Wednesday 28 November 2012

NASA Trick to Remove Alien Evidence From Moon, Mars Revealed

NASA Trick to Remove Alien Evidence From Moon, Mars Revealed

By Terrence Aym

Two French artists using a little known NASA digital imaging process for a stunning exhibit of abandoned cities may have done Ufology researchers a huge favor: they've revealed a technique that NASA photo experts can apply to eliminate evidence of alien artifacts on the Moon and Mars. Ostensibly the technology is used for analyzing stars, but a different use may be employed for heavenly bodies much closer to Earth.


NASA image filter used on Times Square, NYC [Image credit Lucie & Simon]

Now you see it now you don't

For many years America's National Aeronautics and Space Administration has been suspected of a massive cover-up concerning the existence of Unidentified Flying Objects and interplanetary alien artifacts.

Whistleblower Ken Johnston asserts NASA knows astronauts discovered ancient alien cities and the remains of amazingly advanced machinery on the Moon. [See: NASA Whistleblower: Alien Moon Cities Exist]

Ken Johnston, NASA whistleblower

Johnston asserts NASA knows astronauts discovered the remains of incredible alien technology. Some of the technology, he says, can manipulate gravity.

He also accuses the agency of ordering a cover-up of photographic evidence and forcing him to participate in it.

Former NASA employee Donna Hare

Another former NASA insider, Donna Hare, also claims NASA doctored, obfuscated, and obscured thousands of photos over the years. She alleges the U.S. space agency systematically erases inconvenient anomalous artifacts on certain inconvenient photos—primarily from the Moon and Mars.

Many outside researchers have also strongly suspected a fraudulent cover-up, among them Richard C. Hoagland and the late Dr. Thomas Van Flandern.

Certain photographs released by NASA seem to have been doctored. In the past, regions of the Moon and Mars have been airbrushed, overlayed, distorted, or otherwise obscured.

Alleged airbrush of massive two lunar towers

Alleged smudging of small crater containing artifact

Silent world from Lucie & Simon on Vimeo.

Disturbing technology revealed

Now it's been revealed the space agency may be employing new, more subtle techniques in their ongoing quest to suppress evidence that the human race is not alone.

From series 'Silent World' [Image credit Lucie & Simon]

Two Parisian artists, Lucie and Simon, created a stunning exhibit of art, Silent World, using filtered photos from New York City, Paris, and Beijing.

The artists erased people and automobiles from the photos. What had been busy streets and sidewalks crowed with people became empty, deserted cities reminiscent of the abandoned cities featured in end-of-the-world or alien invasion films from the 1950s.

Part of the process involves a neutral filter allowing moving objects to be removed. Some photographic experts, however, argue that the same software can be tweaked to filter out objects anomalous to a landscape. The result would be a Photoshop-like manipulation on steroids.

Apollo 12 oddity in helmet reflection (see next image)

Enhanced enlargement of sun reflection reveals pyramid

Future images—or even some of the most damning from the past—could be subjected to the process. The result would be images bereft of any embarrassing or controversial objects that may be littering the Lunar or Martian landscapes.

Possible base at Rima-Hadley near Apollo 15 landing site

Worse, no evidence of tampering would exist, allowing the cover-up to continue onwards for decades. Images that NASA overlooked such as the one above could be digitally modified in the future erasing all traces of evidence.

Unless, that is, the Europeans, Russians, Japanese, or Chinese choose not to participate in the cover-up.

Whether those countries will support the deception time alone will tell—as well as the photographic images their space agencies release to the world.


From Before It’s News @  

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