Thursday 31 October 2013

The Origins of Halloween: Season of the Crone

The Origins of Halloween:
Season of the Crone



Man Made God by Barbara G. WalkerBy Barbara G. Walker

Halloween, Samhain, All Hallows, All Saints or Hallow-Eve is the season of the Crone. In ancient paganism, the word Crone denoted an elder priestess or tribal matriarch; a cognate word is "crown," the symbol of a leader. The word was made pejorative when the Christian Church redefined all elder priestesses of the old religion as malevolent witches. Similarly, the word "hag" was once derived from Greek hagia—a holy woman—and also became a Christianized term for a witch.

The divine Crone was originally a part of the trinitarian Goddess, who appeared in Maiden, Mother and Crone forms, associated with the three phases of woman's life, the three phases of the moon and the annual cycles of nature. Viewed as an underworld deity who cared for the dead, the Goddess as Crone ruled autumnal harvest festivals, when the spirits of dead ancestors could visit their descendants and share in the harvest feast. Among the Celts, the well-known "death's head at the feast" used to be an actual skull of an ancestor, set at the table to receive offerings, often with a candle set within it, to simulate the warmth of life and the light of vision. Such was the origin of the jack-o-lantern.

Day of the Dead/Dia de los Muertos candyCandy

"We still give children candy at Halloween, but we have forgotten why."

In southeast Asia, harvest customs still involve food offerings to ancestors at the holiday known as the Feast of the Hungry Ghosts. In Mexico, it is called the Day of the Dead, characterized by honoring the ancestors and feeding the children little candy skulls as the memento mori. Feeding children treats on holy days is a long-established human habit, originally designed not only to make such occasions memorable for the children, but also to show visiting tribal spirits that the next generation is here, needing their continued help in maintaining the food supply for the tribe. We still give children candy at Halloween, but we have forgotten why.

Skulls and Masks

The skull was an important symbol of the divine Crone, often envisioned as her true face, veiled like everyone’s skull by the mask of flesh. Typically, she was also hidden behind a black veil. Various traditions claimed that one might see her true visage only in one’s final moments of life, not as in a glass darkly, but then face to face....

Lycanthrope or werewolf, woodcut, from the Cosmographia of Sebastian Muenster, Basel 1555.Masks, covering the face, were used in sacred drama and other ceremonies to represent the presence of deity. To put on the mask, in ancient times, was often interpreted as a literal assumption of the divine spirit that the mask embodied. The animal-headed deities of ancient Egypt began as priests and priestesses wearing totemic animal masks. The wolf and bear clans of northern Europe wore masks of the appropriate animals for religious rites and considered themselves inwardly possessed by their sacred beasts. Such traditions gave rise not only to common surnames like Wolf and Baer, but also to legends of werewolves ("man-wolves") and berserkers (warriors who became possessed by battle-frenzy when wearing the "bear sark" or bearskin).

"Mask wearing for religious purposes has been common throughout history."

Mask wearing for religious purposes has been common throughout history.... When mask-wearing was associated with pagan ancestor worship and religious rituals of the common people, it is hardly surprising to find it still extant in the only pagan religious holiday that the Church never managed to pre-empt and turn to its own use: Halloween.

Many versions of the Crone Goddess coalesced into the churchmen’s image of the "Queen of Witches"... Up to the 19th century, it was an official Article of Faith of the Catholic Church to believe in the existence of an underground "Queen of Witches," who usually had one of three possible names: Hecate, Persephone or Lilith. All three of these were formerly Crone figures of the original female Holy Trinity.

 "Up to the 19th century, it was an official Article of Faith of the Catholic Church to believe in the existence of an underground 'Queen of Witches'..."

Hecate and Persephone

A Greek version of the ancient trinity was made up of Hebe, the springtime maiden (Roman Flora); Hera, the Queen of Heaven and mother of the gods; and Hecate, the Crone, ruler of the underworld of the dead. Hecate’s male consort was Hades (Roman Pluto). Porphyry and other classical writers sometimes considered Hecate the whole trinity, appearing as Hecate Selene, the new moon in heaven; Hecate Artemis, the full-moon spirit of nature; and Hecate Persephone, the waning moon representing death and the nether regions. She was worshipped at three-way crossroads as Hecate Trevia, "Hecate of the Three Ways." Her images stood at crossroads to receive offerings from travelers and gifts of gratitude for safe journeys...

Hecate the Triple Goddess (British Museum)Though Hecate was popular in Greco-Roman culture, she actually originated in Egypt as the Crone Goddess Hekat, an amalgam of the seven obstetrical Hathors who daily delivered the newborn sun....

"She was sometimes perceived as the Crone form of the Cat Goddess Bast, whose priestesses were also midwives and to whom black cats were sacred. Hence, the still recognizably familiar 'familiar' of the witch."

Another of the Church's favorite witch-queens was Proserpina, the Latin form of Etruscan Persipnei and Greek Persephone. Classical mythology confused her with Kore, the springtime Virgin, because the trinity of Kore-Demeter-Persephone was actually cyclic. In the reworked myth, Persephone was the maiden abducted by the underworld god (Hades or Pluto) and unwillingly made Queen of the Underworld and forced to live underground during each winter season, when her mother Demeter grieved for her and refused to let the earth bear fruit or greenery until her daughter’s return in spring....

Gnostics taught that newly dead souls would meet Persephone (or Proserpina) in the underworld as soon as they crossed the River Styx. She would teach them the "words of power" and magic rituals that they would need to insure a comfortable afterlife. Knowledge of these matters was a primary purpose of Gnostic initiation, even among Christian Gnostics, whose ideas were declared heretical during the fifth century. Nevertheless, Gnostic traditions continued to influence ordinary folk in secret for at least a thousand years more.

Lilith: Queen of Witches

The Semitic version of the Queen of Witches was Lilith or Lilit, known in apocryphal writings as the first wife of Adam. It was said that she abandoned Adam because he was too bossy and too crude in his sexual techniques. She defied God and sneered at the angels that God sent to retrieve her. She went away to the Red Sea and found more compatible male consorts, by whom she conceived thousands of children. This detail identifies her as one of the primary Earth Mother figures, who possessed the title of Mother of All Living, later transferred to Eve.

"Lilith [was] one of the primary Earth Mother figures, who possessed the title of Mother of All Living, later transferred to Eve."

The Goddess Lilith/Lilitu? Old Babylonian period (British museum)The name of Lilith first appears on a 4,000-year-old tablet from Ur containing the "Sumerian version of the Gilgamesh epic" called "Gilgamesh and the Huluppu-Tree." She was known in Sumeria and Babylon as Belit-Ili, the Lily Goddess.... Such she-demons were also called Night-Hags or Night-Mares, recalling the black, mare-headed form of Demeter/Persephone as Crone (Demeter Chthonia, "Underground Demeter").

In northern Europe, the Night-Hags were witches known as Volvas, who could shape-shift themselves into the form of mares between sunset and dawn. Lilith's constellation of myths gave rise to Christianity’s crudest notions about witches, not only their shape-shifting abilities and their animal familiars but also their occult power over men's genitals, their alleged sexual insatiability and their magical induction in humans of impotence or sexual enslavement. Such fears lay at the root of the witch-hunting mania that took over Europe in the 12th and 13th centuries, and still lurk behind many forms of male violence against women.

"Lilith's myths gave rise to Christianity's crudest notions about witches, not only their shape-shifting abilities and their animal familiars but also their occult power over men's genitals."

Lilith's sacred totem was the owl, the Wise Bird of the Crone, which explains why owls still appear in Halloween symbolism.... The idea of the Crone Goddess underlies all such Halloween symbols as the wise owl, the black cat, the ancestral ghost, a glowing skull-lantern, the mask and costume, the gifts of food to children, the sacred fires and the harvest feast. Perhaps the most important symbol was the cauldron: a divine vessel, forever churning forth temporary life forms and then reabsorbing them into its eternal stew....

The Cauldron and the Soul

Three Witches or Weird Sisters from Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'Shakespeare's Macbeth shows the three Weird Sisters dancing around their sacred cauldron, singing "Round About the Cauldron Go." They are none other than the old Saxon Triple-Goddess Wyrd, whose name means "Fate" and who took all creatures into her fatal cauldron to bring them forth again in new forms. That she was the death-bringing and life-giving spirit of the earth is indisputable. Some form of the Cauldron seems to have accompanied most of mythology’s Crone figures.

"The cauldron stood for birth, nurture, destruction and death, cyclic redistribution going on forever on a global scale, including everything from bacteria to the largest organisms."

It was quite a different concept from the Judeo-Christian one. The cauldron symbolized the idea that just as thought is inseparable from brain, so spirit is inseparable from body; the one is a function of the other. Native American cultures, for example, viewed the whole environment of earth, air, waters, plants and animals as sacred, because it was all part of their totemic ancestor-worship. The spirits of all clan members became part of the environment, just as the spirits of animals and plants that were eaten became part of the eater. So in a spiritual sense as much as in a material one, there was constant interchange between self and environment. Gods, ancestors, saviors, animal spirits and living humans all were part of the same mix. Hidden in this concept lie the familiar superstitions that claim gods or devils can take human form and vice versa, or that humans can be made into saints or demigods simply by the use of human words and magical formulae....

The ancient view was somewhat more eco-logical, more egalitarian and certainly more compatible with modern knowledge of natural processes. In the Crone's cauldron, "soul" becomes synonymous with "life force," characteristic of all organisms rather than the exclusive property of humans. Matter was one with its creatress and linguistic derivative, Mater, Mother, the material of everything. Mother love, which the Hindus called karuna, was the basis of all feeling and morality....

If this ancient view had stayed with us, instead of being condemned and obliterated by patriarchal religion, we might have very different attitudes toward death and dying, body and spirit, self and other, even good and evil. Since religion is, in large part, humanity’s effort to deal with the inevitability of death, the philosophical implications of this change were enormous. Perhaps the earlier views were more sensible after all.

"What would churches be today, if they had not so profitably driven the public mule with the carrot of heaven and the stick of hell?"

What would churches be today, if they had not so profitably driven the public mule with the carrot of heaven and the stick of hell? Freed from its collective dream/nightmare of both carrot and stick, the human creature might have gone in different directions and understood Halloween, the Season of the Crone, in entirely different ways. The Crone reminds us that religion-induced fear of death wastes our powers, while an honest acknowledgement that life must end may be the best incentive to true enjoyment of being alive.

Excerpted from Man Made God

For further information and citations, see Man Made God by Barbara G. Walker, author of The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets.

Man Made God by Barbara Walker

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Wednesday 30 October 2013

Ultrasound Causes Brain Damage in Foetuses

Ultrasound Causes Brain Damage in Foetuses

Ultrasound has become routine during pregnancy over the last 3 decades. It is assumed to be safe, though safety was never investigated. Research is now finally being done, and the results are dismal, demonstrating clear and permanent brain damage, as shown in this study. Nearly all babies have been damaged to varying degrees, resulting in abnormal neurology becoming the norm.

by Heidi Stevenson

That delightful ultrasound look at a fetus months before birth is a huge thrill—but that’s the only benefit. That thrill comes at a risk, one that it’s hard to imagine any parent would be willing to take if the facts were presented. Ultrasound causes brain damage and can even kill the fetus. This is not a supposition. It’s been clearly documented, and exactly what it does to the developing brain is understood.

Dr. Jennifer Margulis points out in her brilliant new book, The Business of Baby:

Manuel Casanova M.D., a neurologist who holds an endowed chair at the University of Louisville in Kentucky, contends that Rakic’s mice research helps confirm a disturbing hypothesis that he and his colleagues have been testing for the last three years: that ultrasound exposure is an environmental factor directly contributing to the exponential rise in autism.[1]


The Study


Dr. Pasko Rakic is the lead researcher for the study documenting that ultrasound damages mouse brains.[2] It shows that the process of brain development is disturbed in mice. Though it’s easy to suggest that this is “only” a study on mice, so doesn’t prove anything about humans, that’s not true. The method of development in mouse brains is exactly the same in all mammals. Therefore, if ultrasound has an adverse effect on mouse brains, then it must also have the same effect on human brains.

The Brain’s Cellular Organization
Brain cells are not arranged in a random manner. The brain’s gray matter controls muscles, sensory perception, emotion, and memory. Gray matter cells form columns, which can function as a unit. The cells are also arranged in rows that are parallel to the surface of the brain. You can think of the brain’s cells as being arranged in a grid, like a graph. Each cell forms part of both a column and a row, though the row is actually curved to match the surface of the brain.

If developing cells do not end up where they should, behavioral problems and epilepsy can arise from the misarrangement. It’s obvious that anything capable of causing such misarrangement can produce disabilities. Therefore, Dr. Rakic’s study is particularly disturbing.

Brain Cell Migration
A fetus’s neurons are formed in the area just above the cerebellum, sometimes called the “primitive brain”, and they progress toward the outer surface of the brain. During the process, they are moved outward, parallel to the brain’s surface. The study report goes into some detail about how this process happens, but for our purposes, there’s no need to address it.

How and when this process occurs is well understood, though the means by which cells move radially, away from the column in which they start, is not well understood. What is known, though, is that the process is very sensitive and can be affected by many biological, physical, and chemical agents. The authors state:

For example, repeated exposure of the rodent and primate fetal brain to environmental
agents, such as alcohol (9), drugs (22), neurotrophic viruses (23), and ionizing irradiation (24, 25), causes misplacement of neurons and behavioral deficits.

The numbers in parentheses identify study references documenting things that can result in displacement of neurons and the results.

The study provides a graphic representation of how this migration functions and malfunctions under ultrasound. The ovals represent neurons. They’re produced at the bottom, where single neurons are shown. The red ones have been labeled on day 16 of gestation. The top row (A-D) shows normal migration. The bottom row (E-H) shows abnormal migration of red (BrdU-labeled) neurons that were formed on day 16 of gestation, when ultrasound was applied.

The left-hand images (A & E) show day 16 of gestation (E16). The next ones (B & F) show day 17 of gestation (E17). The last images (D & H) show the final placement of neurons at birth (P1).

Notice that all the red neurons on the top row move upward in a consistent manner and form a single row (A-D). However, neurons that have received ultrasound often move at slower rates (F). The next batch of neurons catches up with many of them (G). The result of the the neurons receiving ultrasound, shown in red, are often displaced, with some not even reaching the cortex of the brain on the day of birth (H).

Sound Waves Equivalent to Human Fetus Exposure

Pregnant mice were given doses of ultrasound for times ranging from 5 to 420 minutes. As shown in the image to the right, the pregnant mice were placed in glass tubes with cutouts to deliver ultrasound to their fetuses. An acoustic gel was applied to the posterior half of the mouse and a water bag was placed on the side opposite the ultrasound device to minimize any sound wave reflection or standing waves that could affect the ultrasound application.

An ultrasound device that had been used on humans. Extensive testing was done to avoid interference and assure that the exposure of fetuses to the ultrasound was minimal. The results of these tests are provided by the authors on the publisher’s site.

The label on the graphic reading “tsp” stands for tissue standoff pad. The head of the ultrasound device was placed a distance from the mouse’s skin to assure that the fetuses received sound waves equivalent to those that a human fetus receives.

146 mice were treated with ultrasound and 141 controls were run through exactly the same process, but without actually receiving ultrasound. Another 30 mice were also included as “normal” controls, but we’ll ignore them because they don’t affect the primary results.

On the 16th day of their pregnancies, the mice were injected with BrdU, which stained only the newly produced cells. The mice were treated with ultrasound on days 17-19, the 3 days following BrdU injection.  All samples were processed by technicians blinded to their control-ultrasound status.

On day 10 after birth, the young mice were killed and brain slices were taken for analysis. These were stained and processed, then viewed under microscropes, photographed, and analyzed. Grids, which the researchers called bins, were drawn on top of images to aid in the analyses.

The results of a 60 minute exposure is shown in this graphic. The control is on the left, labeled A, C, D, and E. The results of the mouse that had received ultrasound is on the right, labeled B, F, G, and H. The top two images show the locations of the slices.

Neurons stained green with BrdU, which means they were newly formed on the 16th day after conception, and the others are stained red. The six images below A and B are photos of the slices.

Images C and F show only the red stained neurons, which pre-existed the green-stained BrdU neurons.

The middle images, D and G, show the same information as C and F, but with the green BrdU-stained neurons added in. It’s easy to see that the control neurons are more clustered at the top of the cortex than those of the ultrasound-treated neurons in green.

Look at images E and H. Here, the difference between controls and ultrasound-treated neurons is even more obvious. Only the neurons that had been stained green with BrdU are shown. Notice that nearly all the control neurons made their way to level 3 or 4 of the 10 bins. Far fewer of the ultrasound-treated neurons reached levels 3 and 4. A large number reached only levels 5 and 6. Worse, though, a significant proportion hardly moved upward at all, remaining stuck at levels 1 and 2.

Finally, notice the arrow heads in H. One is in bin 7 and two are in bin 10. Bin 7 is located below the cortex. It’s in a deeper white matter area. These neurons did not even reach the cortex. Worse, though, are all these ultrasound-treated neurons still sitting in the bottom layer, a particularly worrisome situation. The study states that these neurons:

… formed a distinct band near the lateral cerebral ventricle that resemble periventricular ectopias. When these ectopic BrdU cells occurred, it was easy to distinguish the exposed brains from the control brains, even upon visual inspection of the immunostained sections.

Ectopias are abnormal positions of body parts or organs, especially at birth. These ectopias were so severe that they can be seen without a microscope—an indication of severe brain damage.

Quantitative Analysis
The example above is a single sample from the study, but there were 287 mice in it. The numbers for each of the exposure times were:

  • 420 minutes: 7 controls, 7 received ultrasound

  • 210 minutes: 14 controls, 14 received ultrasound

  • 60 minutes: 32 controls, 29 received ultrasound

  • 30 minutes: 35 controls, 35 received ultrasound

  • 15 minutes: 33 controls, 39 received ultrasound

  • 5 minutes: 20 controls, 22 received ultrasound

The graphs display the percent of neurons that remained in the bottom five bins, numbers 6-10, which means that they traveled less distance toward the brain’s surface.

Unfortunately, the 210 minute results are anomalous and the researchers offer no explanation. However, close examination shows some support for it. The percentage of 60-minute control mouse neurons that remained in bins 6-10 is less than for 30 minutes. It may be that something happens in the 30-210 minute exposure range that results in a variance.

The dispersion of neurons is similar for controls and ultrasound-exposed mice at 5 and 15 minutes, though there was a slightly higher dispersal amount in the ultrasound-exposed mice. At 30 minutes, though, the distinction starts to become significant:

  • More than 30 minutes’ exposure: 4% more neurons in bottom 5 bins (5% & 9%)

  • More than 60 minutes’ exposure: 6% more neurons in bottom 5 bins (5% & 11%)

  • More than 210 minutes’ exposure: 4% more neurons in bottom 5 bins (5% & 9%)

  • More than 420 minute’s exposure: 6% more neurons in bottom 5 bins (9% & 13%)

  • Average of all results: 3% more neurons in bottom 5 bins (5% & 8%)

Clearly, longer ultrasound exposure results in more neurons getting left behind.

As the authors wrote:

At durations of 420 min, it is possible that the stress of this long exposure leads to increased cell dispersion above the normal control condition. However, it is difficult to completely assess durations of 420 min and above because some pups from USW-exposed mothers were either resorbed or cannibalized at birth (Table 1). In fact, no pups survived to P10 [10 days after birth] in pregnant mice exposed to 600 min of USW, although the sham control mouse gave birth to a full litter that survived until P10.

Put simply, they were saying that when mouse pups were exposed to 420 minutes of ultrasound, some of them did not survive. They were either absorbed before birth or born dead or nonviable, and therefore cannibalized by their mothers. They also subjected some mouse fetuses to 600 minutes of ultrasound. None of the fetuses survived that much ultrasound exposure. All died by the 10th day after birth. However, none of the fetuses of the control group died.


Partial Conclusion


This study shows that ultrasound waves directed at a fetus interfere with brain development by causing displacement of neurons. Such displacement is known to result in behavioral problems and are either known or suspected of causing other neurological problems.

Dr. Rakic and his team have produced a powerful study that clearly demonstrates brain damage produced by ultrasound. This prenatal test has become so routine that some doctors do screenings at every visit. Though individual procedures don’t take 3½ to 7 hours (210-420 minutes), it’s easy to see that a baby could easily be exposed to an aggregate of that much. Such results need to be taken seriously.

There’s even more to know about ultrasound during pregnancy—such as the fact that it doesn’t even produce any benefits. This, and more about prenatal ultrasound are discussed in the next article, Ultrasound Causes Brain Damage in Fetuses: Implications.

I highly recommend Dr. Margulis’ book, The Business of Baby, which will soon be reviewed here on Gaia Health –Heidi Stevenson:


1.     The Business of Baby; Dr. Jennifer Margulis; Scribner; page 25-44.
2.     Prenatal exposure to ultrasound waves impacts neuronal migration in miceProceedings of the National Academy of Science; Eugenius S. B. C,. Ang, Jr, Vicko Gluncic, Alvaro Duque, Mark E. Schafer, and Pasko Rakic.

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