Saturday 29 April 2006

Falling Through the Light: Coming to Earth

Falling Through the Light

Coming to Earth


From the perspective of some geometries there is no concept of duality – or sexuality as such. From the point of view of beings with very long perspectives time itself is a different substance, of a varied grain. Outside matter, outside space-time, reproduction – propagation through time - is irrelevant. 

         Those who originally fell through the light, from realms we would only recognize through their plasma shadows, were exploring what was perceived as dark matter. This is an ongoing process, not an originating event. Once immersed in the thickening, congealing streams of time their clarity of purpose often diminishes to the extent that many forget their true nature. This is due to the binding and coagulating effects of repetition in spaces-time’s eternal fractal experience. All remains the same by being a little different all the time. 

         In the past, as a series of discrete and sometimes overlapping events reiterating the ‘higher’ levels of that fall, beings of various descriptions with varying agendas came here directly and through transincarnation. Many arrived as those of Earth arrive today, as children born through indigenous mothers – not by taking a body, but by integrating with a resonant cavity that fits them. In some notable exceptions possession was the case. 

         Imagine for a moment that you are a being with a lifespan of many millennia, from a culture that abhors change to the extent that it is becoming stagnant and sterile. An ancient underground-dwelling quasi-reptilian, quasi-amphibian draconian species of very high intellect and focus, they had whittled away their surface ecosystem until it was in its last throes. With such lifespan and concentration, mind, awareness, motivation and personality are all very different things and their culture would resemble a hive to humans – one where an aristocracy of asexual dreamers could maintain their unending researches, experiments and other diversions from ennui, entropy and change. They moved past most of the artifice of their earlier ascent, eschewing much of their technological achievement in favour of mind itself as their prime and multifaceted tool. 

         Under such circumstances it’s an easy task to project one’s consciousness, one’s focal point, to different places, across a planet or a cosm. To view a distant realm and its inhabitants is as simple as placing one’s perspective at that point in the universal hologram. Highly developed and attuned concentration and focus allowed them to place their perspectives within the bodies of relatively short-lived mammals, and with careful placement within the bodily and psychic centers direct remote control by their concentrated and highly directed will became easy. 

The evolution of dynasties within the mammalian species allowed this control to propagate more easily through time, as the mammalian vessels grew more receptive to control with each generation. With time, each generation of children became progressively more easy to control and direct. In many cases, possession was and is nine-tenths of the lore – particularly in the case of those who style themselves ‘gods’. 

         Some mammals came to regard themselves as deities –  the dynastic children, the ‘sons of god’ or ‘star children’ or ‘chosen’ or ‘bearers of the sacred blood’, whose bodies had originated on Earth while the wills that propelled them came from elsewhere. Some had developed further after travellinbg to other planes or planets (or in some cases a close Earth analog) and been impelled to return to this ancestral place. Many  mistook the people of Earth for children in need of their tutelage, to lead them from the ‘darkness’ to the ‘light of consciousness’ - when those of Earth were really their own ancestors. From an Earthly perspective these overlords were returning with new genes to diversify their parent stock. 

The ‘light’ of their binding, often blinding will was often unsuited to the sensibilities and needs of those in the realm in which they found themselves, and to their own altered requirements in the field of Gaia. Sex and sexuality were alien to many and immersion in the emotions,  rhythms and cycles of humans - in harmony with the place of their origin – was anathema to them. 

They created hive-mimicking, pyramid-structured human ‘civilizations’ – cities - and incepted patriarchy itself, attempting to eradicate ‘uncontrollable, wild’ passions and nip any significant change in the domesticated human cultures and the species itself in the bud. Change was anathema to them as it rendered their successive forms less amenable to control by the true masters. But change comes to all in this realm. 

Some arrived here physically, but this was often not a wise idea for a multitude of reasons. Some who arrived here in the flesh wore forms that had originated here, though many had forgotten the fact, returning in another reiteration – a homing migration. 

This has happened many times; the ancient people who inhabited Ares/Mars originated as hominid stock that went there from Earth and returned, physically and otherwise. That they had originated here made it possible for them to readapt – but they’d also altered themselves in many subtle ways and their natures and been interfered with by others from beyond this system. They were changed in ways not restricted to those engendered by the conditions of that planet - when Ares was still fertile, before its biosphere was stripped to the bedrock and its iron core was ripped out. Mother Gaia accepted her children, calling them back when they lost their home. Many could still interbreed with Earth stock.

The drive to reach out and inhabit Luna and Ares is an ancient one in the human species – another reiteration of past events.

         The situation becomescomplex when one remembers that we are not merely considering ‘space travel’ through this vast macrocosm of solar systems and galaxies, but also travel between innumerable parallel universes in the vast multiversal cosm we actually inhabit. In fact, it is in many ways much easier to get from Earth 1 to Earth 1,618 than it is to get from Earth to Proxima Centauri – or Mars – if you know how. It’s all a matter of geometry, visualisation and focus. 

- R. Ayana

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From the New Illuminati –

Thursday 27 April 2006

Prince of Centraxis

A Magician's Tales of Alternative Reality
(warning - tantric content - xplicit & implicate concetps & images)

Tuesday 25 April 2006

Pies In the Skies

Pies In the Skies  


Why are humans so compliant to the demands of their unseen leaders, whose vested, tied and suited interests suit only their own pockets? This is, after all, nothing new. Humans have been governed by corrupt groups who sell out their own people since time immemorial. Democracy may be the worst system except for all the others, but it has – so far – offered only a partial solution to the problem of government by the rich, of the rich and for the rich.
         There is a stumbling block in the way of real human independence and interdependence; it is blind adherence to a faith in being rescued from the sufferings and vagaries of life by an external force – be it a parent, tribe, government, hero or deity. This has been trained into human nature itself through millennia of slavery, ignorance, illiteracy and other forms of thrall and bondage the majority of persecuted underlings have experienced at the hands of the self-selected few. 

         Most religions have been designed to exploit the great fear of unseeing humanity – the fear of death. Without the (lol) ‘resurrection’, Christinanity would be a nice book of peaceable parables, not a world-conquering force of war. The same can be said of Islime without the ascension of Mohammed. Without the false promise of salvation (immortality), no religion would inspire its adherents to a blind faith in obvious lies spun from myths whose truths have been obscured. 

         We must wake from the lies our poor afflicted ancestors have believed if we are to evolve beyond their cruelties and ignorance. We must do this to survive this brave new millennium in which we find ourselves. 

         Most religions have much in common with that other more modern Millennialist belief – that travelers from the cosmos have arrived and are leaking technologies to us that will help us survive our own mad excesses. The belief in salvation by these new pies in the skies is no different to the crazy belief that the elect will be saved and the rest will be damned, destroyed and tortured for their ‘sins’. 

         What it all boils down to is the insidious program inserted into the innocent minds of children – that this planet doesn’t matter, that animals and plants don’t matter, that your quality of life doesn’t matter, that inequity and injustice and wage slavery don’t matter – there’ll be pie in the sky when you die. What a pernicious lie, when we all know that we reap what we sow – and the enlightened few realize that this IS the next life! 

         The worst effect of these ancient and modern belief systems is that the idea that we’ll be saved from the consequences of our own ill will has consequences of it own. The idea that a creator – whether god or alien or other form of sky fairy – produced humanity and is responsible for all our best traits and spiritual leaders throughout history leads to some nasty corollaries. Such a belief relegates us to a position lower than that of slaves – to mere devices designed for the ends of others. It portrays humanity as worthless, weak, spineless, brainless and gormless. It ascribes all goodness and creativity to sources outside ourselves.

 In reality, whatever you conceive that to be, we are all self-created, self-aware beings capable of anything we set our wills to. We are self-sharpening (or self-blunting) beings capable of everything, who require no outside salvation nor intervention – nice as it would be to have real help. The worst aspects of humanity can more correctly be viewed as a result of interference in our natural progression and humanity by powerful memes – thought-forms – which have been used to program us for fear, hate, suspicion, envy and a multitude of addictive emotions too painful to endure for more than a few decades. The worship of external images of gods and goddesses is our method of taking power out of our own hands and minds. 

         We don’t need new beliefs. We don’t need mythic exploits or exploiters. What we need now is knowledge and awareness, acceptance and love – and the courage to face the universe without a need for externalised gods and goddesses. This is what it takes to mature without being adulterated – and we have what it takes to grow beyond our parents’ delusions. This is what it takes to abandon the implanted drive to be a slave. 

         Today few note that their rulers, democratically elected or otherwise, have come from the same families for centuries. While such talk is no longer regarded as godless anti-monarchic Communism, it is still relegated to the realm of ‘conspiracy theory’ by most. Nevertheless, at the core of each nation state, race and culture is a single group of families who have managed to hold onto power by all manner of means – mainly foul - for centuries. Even a cursory scan of history makes this obvious. 

         Now the post-modern propaganda is designed to lead us to believe that the Royal Houses of Europe – and their industrious relatives - are the direct descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, thanks to Dan Brown and his predecessors, the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail and many others dating back well before the last Crusade. Remember the Divine Right of Kings? In fact, their bloodlines really lead back to far more turgid and evil sources than gentle Joshua and Mistress Miriam, to the sources of fear and hatred which have beset peace-loving humanity for a hundred thousand years – to the great Tyrant who lurks within all of us who reject the wisdom of their hearts and the child-like compassion within ourselves. 

The time of kings, queens and tyrants is over. Now we’ve something more to say. 

         Having noted all these points, it’s necessary to state the following; the nature of reality now evident to us at the dawn of this Third Millennium is that we inhabit a holographic fractal multiverse. This has many ramifications. In a truly infinite multiverse, literally everything is not only possible but mandatory, like an infinite improbability drive - beings with god-like powers, trans-dimensional beings, faerie realms, demonic influencers, travelers in planar geoids (flying saucers) and precisely anything we can imagine must be an actuality, somewhere. The likelihood of travel between disparate universes must be recognised. This explains the embarrassment of riches often noted by UFO researchers and skeptics alike – the vast range of types of craft and their inhabitants and their high frequency of appearance, which could scarcely be explained by travelers originating from a single area within the Milky Way galaxy. 

         If, as is obviously the case, tuned, rotating electromagnetic fields can act as gateways between universes (see and and ), then such multifarious manifestations are to be expected. As are the occasional appearances of god-like, angel, faerie or demonic exploiters of humanity’s gullibility and innocence. 

         These are some of the consequences of the geometry of the free-form multiverse in which we find ourselves incarnate – for a simple outline of this new and ancient paradigm, see the last link above.

         But what’s the point? The point is that almost everything we have been taught is a lie or partial truth promulgated to keep us working for industries that are run by conscienceless men and women who view the rest of us as vermin in our burrows. The point is that the universe is mind-stuff and we literally create it from moment to moment – and have a choice in all we do and all that appears to exalt or befall us. 

         Wake from the lie that surrounds us. Turn on. Tune in. Opt out of using your time for anything you don’t REALLY BELIEVE IN. If you believe in yourself and open yourself to opportunities you will find something real and rewarding. You can do anything – as you would be done by. Others are waking up all the time. We can create anything – so be careful what you wish for. And have a pie today!
         If you could create paradise, what would it be like? 

A true skeptic knows only that they can know nothing is true.

-        R. Ayana

P.S. - the word 'rich' literally means 'king'

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From the New Illuminati –

Friday 21 April 2006

Avian Flu or Mycoplasma Pandemic?

Avian Flu or Mycoplasma Pandemic?

Germ Theory – What Is Mycoplasma? 

Mycoplasma fermentans 

 “…What we fear is another opportunity the world is being given to exchange an ancient disease (a viral influenza) for something new: a ‘flu-like illness’ caused by a Mycoplasma species. In fact, if our worst fears are realised, a large part of the human family has already been contaminated with this deadly new pathogen. It has been engineered from its earlier and natural antecedent by the US government’s biowarfare weapons research, development, testing and deployment agencies and their university and commercial partners…
“Mycoplasma is now acknowledged by a patent, held by the US Government, to be a factor in ‘…AIDS or ARC, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Sarcoidosis, respiratory distress syndrome, Kibuchi’s disease, autoimmune diseases such as Collagen Vascular Disease and Lupus and chronic debilitating diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease.’ This dramatic list of Mycoplasma-related diseases is taken from the 1991 US Patent #5,242,820, with its ‘inventor’ cited as Shyh-Ching Lo, who assigned the patent rights to the American Registry of Pathology, Washington, DC. In other words, the US Government holds a patent upon a death and disease weapon of mass destruction in the form of a patent on ‘Pathogenic Mycloplasma’. And this Mycoplasma causes a ‘flu-like illness’ which can be fatal.

         “…suppose something were to kill [a} bacterium – something such as a variant of penicillin which opens a rupture in the bacterial wall. The draining of the cytoplasm will kill the life-form, but there is still a will to live in parts of the DNA and RNA. Thus, particles of the DNA and RNA cluster together and quickly assemble a protein protective coat around themselves. Here you have the essential virus; a particle of genetic information with a protein coat.

         “Take a further look at the bacterium and note the ribosomes… the cytoplasm is full of them – the nucleic acids called ribonucleic acid (RNA) are assembled when it is necessary for the bacterium to manufacture proteins and enzymes for the bacterium to function. As with particles of the DNA, certain bacterial RNAs have the capacity to seek to survive when their original life-form is threatened, by clustering together and self-assembling a protein protective coat.

         “Somehow or other, the life-force which motivates the bacterium has an inherent sense of which nucleic particles it need to save when the original life-form is threatened. Thus, the various species of virus are select particles of genetic code which have sheltered themselves with a protein coat until they can access another living cell and get on with the business of life.

         “Unfortunately, in seeking to save their life-particles, the viruses often have to destroy other life-forms such as human cells. When the latter happens, the destroyed cells present as disease-ravaged remnants of earlier life-forms… 

         “Even though the WHO and other ‘health’ agencies  would have you believe that you should fear the avian flu virus, species H5N1, it is the mycoplasma that humanity has to fear… the world of official medicine apparently doesn’t want the average citizen even to know that such an organism exists. 

         “Allow us to give you a thumbnail sketch of the mycoplasma. Start by taking a look at the bacterium. Note that the bacterium has ribosomes which, as we have seen, are involved in the manufacture of RNA, and note further that sometimes particles of the RNA get loose due to bacterial death and are preserved by being gathered together into groups of eight RNA fragments which are then enclosed in a protective matrix and a cell membrane, and voila: there you have the influenza virus! 

         “…If the bacterium is killed…particles of DNA will also seek to continue as living organisms by creating themselves a membrane and setting off within their environment to find another host cell which will let them inside and give them a refuge. Again, voila: this cell-wall-less DNA particle becomes a self-replicating but somewhat incomplete life-form known as a species of Mycoplasma!…

         “So, you start off with some species of ‘walled bacteria’and it all falls apart (degenerative evolution) for one of a variety of reasons, such as the operation of penicillin. Then, select particles of the bacterial DNA quickly start a search for some other cell within which it can take up residence. It is almost a virus, without the protective protein coat that we noted above… 

         “When the mycoplasma finds a cell which will allow it to cross the cellular membrane, the mycoplasma will generally lie peacefully, doing no harm to its new host until it is subjected to some kind of trauma. 

         “The body of which the cell is a part may be subjected to a rear-end automobile accident, or it may be traumatized by a fall on the ice. Even the news that a dear and valued friend has died can produce a trauma sufficient to rouse the dormant mycoplasma into life. 

         “When so roused into activity, certain species of the DNA mycoplasmal particle will begin to up-take pre-formed sterols from its new host, ultimately killing the host. The totality can be called a ‘mycoplasmal infection’ and can present as, for example, pneumonia, wherein the cells in the lungs begin to degenerate and release fluid which floods the alveoli, or air-containing cells of the lungs. 

         “…there may well be a worldwide pandemic and it may well kill thousands of people a day over a period of time. But the chances of it being the consequence of a sole, mutating H5N1 species of avian flu virus are miniscule or totally unlikely, and the chances of it being a mycoplasmal infection are very high… 

         “we returned to Dr Shyh-Ching Lo’s Uniformed services University of the Health Sciences course on Mycloplasma and read it for the tenth time… and suddenlywe realized what one paragraph of that unit was really saying. Here is the paragraph: 

         “’The most serious presentation of M[ycoplasma] fermentans infection is that of a fulminant systemic disease that begins as a flu-like illness. Patients rapidly deteriorate, developing severe complications including adult respiratory distress syndrome, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and/or multiple organ failure.’ (The Journal of Degenerative Diseases, vol. 5, no. 2, p. 28) 

         “Now, please note: this is not influenza, but is a ‘flu-like illness’ which anyone could honestly mistake for the influenza – but it is not the flu, and it is not caused by the H5N1 strain of the avian flu virus. It is caused by a pathogen patented by the United States government! 

-         From Avian Flu or Mycoplasma Pandemic
NEXUS New Times Magazine, vol. 13 no. 3, pp27-83
By Donald W. Scott, MA, MSc and William L.C. Scott
The Common Cause Medical Research Foundation
Copyright 2006

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Saturday 15 April 2006

Fire From Water: Part 3

Fire From Water  

Part 3 


Perhaps it’s not surprising from the perspective of this sophisticated brave new Third Millennium, but when Yull Brown developed a pollution-free energy system which replaces fossil fuels with water, his work received many setbacks, from death threats to overt hostility from gas and fuel corporations. 

         A man of contradictions, Yull Brown was born in Bulgaria and received a degree in physics from Moscow University. As an electrical engineer he specialized in the work of the great persecuted pioneer Nikola Tesla – and spent twelve years in a Soviet work camp. In the partial amnesty after Stalin’s death he was released and came to Australia by way of Turkey. 

         In the 1970s he developed his system of efficiently splitting hydrogen and oxygen from water and electricity; in his first commercial cell design, 1 Kwh of electricity produced 340 litres of Brown’s gas. 

         The gas burns faster than any other comparable mixture – the flame front propagates at three kilometres per second, compared with only ten metres per second for the traditional welder’s gas, oxy-acetelene. Intense heat can be produced from a tiny volume of Brown’s gas. 

         In 1988 Professor Brown demonstrated his welding unit at Melbourne’s Bicentennial Trade Fair. He astounded audiences by vapourising a tungsten welding rod. Tungsten melts at 3,600 degrees Celsius, but was vapourised to a dark gas at 5,960 degrees C – as hot as the surface of the sun – in seconds. Oxy-acetelene burns at only 3,137 degrees C. 

         Strangely, Yull Brown’s welder produces a long, relatively cool orange flame which you can pass your hand through at a moderate speed, leaving a fine mist of water where it passes. But, without adjustment, the torch burns holes in refractory ceramics (used to line blast furnaces), welds soft aluminium pieces or stainless steel together and house bricks to steel pipe – with perfect welds in which the gas doesn’t cause the metal to oxidise. The flame seems to discriminate between the different forms of material it strikes. Yull told me the primary differentiation was between organic and inorganic materials. 

         Professor Brown developed a highly efficient electrolytic cell which splits water and hydrogen out of water, without separating them with a membrane. The mixture is stable because the cell produces an exact 2:1 ratio of hydrogen and oxygen (called a stochiometric mix) – the ratio in which these elements are found in water – for use directly in a welding unit that Yull patented and manufactured. 

         Hydrogen and oxygen are normally explosive when sparked because of an excess of oxygen – but if they are contained in a stochiometric proportion they can be stored together safely; the sparking of the two gases causes the gas to implode, forming water as a residue. 


“I explored the nature of water because I believed water stores enormously high energy,” Yull told me in 1989. “When I separate hydrogen and oxygen and burn them I create tremendous heat. 

         “I have proved that the temperature of Brown’s gas flame is extremely hot – up to 6,000 degrees Celsius.  The hydrogen and oxygen, which is a mixture of different isotopes, especially protium, deuterium and tritium, creates a chain reaction which increases the energy greatly, especially in the stochiometric proportion. It is the universal fluid of life. I can store it in a gas that’s not dangerous and compress it. 

         “There are thirty-six different isotopes of water. The nature of this energy is to be found in the complex chain reactions involved in the creating of different isotopes of oxygen and different types of hydrogen. And we have a tremendous amount of energy passing from one type of water to another. 

         “It is like a thermonuclear reaction. But safe.” 

         With this ‘controlled thermonuclear reaction’ Yull claimed to be able to destroy any type of toxic waste – from nuclear waste to PCBs – and render them harmless, leaving only water vapour and carbon. 

         My next question was about running vehicles on Brown’s gas. 

“Running cars on hydrogen is a piece of cake,” Yull replied. “The car I ran was operating on the explosion principle because the motor of the ordinary car runs only on explosions, not implosions. I had to mix Brown’s gas with the air to make and explosion. 

“There are two ways of producing energy. In the world today we use only one- explosion to create energy. The other is implosion. 

“One thing I always try to explain is this; here is the air and there is the engine. The two should be separate. The engine should not take anything from the air and should not put anything into the air. The first reason is the destruction of the oxygen; the second is pollution. 

“The future energy of the world should never take anything from the air. The oxygen in the air is for our breathing. Engines should use Brown’s gas to produce their own hydrogen and oxygen, without taking anything from the air or giving anything to the air. 

“The balance of nature is upset. We have a loss of trees through cutting and burning, so w are producing much more carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. To destroy the air is a crime. Air is necessary for breathing. The energy for Brown’s gas comes from electrical energy which is stored up and then released, giving the water back, so we are not destroying the water. I destroy nothing in nature. I only borrow it for some time, and release it back into nature in exactly the same amount. This is the way we have to think if we want our planet to exist. The other way we are completely lost. 

“Energy should come from the Sun, wind, tides, waterfalls. Production of electricity from natural energy is well known. The question is, how can we store this electrical energy? Now storage is no longer a problem. 

“We have two different types of energy. One is stable, like electricity, which gives us cooking, light and heat. The other is portable energy to put in vehicles. 

“If we investigate prices, we will notice that the cheapest energy in the world is electrical energy. My intention was to change one form of energy – electricity, which is stable and cheap – into another form of energy and make it portable. We are making it more economical than petrol. That is what the oil companies don’t like.” 

 Framed Plaque on Yull's Wall

- R. Ayana

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