Wednesday 28 August 2013

Why we should all switch back to ethernet cables: Wireless internet poses serious chronic health risks

Why we should all switch back to ethernet cables
Wireless internet poses serious chronic health risks
by Zach C. Miller

While the proliferation of wireless devices has made accessing the internet more convenient and less obtrusive (no unsightly cables lying around), studies are now revealing the trade-offs that come with convenience. More specifically, the dangers that the widespread adoption of wireless technology has created in regards to our health. Simply put, most people underestimate the dangers of wireless technology to our health and well-being.

24 hours a day, 365 days a year


One of the most dangerous aspects of wireless is the "always-on" nature of it. The vast majority of people who use wireless routers set them up and never turn them off. This means that they are constantly generating a dangerous electromagnetic energy field 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This makes wireless technology a very significant chronic health risk.

More troubling still is the "compounding" nature of living near neighbors using wi-fi. For example, if you look at the wireless connections available in your neighborhood in your computer's wi-fi network browsing tool, you'll see neighbor's connections. All these EMF fields are compounding all around you, so even if you turn your wireless off, your health and well-being is still being affected by neighboring signals.


Health risks of wi-fi


The effects of wi-fi on health are becoming more well-known. Some of the effects are:

- Sleep disturbances
- Difficulty concentrating
- Heart palpitations
- Headaches/migraines
- Persistent fatigue
- Negative thinking
- Digestive problems
- Brain fog and memory loss
- Anxiety and depression
- Chronic stress
- De-motivated
- Dizziness

People who have reported these symptoms also experienced an immediate reversal (within moments!) when disabling their wi-fi or removing themselves from an environment laden with wi-fi signals

Here are some the symptoms associated with the removal/disabling of wireless technology:

- Feeling clearer and lighter
- Feeling "uplifted" in the emotional, physical, and mental bodies
- More motivated
- Feeling happier
- Feeling more peaceful

The solution: What you can do


Clearly, the proliferation of wi-fi poses a very serious threat to health and well-being. I would also argue that our quality of life is reduced by being constantly bombarded by distorted spin energy fields (see my article which outlines energetic spin, here: It's about time we took action in our communities and talk with our friends and neighbors about the very real dangers of wireless technology. Switching back to regular wired internet and disabling wi-fi routers is a general rule of thumb. This is the first step to taking back control of our health destiny.

Sources for this article include:


From Natural News @



The startling effects of WIFI (Wireless Appliances)

By Kim Knight, Director of the Art of Health, Auckland, New Zealand

I’d like to share the amazing experience I had recently in realizing first-hand the detremental effects of WIFI (wireless internet and wireless office devices).

For several weeks *1 I had been feeling extremely de-motivated about work. Symptoms included feeling unclear, unable to think, complete lethargy, verging on what I would classify as mild depression. I had been putting it down to all sorts of factors (I need a break… it’s Christmas…maybe I’m low in iron…the weather’s really muggy) even starting to contemplate maybe I was losing enthusiasm for my work and needed a complete job change! I even went to have my bloods checked just to see if something was really going on, and also booked a Journey process with a friend to see what ‘emotional’ stuff might be making me feel depressed.

Then one night I was sitting in my office, trying to summon up some enthusiasm to do some work, and I remembered an email I had received from a friend about a DVD he was showing on the effects of wireless appliances. And I thought to myself, “well, I have a wireless router in my office, what if I were to switch it off?” ‘No, I’ll wait until I’ve seen the DVD’ I thought, and then immediately thought again, “no, why not just try it”?

So, I turned the unit off, and also unplugged the wireless keyboard and mouse. I kid you not when I say I felt better within 60 seconds. SIXTY SECONDS!*2

However, the truth was I felt better. *3 Within that time my head felt clearer, and it was like the air around me in the room cleared too. (Of course this makes perfect sense now that I understand about the ‘EM Smog’ that wireless devices immerse us in). Initially I thought I must be imagining the change, although I had not had any great expectations of results. And if I had had any expectations, I certainly didn’t think the effect would be so quick!

I was feeling so much better I was able to do my evening Qi Gong practice which I had slowly been losing enthusiasm for too over a number of days. It was as if I was a new person.


(Stats taken from the BBC Panorama Documentary below)

So then I sat down to watch the DVD and boy are the facts interesting:

  • France has just passed a law stopping the advertising of cell phones to children

  • In Sweden EMF sensitivity (Electro-magnetic radiation) is recognized as a disability and the government will paint your house with anti-radiation paint if you need it.

  • If only one person in school in Sweden complains of the negative effects of EMF radiation from WIFI, it will be turned off and investigated.

  • Switzerland, Italy, Russia, China and other countries have exposure limits THOUSANDS of times lower than in other countries such as the UK.

  • In Salzburg (Austria) the government advises against WIFI in schools altogether.

The reality is we are living in what has now been called an ‘EM smog’. Whilst many people do not consciously notice the effects of this, ‘Electro-Hypersensitives’ do. This EM smog fills the air around us, penetrating every cell and affecting the functioning of our mind and body. Cell phones and WIFI have a similar frequency to microwaves, and we all know what happens if you end up inside one of them. And I’ve heard that having a WIFI router in your home is the equivalent of having a cell phone tower in your living room! Really?

Despite all the evidence of the harmful effects of radiation, the WHO (The World Health Organization, not the band) have stated that “there are no known adverse health effects from low level, long term exposure”. However, research has indicated that radio frequency radiation can cause changes in cognitive function (yes, I can definitely vouch for that), molecular changes in the cells, chromosome damage, decrease in short-term memory and cancer induction.

The bizarre thing is that ICNIRP, the international regulatory body that sets the limits for safe radiation, does not recognize the biological effects of radiation. Instead it bases exposure limits on a THERMAL effect: in other words, the radiation has to be so strong it has to heat your organs up before it is recognized as a problem! For goodness sake!  (And there we are back at the microwave analogy again – remember all the poodles who didn’t fare too well when microwaves first came out?).

People may continue to dispute that cellphones and WIFI are harmful, but this morning I got up like a new person and spent all day in my office for the first time in 8 weeks. I got work done which I had been procrastinating on for ages. Even small tasks had felt overwhelming.

So I encourage you to consider the effects of EMF radiation if you cannot find the cause of your symptoms, and in particular to check your wireless devices. (And by the way, to check the ‘available wireless networks’ on your computer – you could be sitting in a soup of WIFI waves from the local cafe, business or neighbours too). Yes, my office now looks like spagetti junction with all the wires back in place, but boy it’s worth it.

You may also like to check out the following links:

New laws cracking down on children’s use of mobile phones are to be introduced in France amid growing fears that they may cause cancer and other diseases: -mobiles-to-children-1299673.html

Cell Phones: just like Cigarettes ? (special video for teenagers) 6mn

BBC Panorama – WIFI a warning signal (30mn)

What your cell phone provider isn’t telling you (Dr Nick Begich) 30mn

*1 Note from above re length of effects:

Although I say several weeks, actually, afterwards, once my mind was clearer, I saw that this had been going on for much longer than 8 weeks. Infact, I had not been feeling great for a while, infact for over a year.

Six months previously I had been feeling extraordinarily and unusually tired and not sleeping well (which was unusual for me as I normally sleep well). I had even gone to see a naturopath and was contemplating supplements for adrenal fatigue. The interesting thing is, which I realized after my mind cleared, was that during that time I had re-arranged my bed furniture and my headboard was now next to the wall of my office, which meant my head was closer to the WIFI router.

Then, when I tracked back even further, when I asked myself “When was the last time I felt well?” the answer that came back was about 14 months ago, that was when I noticed myself going down hill. And then I asked myself, “And when did I get WIFI?” – I couldn’t remember exactly, I knew it was within the previous 2 years. So I looked it up (fortunately, I had printed out my WIFI password and the piece of paper was dated) and it was 14 months previous. It’s always easy to understand things in retrospect, and now that I look back, it seems pretty clear to me that as soon as that router was switched on, it started to have a negative effect on my body.

*2 Note from above re body responding in 60 seconds

This to me shows met yet again the amazing and natural self-healing abilities of the body. When we give it what it needs, it automatically heals. INSTANTLY. I have noticed this in Mickel Therapy – when you do what is right for your body, it will respond IMMEDIATELY. It is amazing and beautiful to watch and witness. Our main problem is that if we put ourselves (ie, our body) in situations which are adverse to the it’s natural functioning, it puts it into a constant state of stress, which means it’s using all its energy and effort to try and get back into a state of balance, which means it can’t fulfil its normal functions properly.

This is akin to saying the immune system is being put into a constant state of overload or red alert, which over-taxes its ability to do its job with normal ease. So we need to make sure that we are giving our body what it needs to function well. I hope that makes sense!

*3 Note from above re feeling better

One of the problems about not feeling well is that it’s often not until we feel better that we realize how unwell we were actually feeling before. Unfortunately we acclimatize ourselves to not feeling well and then without realizing it come to think that’s normal! This is actually true for many things in life. What we get used to, we think is normal, and then we forget what normal actually is.

So it wasn’t until my head cleared, my energy picked up and I felt so much more uplifted that I realized how bad I had actually been feeling.


These are the symptoms that I now realize I was experiencing as a result of WIFI exposure. I am sure there may be many others, this is just my list!

  • Feeling low

  • Unable to concentrate or think clearly

  • Unable to get on with work tasks

  • Negative thinking, depressive thoughts

  • Not sleeping well

  • Feeling extraordinary tiredness

  • Not feeling well at home, especially in the office (where the router was) and feeling better as soon as I went out

  • De-motivated


These are the differences I am noticing now:

  • Feeling lighter and clearer in my head

  • Feeling ‘uplifted’ emotionally and mentally

  • Feeling happier

  • The ‘air’ in my office feels clearer

  • Feeling motivated

Kim Knight – The Art of Health
It’s an art to keep yourself healthy!

From The Art of Health @

For more information about the effects of wifi and electrosmog see   
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