half a billion each of Hindus and Buddhists. Those who claim Jews run the world must have very low regard for their own people, or they must believe Jews are something more than human. 


The Catholic Jesuit (NOT Jewish) Rothschild banking dynasty and all their egregious bankster associates have taken advantage of the stupidity of others to make money for centuries, but that particular Vatican-dominated ‘Court Jew’ banking cartel controls only a fraction of the world’s REAL wealth.

Ever hear of the House of Saud? How about all the other oil-rich Gulf nations? Do you think they entrust their wealth to their adversaries? What about the Chinese and Indians? What about Switzerland? How about Russia and Korea? Or the Vatican? It’s easier to blame the Jews for the crimes of all banksters than to recognise that the biggest Western banksters are members of a secretive cult of Jesuits, or that Jews probably only control about 10% of the world’s real wealth and monetary illusions.

Many claim the Vatican is the ultimate culprit, but like all gangster front organisations such as other governments, monarchies and banking corporations, the unholy Roman megacult is ruled by individual nonbelieving gangsters – rich, greedy, cynical fat cat men and women with names and addresses and an incredible amount to hide.

Do you think the Jesuit Rothschilds control or ‘own’ China or Russia or the Vatican trillions? Think again. They may own lots of money – but money doesn’t exist. It’s crappy pottage made for peons and taxable wage slaves. The real owners don’t use the stuff. It’s a distracting fable that helps hide the sources and repositories of true wealth. Knowledge isn’t power. Money isn’t power. Power is power, and the primary power of true ownership is the power to kill competitors and enforce dominance.

The real ‘owners’ are dynastic and monarchic in dust realists with legions of partisan followers who allow neuvo riche banksters and other apparent rivals to exist – it’s not the other way around, as many presume. Old Money still rules, because it has little to do with money and everything to do with real, vital resources. The banksters are a handy foil and shield for inbred, neotonous, nepotistic families that have been trained for millennia to believe they’re born to rule everyone else.

Most of the worst are supposed Catholics or WASPS; nonbelieving, domineering materialists who merely pretend to be Christians. They are racist, predatory, self-styled kings and queens, dukes and earls, barons and knights – warmongers in sheep’s clothing to whom the supremacy of bloodline is all that matters. They want everyone to believe that Jesus was their great-great grandfather so they have the ‘right’ to dominate all mere mortals.

And of course there are similar ‘divine’ aristocracies in most Eastern nations that hold superstitious, well-entrained people in servile salaryman thraldom, promoting mandatory belief in their fraudulent supernatural links - lineages descending from some primeval tribal god or goddess, or a bloodthirsty national bully. Today’s banking system simply suits their purposes as well as yesterday’s methods of command and control.

Only dynasties have a chance of maintaining the same territorial holdings and ongoing plans over many generations. Only dynasties and the cults they sponsor have the wherewithal to control and edit human history over many millennia. Only the victors get to write history and to control perceptions of reality on a daily basis.

It suits the purposes of the REAL global power mongers for people to believe that the Israelis are behind every calumny in the whole wide world - that they run the US and Britain and that the tail wags the dog. It’s a farcical perspective engendered by purblind Middle Eastern nations, spread far and wide by (other) racists and encouraged by Western countries to misdirect blame and assuage their own guilt.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3682/10459129914_619de13b05_b.jpgJudaism is as inherently racist as, say, the Japanese nation and many others. In fact, virtually everyone who identifies with a particular ‘race’ is usually inherently racist. But the crazy tenets of all religions spawned by the followers of that Bronze Age Babylonian child molester Abraham are the prime excuses for humans to hate each other and to destroy the ecosystem – because this real, live, beautiful world just doesn’t matter to idiots who believe that Planet Earth can never be as good as some imaginary future afterlife. True Believers can’t accept the gift of the present. Masterfully trained to ultimately hate themselves and despise their existence, they only dream of pie in the sky.

All the Abrahamic sects are death cults. Followers of Christinanity, Moronism, Islime and heebie-jeebie-believing Jews are death worshipping fantasists who couldn’t live in the NOW if you rubbed their noses in it. They love an imaginary big brother in the clouds more than life– and consciousness - itself. Everything they touch turns to shit and arid desert.

Only some imaginary heavenly Bardo realm matters to them, not Paradise on Earth. As a result they’ve systematically trashed the planet to please their true masters –families of psychotic ex-monarchs who believe they and they alone are worthy to wield power over all others. The fabricated belief in a ‘divine right of kings’- spread by the cults they created - has brainwashed untold generations into serfdom and suffering.

By definition, monarchy is psychosis and monarchs are psychotics.


‘Intelligence’ Agents of Corpora(te Na)tions

Today’s self-styled monarchs are not the kings and queens of old, who in many cases were true representatives of their people. Ancient kingship derived from spiritual awareness and connectedness to the wider tribe. Today’s monarchic rule is rulership over territories, not people, and their territories are far-flung and fluid in the modern world. Today’s monarchs are largely invisible, while some (like the Belgian/Dutch rulers of Britain) hide in plain sight behind false names, masquerading as powerless figureheads. Their only allegiance is to members of their own immediate family, and as far as they’re concerned if you’re not in their family you’re not in their race.

This is paradoxically true of monarchs of every race and colour, a credo shared by reflexive insect hives and hunter-gatherer primate bands alike. It’s nothing unusual, but merely the default state of unselfconscious, unaware, unexamined existence. Racism is simply one of the nastier stigmata demarking the more insecure and less evolved elements of primate tribal nature.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8349/8185086066_fe2f614437_k.jpg Recognising that blood is thicker than water, that bloodlines rule and that only dynasties have a chance of maintaining the same territorial holdings and ongoing plans over many generations, lesser control freak organisations adopt similar nepotistic practices. They swap their own spouses and children with those of other powerful families and incorporate those of their rivals into their own families in biological ‘friendly mergers’.

Many successful political parties, financial transnationals and industrial conglomerates are now as interbred and inbred as royal families. They control holdings and private armies as extensive as the bloodlines they emulate and occasionally breed with. Many of these busynestmen like to believe they run the world through secret societies of brotherly lodges and deathly oaths that control the purloined prizes of global resources - including intelligence networks.

It suits the interests of ancient bloodlines that the New Money believes this to be the case, but other, even more remote powers rule their bourgeois roost.

In a world of ultimate surveillance, where everything outdoors is nakedly visible to spy satellites, drones or CCTV and almost all indoor areas are similarly observable - where phone lines, airwaves, emails, websites and records of all communications are routinely monitored and stored by systems Big Brother could only fantasise about – it’s gratifying to see the reaction of ‘statesmen’ and executives when their dirty laundry is hung out to dry by anonymous hackers.

Everyone is watched, but the age old question remains; who watches the watchers; who guards the guardians?

The compartmentalised structure of modern intelligence agencies has rendered the hidden work of spies more invisible and unchallengeable than the more grandiose schemes of any secret society of the past. ‘Need to know’ means that no-one really knows anything much - particularly who’s in charge of the vast black budgets provided by unwitting taxpayers. Unheard of weapons and transportation systems have already been deployed – systems that are sometimes under the control of no conventional government. Secret redoubts in extremely remote places, along with extraordinarily expensive means of access have been constructed at a cost of trillions of dollars over many decades by clandestine groups who believe, above all, in their own survival.

The greatest threat to peace, freedom, security and democracy comes not from terrorists, fanatics or even from ‘rogue elements’ within intelligence agencies, but from hidden hands that invisibly manipulate them from the summit of the food chain.

Throughout history there have always been those who occupy the position of puppet master. The real culprits in the ongoing manipulation of events are those with truly long term agendas cemented by the wealth, ties and loyalties attending all dynastic families. Only ruling houses have the wherewithal, endurance and indomitable ruthlessness to maintain control of the apparently headless horsemen of Industry, Finance and Intelligence through generations and centuries. They have long been the ‘secret chiefs’ of magical fraternities and masonic lodges, adept at high order subterfuge and codified control systems. They direct the course of technology and control its disbursal through carefully channelled funding, intimidation and murder. It’s been this way since the time of the Pharaohs, but both truth and change share an incorrigible habit of slipping past all gates, bars and razor wire.

Psychotic control freaks may believe they rule, yet even these indomitable dorks are merely pawns in the grander scheme of things. Even though the rapid desertification of the world’s land surfaces may appear to be an example of ‘unterraforming’ the planet to suit some putative alien invader with designs on local real estate, the truth is that the ecosystem is dying a death of a billion cuts, wielded by almost every human on Earth. Neither alien shapeshifters nor racist monarchies are actually responsible for the destruction of the planetary ecosystem. We all are. You’re the culprit. And, having come this far, you now have a choice to make.

Do you want to see a change?

Real Freedom

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3720/10188880826_fe766ff2d4_b.jpgNo-one likes to realise they’ve been fooled. No-one likes to realise they’ve been wrong. Very few like to admit that they – not some remote shadowy scapegoat - are the problem. Very few are willing to give up their distracting toys, illusory freedoms and toxic pseudo-luxuries and do what’s required – rethink their lives, change their lifestyles, abandon or alter their entrained expectations, resign from their destructive jobs, reconnect with life, grow food, replant the forests, learn to sing and play and play music again, find real friendship in interdependence, leave the toxic cities and get back to the EARTH.

That’s what it will take to save yourself, your soul, your children and your planet, friend; putting down real, solid roots in a healthy water table and extending your awareness into the light of delight.

Expanded consciousness can’t grow amid eternal distraction or ambient fear. It can’t expand while it’s focused on trivia or pain. Almost everyone lives in a hypnagogic, semiconscious, barely awake and scarcely aware state, at one remove from the world of the senses or any other version of true reality.

The world is made of mindstuff and run by hypnosis, and higher consciousness comes with inbuilt filters that make it impossible for anyone attached to material goods or emotional ties to achieve the only real freedom there is – the levity of enlightenment.

Conscious awareness is your true heritage - not temporary material goods, not the ongoing potage of daily distractions and nightly fantasies that comprise pointless existence in modern societies and civilisations. There’s no external truth or external god, but there is an eternal One, and you are it.

Only conscious awareness derived from relentless self-examination can set you free. Know thyself. No excess. The immortal dwells within. Meditate on nothing – nothing at all. It’s the hardest thing in the world, until you achieve it. Then it’s always at hand, ready and waiting for you to re-enter and maintain. Real truth is simpler and more pure than words can possibly convey.

The hippies were always right. Pollution kills. Consciousness is everything, and vice versa. You’re either part of the problem or part of the solution. Think globally, but ACT! Alternatives exist – live them. Grow your hair. Go barefoot. Live in a nice, healthy, comfortable place with a forgiving climate and clean water and air. You can. It’s much easier than those who lock themselves inside barred suburban cells every night can allow themselves to believe. Paradise awaits – we just have to replant it.

You can do MUCH better by putting no more of your time into today’s broken medieval feudal system. It’s easy – and fun – to jump off the rat wheel treadmill. Leave the toxic shitties that were built to keep blindsided workers in their accustomed places. Most cities are unliveable poison sumps now, and all they offer is more ways to lose your lifetime (in case you haven't noticed). Get down to earth - you have nothing to lose but your pains.

You CAN afford to; can you afford not to? If you’re in a position to buy or otherwise liberate some land and water from moneygrubbing destroyers then do it, even if you ‘only’ intend to allow it to return to wilderness. Share it with anyone who respects it, particularly any remaining native custodians with ancestral links to the place.

And it’s much easier to live off-grid these days than most people imagine. If you can’t afford land there are many communities, landholders and custodians who will help you and give you a place to live if you sincerely seek them out. Everyone needs a hand to heal the planet, and the only way to ensure your food is clean and wholesome is to have a hand in growing it yourself.  Just leave all your insecurities and toxins behind and be prepared to CHANGE yourself. Only those who can learn to live with themselves can make the transition.

Turn on. Tune in. OPT OUT of the system with likeminded friends and family and create something new with the only things you really have or own – your time and energy! Together we can still recreate the best of all possible worlds.

Remember why you are alive?


by R. Ayana (who has lived in a tiny shack in a remote forest for 25 years)

For real information about greenhouse warming see http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/global%20warming  
For real information about banksters see http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/banksters
and see 'older posts' at the end of each section for some real DATA

For more by R. Ayana see http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/r.%20ayana and The Her(m)etic Hermit @ http://hermetic.blog.com

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  1. This article seems somewhat shillish to me.

  2. Same here buddy, very shillish. A few good points but this person must be an idiot to think that those are contrails coming out of those planes. Brother, contrails fade quickly, to try and say that they aren't spraying chemicals is at best naive, leaning towards audacious though. They spray tic tac toe all over the sky, then slowly throughout the day it spreads to eventually give complete cloud cover. Wake up.

  3. yeah I had the exact response and have concluded that this is either just a sophisticated piece of propaganda or just incorrect thinking.

  4. While your impressions are understandable please note that the author explicitly states that chemtrails are real, and has even included their own video to show they've witnessed them. However very few contrails are actually chemtrails.
    Dr Edward Teller - the creature largely responsible for the H bomb - suggested spraying aerosols into the atmosphere to abate greenhouse warming back in the 1970s. He suggested that only 2% to 3% coverage across the globe would be required to balance heating effects. Therefore if - as it seems - the preponderance of actual chemtrail activity is taking place over the US, this would account for the necessary coverage suggested by Teller. If - as is likely - such a program was to be carried out it would have to be done in a way that circumvents all environmental and other government controls. Such a program would be clandestine of necessity.
    Given the habits of the US complex of militant industrialists, who regularly 'dispose' of intractable industrial toxins like uranium and sodium fluoride by firing it off at imagined enemies or disposing of it through the kidneys of populations via drinking water, any chemtrail program would likely involve the 'dispersal' of otherwise undisposable intractable industrial waste - like aluminium oxide and barium dust and other common waste products from smelters etc.
    The fact is that chemtrails are primarily a problem in the US - but everyone on the planet intimately connected to modern civilisation contributes to the greater problem of industrial pollution, as the author states.
    It isn't a pleasant message, but the article covers a much wider range of issues than this. Please don't shoot the messenger.


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