Wednesday 26 February 2014




From the time you open your eyes at birth, you see the New World as an entire Universe. You giggle and laugh at the appearance of the creatures participating in this reality. The funny-looking bipeds that take care of you are becoming your guardians or parents. As you grow you realize that you want to be part of this world because you feel alive when interacting with the environment.

By the age of two you’ve been conditioned to believe whatever your guardians say. For the most part unintentionally, the adults around you project their worst fears onto you. If the fear projection is intentional, it’s human behavior at its worst. This experience is synonymous with another human behavior used in taming or controlling creatures – domestication. Are you, a new consciousness, being domesticated by the chosen reality?

By the time a child turns five it has been fully conditioned by the surrounding society, and questions of purpose are put aside in the name of human acceptance. As time goes by, the child becomes a teenager, then an adult and it could spend a whole lifetime trying to remember why he or she exists in the first place. It seems amusing to think that everything you do throughout your life is really irrelevant, because your whole lifetime is the answer to one question. The rest comes down to personal choice.

When transitions occur, one reality morphs into another and that’s when you realize that the doctrines of afterlife – the same doctrines that made you fear your own full potential as a genius – were only partially true and for most part full of errors. So, what went wrong with your experience? Actually nothing, because you lived and experienced the reality you chose.

The selectiveness and unworthiness that religions preach make you wonder why humanity is still living in tribal awareness when it knows that it’s a species inhabiting a planet within a solar system within a seemingly infinite Universe. It’s quite strange to see so much potential not being used. Did you know that humanity is the only species on planet Earth that is consciously preoccupied with its own mortality? Everything else is already experiencing natural balance. Are you, as a human being, afraid to accept that you are already part of a larger picture?

In order to understand humanity and what each individual is experiencing, we have to access the human archetype, which is the consciousness a species intentionally creates, according to awareness. Consciousness may be compared to water, and the process of accessing this brings the sensation of swimming in an ocean where you encounter inhabitants of various kinds that connect with each other for the maintenance and well-being of the planet.

With this in mind, let’s jump into the ocean of the human archetype and start swimming through the thoughts and feelings of 7 billion people. It’s an experience of global proportions, and it allows us to Feel the spiritual and physical senses of each individual simultaneously.

Interestingly enough, in our journey through human consciousness, we realize that the reality created contradicts the one sought by each individual, and this reality in turn conflicts with Nature. Our realization is that humanity is experiencing a paradox within a paradox. A paradox basically means a self-contradictory statement that is or may be true. Welcome to the evolution of Awareness!

A brief picture of the present moment reveals four key areas of contradictory realities. The first is the awareness of an individual who creates his or her own reality, based on personal thoughts and desires. From here the picture gets bigger… The second contradictory reality is characterized by a bond of code (morality) created among individuals belonging to related biological lineages – ideology of family. In this reality, individual growth – by following your Heart – is felt as a threat by family members as they see that the pattern of life is going to change.

Next… we have awareness grouped according to regional location – the cultural experience. This is basically a collection of group habits and traditions, based on mythological awe and the wonder of self-realization. If you haven’t realized this… we all come from dysfunctional families. Every case is different but the common factor is elusive happiness. As a result of these dysfunctional families, a structural society was created that is also dysfunctional. This is the fourth contradictory reality.

Social awareness is limited by political systems that define tribal mentality as a country. In each country this social awareness is normally represented by the quality of mercy people exhibit toward each other through tolerance, understanding and unconditional aid. What has humanity come to? Our culture is in the wrong paradigm, as it doesn’t appreciate the power of thought. Present concepts of materialism and religion strips mankind of the need to feel self-responsibility. A structured society that can’t provide a livelihood for its own people, through basic necessities for survival such as food, health care, clothing, shelter and employment, reveals a lack of purpose.

Did humanity lose their sense of direction, both for themselves and planet Earth? The answer to this question, is not as complicated as people think. The mystery can be narrowed down to one aspect of consciousness – Awareness.

But in reality there’s no mystery at all. The chaos that human philosophies are based on is the order humans do not yet understand. If the Universe is One Verse, then why is humanity limiting its true potential? The answer… is fear of the outcome.

Fear from what? Fear itself is man-made and ironically it profits us nothing. Humanity is afraid to acknowledge that it’s part of the Transcendental Absolute. In other words, people are afraid to acknowledge they are Creators! So, what’s it like living as a Creator? A person must be fearless, responsible and filled with infinite re-creative energy – Love. It’s not about being good, but nice to oneself (One Self) and Others… In this, Eternity is every Breath you make.

Understanding the existence of a primary Source brings us to the most heated debate people project onto the human consciousness. At the moment there are two major philosophical movements that continue debating the doubt behind Existence and Singularity – Creation. Both science and religion are related to one another, as the philosophy they share is the chaos from which order arose. But chaos is actually order that people don’t yet understand, and from this the theory of truth was created to reconnect people to something that already exists. The creation of human truth is a daily experience and different from generation to generation, person to person.

What we experience today is an increased number of human experiences within a lifespan due to a fusion of cultures and traditions that allow the present human to communicate, travel, and know things faster than ever before. It’s a reality that previous generations could not have imagined. People today are aware that the Earth is round, they can travel from one side of the planet to the other in several hours and not years, can eat Mexican cuisine in Australia, and talk to someone across the world via a phone or the Internet.

All of this basically means that the knowledge a person has today is an accelerated evolvement of the physical self that has occurred in a very short period of earthly time. The acceleration of the physical progress, which started about 100 years ago, has added thousands of new words and expressions to the human vocabulary, as well as the technology we take for granted. a world inundated with technological innovation, many people start feeling emotionally empty when trying to relate to their jobs and their relationships to the anthropomorphic deities that earthly religions preach. Since the religions of humans are like the leaves on a tree that come and go with the seasons, losing faith is a common occurrence that often creates new religions evolved from old ones. Actually, losing faith has nothing to do with belief in a Supreme Being, but more to do with the loss of patience in the quest to find a spiritual home.

Hypothesizing the Creation of the World has been one of the greatest challenges in human thought. Science and religions differ wildly in their theories and conclusions. The greatest obstacle of religions is a compromise of physical evidence in an irregular time frame – every major religion claims that the world was created at a different time. And science claims that the Earth is billions of years old – an infinity in human history.

To some extent, empirical evidence favors science when one is trying to understand the evolution of the planet and its ecological abundance. The diversity of flora and fauna in the fossil record can’t be explained by the religions of today, and that gives science a boost in popularity. Science clearly explains that all species in Nature are connected to one another, and if one of them becomes extinct then the food chain is broken and many other species will be affected. While some religious beliefs assign very negative meanings to certain earthly creatures – such as snakes and spiders – because of their appearance, science looks at these creatures as necessities in maintaining balance in Nature.

Most scientists find it difficult to accept the gods of earthly religions, and often those who participate in religious activities do so because of the cultural heritage they have been taught since childhood. But many analytical scientists reject earthly religions due to a lack of logical empirical evidence. Those analytical-minded people who insist on seeing physical evidence before they will believe in an anthropomorphic deity are referred to as agnostics by the religious community. The basic definition of an agnostic is one who believes that we cannot truly know ‘God’. But which God?

The diversity of earthly religions is increasing year after year through many divisions and subdivisions. The reason for this is that none of the earthly religions has yet succeeded in fully explaining the identity, meaning, and purpose of the human species in the Universe. Otherwise, the people of planet Earth would share the same core spiritual beliefs, which would on a subconscious level create the collective consciousness. Going back to the so-called “nonbelievers,” atheists are misunderstood by the religious community. According to an ancient Arab proverb, “an enemy is a person who you don’t know.” Nonbelievers of all religions have usually been considered the enemies of those religions. Agnostics and atheists are more than enemies – they are outcasts in most religions. But their existence lends credence to the fact that none of the earthly religions can truly explain Universal Consciousness.

Some religions have portrayed the creative force behind everything as an old man with attitude who hasn’t aged since the dawn of humanity and who lives on a cloud somewhere in the sky waiting for his children to return home. He greets humans with open arms for their obedience, or with a sword of judgment for disobedience that results in them being cast away to a place called hell. Why, in the Judeo-Christian Old Testament, does the omniscient being demand grilled meat, encourage slavery, and practice ethnic cleansing? One could go on… Attributing the psychological and physical characteristics of humans to the source of everything that exists, both seen and unseen, is a very odd idea for the analytically minded, who note that this so-called God has behavior that bear a striking resemblance to the psychological mindset of the angry human. However, many skeptics do believe in a supreme power unlike any preached on Earth. This Power is responsible for the Big Bang, has no physical form and therefore no gender – it’s composed of pure energy and emanates throughout the Universe.

The idea of one Universal Energy or Life Force is also shared by many who embrace New Thought – they live scattered across the globe, though most of them are in Western nations. Most people on Earth believe in one form or another of a Supreme Being. The names given to this Being are irrelevant, because it’s the same Source.

Science offers no explanation for spirituality – often choosing to ignore that side of the human psyche – and explains human relationships in psychological terms as complex behavior patterns. But this works only up to a certain extent. There is an unexplained side to humanity, including certain dreams, visions, intuition, heroism, and true love, some of which are categorized by science as schizophrenia. If we try to reason this explanation, we have to ask ourselves whether humanity as a whole is schizophrenic and suffers from mass delusions? If that’s true, then are homo sapiens just consumers living in altered states of consciousness?

The reality of science is that it’s very practical and rewards contributors with material recognition. This success is encouraging many scientists to explain everything in physical and theoretical realities. But regardless of how much psychology they use, scientists still can’t explain with a common theory the spiritual experiences people have.

It’s ironic to think that humanity has reached a critical point in the evolution of human consciousness, and the obstacle is that neither science nor spirituality is willing to admit that it knows something the other doesn’t. It’s crucial for the human philosophies to embrace each other if humanity is meant to continue its existence on planet Earth by saving and rebuilding the home others neglected. Evolution is not about polarity, but Awareness. When that’s realized, the visions of the ancients will be implemented and humanity will begin exploring the vastness and wonders of this Universe.

If science and spirituality are connected to one another, then what’s preventing a compromise? The answer is as simple as Awareness. Awareness is a fusion of consciousness and emotions into one experience of life. It can include intuition that saves a person’s life from a car accident, or calling a friend or relative who is not surprised by your call because they were thinking of you. In many ways, awareness allows a synchronized number of events to happen for the purpose of accomplishing a thought. But that’s not all, because Awareness is the Volume of the Universe, and the principle of Awareness is Flow and Feel. The ramifications of understanding that Awareness is not only an individual experience, but also part of the volume of the Universe, is a revolutionary concept in human consciousness.

Understanding this will unify humanity in ways that no one thought possible, because people will find no reason to be self-centered. Religious or spiritual-minded people will find no reason to create new churches because they will acknowledge that everyone is meaningful and part of the Transcendental Absolute. On the other hand, scientific types will be more open-minded when analyzing unorthodox history and phenomena. Ignorance, stubbornness, arrogance and many protective behaviors people create for healing purposes will be seen as barbaric. People will try to understand and help each other because the self-realization of every person will be that the existence of everyone is equally important. There are numerous examples that can be given reflecting Awareness as the Volume of the Universe. But many people will not be able to understand the synchronicities taking place. So, open you mind, don’t be afraid to ask specific questions, listen… observe and always think big.

Note: This is an abridged version of an article published on Astral Traveler.

From Shift @

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  1. Would love to see you OWN your own ideas and possibilities rather than, like most fake gurus, set it all down as facts. Humbleness and humility in presentation is number one rule. You are a subjective being, full of your own foibles and uncertainties. You actually know nothing, so stop presenting yourself as "knowing the truth."

    I could, possibly, read you seriously if you were to own that. Until you do, I consider you nothing more than ego-attached piffle.

    Get real.

    1. Are you speaking to the author of this article, the site host or both? The latter has lived in a small wooden cabin in a remote forest for longer than most people on Earth have been alive. Their ecological footprint is miniscule and they use much of their time defending ecosystems and replanting them. Their writings and other works can be apprehended @ and spread through these pages.
      Ownership is theft, o brave anonymous one. And as for that 'guru' jibe - gee, you are you ;)


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