Monday 10 February 2014

Not Without Our Consent

Not Without Our Consent

by Zen Gardner

Nothing happens without our permission. In one way or another, consciously and/or subconsciously, we give our approval or disapproval by our actions, words and intentions.

Over time our accountability increases.

A mad world swirls around us in this manifestation with our inherent agreement. Without our complicit cooperation in support of this insane system none of this would be happening. No worldwide massacres would happen without soldiers; no economic rape would take place without bankers and merchants; and no social degradation and control would be perpetrated on humanity without willing teachers, administrators and enforcers.

It takes the cooperation of the people. When we cooperate with them, they succeed.

When we don’t, they don’t. It’s that simple.




Because waking up to the true reality around us is too much work, and way too uncomfortable for most of the entranced masses. If you acknowledge things are as seriously wrong as they are and the reality of their true devastating effects on human life, you might have to change and do something about it.

Most people have developed coping devices that have become a way of life. The most effective is outright denial that it’s all that bad or even happening at all. You’ll see that everywhere if you’re an awake and aware soul, and it can be disheartening at times.

It’s somewhat simplistic but denial is a pretty good catch all.

Don’t face the Truth. Period. For a plethora of reasons. And keep your head in the sand….until your butt gets kicked.


The Belief Bamboozle


The subtle yet stronger partner of denial ironically enough is belief. Playing on your dreams and hopes, beliefs, as opposed to true spiritual knowledge, effectively co-opts your subconscious aspirations and ability to take fully conscious and effective action. After all, you “believe” the answer is coming, everything will be OK all by itself, or an outside power will save you.

That’s how many have chosen to cope. And there’s a massive support system for that…not without a whole lot of help from the manipulators who have identified these traits and scientifically used this human weakness to their advantage.

Belief systems and schools of thought, even drippy new age wishful constructs, are such a convenient escape for all of the accumulated undigested junk stuffed into that over-populated ‘state of denial’ in the mind of humanity. But humanity retreats to “Heck, why not go there for refuge? It’s comfy. And there are so many others there, just look at all the churches and religious institutions. There must be a lotta truth to it.”

The overall result? No true conscious rationale for behavior, no clear right and wrong or loving or unloving boundaries, just mindless acceptance of the status quo–with some anesthetized escape system waiting around the corner to appease the mass mind and conscience.

Football anyone? How about celebrity or mainstream news drivel?



Suspended Animation


Hanging on to false hopes can’t be a more inhibiting phenomenon. That’s why religions are so effective. Trapped in little “hives of hope”, so called faithful believers of every persuasion are co-enabling each other on massive scales world wide. These hopeful followers are hoping and praying for deliverance and salvation from a world they themselves help to build and support on a daily basis.

See anything strange there?

After all , Christians justify by “scripture” that the “powers that be are ordained by God”.  Argue with that if you’re in the belief camp. It’s an off the charts blanket assessment, and yet it’s applied in a timeless, unconscious across-the-board fashion that makes your head spin. Same with unquestioned loyalty and support to so-called “royalty” or the murderous Zionist state of Israel.

And so few can see it for what it is.


Response is Neutered


What’s revealing is when you realize the amazing extent of this false hope escape/denial system. It’s massive. The inaction and lack of response it spawns is the perfect disarmament tool for these dastardly controllers and social engineers.

This is all over not just religions, but intellectual circles, scientific explain-aways, dumbed-down education, the new age movement, media mantras, and on and on.

I don’t want to do a blanket diss of anything, I just want people to be seriously cautious and most of all conscious. As soon as you give away your autonomy to group-think, you’re going to have energy depletion problems and a loss of conscious Truth.



On Guard


All of this false information is way too easy to co-opt and twist, which they effectively do.

A lot of issues are at work, and basically people should continually be on guard. There are plenty of entangling belief systems ready to suck people in. Some are outright and seemingly obvious, some are very subtle.

Challenge and question everything!

Stay fully conscious and you’ll be fine.

The Spiritual Abuse Sting


The thing about belief systems is the subtle yet powerful spiritual and mental abuse involved. Much of this is because people are basically debilitated from birth in today’s world and they don’t catch the nuances of deceit in the societal fabric until they wake up…or it’s too late.

Just look–when there’s a fad or perceived social shift, the masses sway like seaweed in the social tidal flow.

They see no choice; it’s apparently right because it seems like it is. And the medium–the social swirl about us–not truth–is pressuring them to conform. It’s a serious social disorder, and belief systems are a logical and perpetual byproduct as well as major perpetuator of this fabricated illusion.

And remember, there are plenty of parasitic forces ready to pounce on the naive new “believer” when they reach out for something more. Plenty. Many of them are sincerely thinking they’re “carrying out the program” so it can be hard to spot.

Beware. Be aware.





This short treatise is in response to many comments and articles I’ve seen that smack of wrong dependency. Think for yourself.

This dependency is so endemic in our less than conscious world it’s almost entrancing. It’s entrained in us via education at all levels, the media, and any possible avenue. We must recognize these influences and see them for what they are and stay free and above them.


It’s not that hard. Get above it first. Be the observer you truly are.

It clarifies everything.

Much love,


From Zen Gardner @

And please see The Men Who Stare At Scapegoats @

For more information about the brainwashing cults known as religions see
- See ‘Older Posts’ at the end of each section

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