Friday 15 October 2010

Mysterious Origins of Cro-Magnon Woman

Mysterious Origins of Cro-Magnon Woman
Basic facts: Cro Magnon [Wo]man appeared abruptly in Europe and North Africa. He lasted from 40,000 years ago to about 12,000 years ago. The first recognized discovery of a Cro Magnon was in 1868. Skull types are known after the name of the place where they are first discovered and Cro Magnon was discovered in a cave in France. Scientists consider him to be taller and larger brained than the average human living today.
The first puzzle causes these physical characteristics to be not pleasant for the anthropologist. To fit in more gracefully with their theories, Cro Magnon should have been shorter and smaller brained than the average for humans today. However his actual characteristics are totally in accord with the assertions of Ancient Astronaut type theories.
A second and major puzzle for anthropologists is that Cro Magnon man appears to arrive with his culture from no discernable origin. He does not show any discernable development. His culture was distinctly superior to others around him. This could be seen clearly in the nature of his tools. His art work was also seen to be superior. He painted those cave walls that we hear about and that Blavatsky commented upon. His culture does not appear to come from any source that we can identify. That culture gives all the appearance of arriving from elsewhere already developed.
If you would like a shock, check out this cro magnon drawing of a woman. One of the few Upper Paleolithic drawings of a human being (female). Notice the relatively modern-looking, tailored clothing with sewn arms and legs. Also shoes and a hat! Cro-Magnon Men are sometimes depicted as clean-shaven, and even playing musical instruments. These are civilized people who became refugees in a new land with no infrastructure. (From a stone engraving found at Lussac-les-Chateaux. It is now in the Musee de l’Homme in Paris. Redrawn from a photo in Bulletin de la Societe’ Prehistorique de France.)
These cave men also had houses! We do not know what exactly they were made of but we do have the post holes. You can see by now that the cro magnon man is becoming undesirable from the view point of traditional science.
But the third and worst problem of all is that science cannot determine where his bones come from. His skeletal structure does not have traces developing from any surrounding area. And at that, his skeletal structure, as mentioned, is not what science would like to find.
To show you this yet more emphatically, here are a series of quotes showing the “developed somewhere else” nature of Cro Magnon culture:
According to Prof. Francois Bordes, world renown archeologist and former director of the Laboratory of Prehistory at the University of Bordeaux, the Aurignacian [Cro Magnon ] tool tradition without doubt originates outside of Europe, ready-made, although from where is still a mystery (Bordes, 1968).
Dr. John E. Pfeiffer, professor of anthropology at Rutgers University observes: “The Aurignacian is quite distinct from the Parigordian” [ a separate older European style ]; they arrive “from some area outside of Western Europe”; with an already “established way of life.”
Archeologist Frank Hibben states that the Aurignacian industry is “indubitably non-European in origin”;
These “invasions” [of earlier Cro Magnons in Europe ] are all associated with waves of Cro-Magnon occupation. No formative, or “gestation,” stages have ever been found on any continent for any of the Cro-Magnon tool industries.
Professional anthropologists haven’t the foggiest idea of the origin of these invasions. (Bordes, 1968) They invariably appeared on the western shores of Europe and Africa, even including some of the Atlantic isles next to those continents. Always the sites are clustered in the west, the number of sites diminishing towards the east [with an exception in the Levant].
Combe Capelle sites [of more ancient European man] are more or less evenly distributed all over Europe and the Near East. This has been a mystery that has plagued anthropologists for over a hundred years. To the west, there is nought but empty ocean: how could the invasions come from there?
The mystery of these invasions has been so embarrassing that today anthropologists don’t want to talk about it any more. Some have gotten around the problem by blurring the distinction between true “Atlantic” Cro-Magnons and the “eastern” European types. Calling all modern men “Cro-Magnon,” is merely skirting the issue; but this is not a scientific way to deal with the problem.
To solve the mystery of Cro Magnon, there is one simple step to take – look at the distribution of his sites where his bones have been discovered.
It would well pay you in understanding the issue to give a look at that map. Briefly in words it shows the distribution as occurring in France, in the Pyrenees, along the Atlantic coast of Portugal, in southern coast of Spain on either side of the Straits of Gibraltar, in northern Morocco on the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts and along rivers. (There are some other sites outside the area of that map that will be discussed later.)
What a visual check of the map makes clear is that Cro Magnon sites hug the Western shores facing the Atlantic Ocean for Europe and northern Africa. And as referenced above, the number of sites thin out as one moves eastward. The Cro Magnon came from the West. They had developed their culture in the West.
Now there is one more key location of Cro Magnon man – that is, the Canary Islands. The aboriginals of the Canary Islands, before Spain discovered the island and destroyed most of their populace, were called Guanches. Science recognizes that the Guanches were Cro Magnon.
Today, due to some intermarriage, some traits of the Cro Magnon still atavistically appear – individuals will sometimes be taller and blond. Mostly the culture of the Guanches was wiped out. However, some mummies remain and as shown later some valuable information will be gleaned from those mummies.
The distribution map shows sites in northern Morocco. Those are today the Berbers. The Tuaregs are also a Berber speaking group that is nomadic. Science recognizes that the Berbers are also descended from Cro Magnon man.
The Berbers were in North Africa long before the Arabs arrived. The Berbers are considered the aboriginals of the area and their origins beyond that are not known. Atlantologists regularly claim them – especially since Lewis Spence wrote in 1924 The Problem of Atlantis (later renamed as The History of Atlantis as more confirming evidence came in).
From a useful traditional source:
Despite a history of conquests, the Berbers retained a remarkably homogeneous culture, which, on the evidence of Egyptian tomb paintings, derives from earlier than 2400 B.C. The alphabet of the only partly deciphered ancient Libyan inscriptions is close to the script still used by the Tuareg. The origins of the Berbers are uncertain, although many theories have been advanced relating them to the Canaanites, the Phoenicians, the Celts, the Basques, and the Caucasians. In classical times the Berbers formed such states as Mauritania and Numidia. ( )

For further enlightenment see –

The Her(m)etic Hermit -

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From the New Illuminati –


  1. VERY interesting..
    As I am blood type O from Cro-Magnon ancestry ;)

  2. Lay men's mythical article!


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