Monday 30 September 2013

Cannabis IS Harmless - So why is it illegal?

Cannabis IS Harmless - So why is it illegal?
Although Marijuana Smoke Contains Many of The Same Constituents as Tobacco Smoke, It Does Not Adversely Affect The Lungs


I'm a huge advocate of using cannabis in its purest form to maximize its therapeutic benefits. Smoking it should be your last resort to achieve the array of health benefits is has to offer. However, a large-scale national study suggests that even moderate use of marijuana is less harmful to users’ lungs than exposure to tobacco, even though the two substances contain at least some of the same components.

This comprehensive study, led by UCSF and University of Alabama at Birmingham, collected data from more than 5,000 U.S. adults for more than 20 years.

The study, published in of Journal of the American Medical Association, also offered up a nugget that likely will surprise many: Evidence points to slight increases in lung airflow rates and increases in lung volume from occasional marijuana use.

Air flow is the amount of air someone can blow out of their lungs one second after taking the deepest breath possible. The volume measure is the total amount of air blown out once someone has taken the deepest breath possible.

In the paper published in the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA), researchers analyzed the relationship between current and lifetime exposure to marijuana and pulmonary function. The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study collected medical data from 5,115 men and women in four U.S. cities from 1985 to 2006.

They measured air flow rate -- the speed in which a person can blow out air -- and lung volume, which is the amount of air a person is capable of holding, typically about six liters of air for an adult male. Lung function was measured using a common medical device called a spirometer that measures air flow when the participant breathes in and out.

Cumulative cannabis use is associated with higher forced vital capacity [the volume of air that can forcibly be blown out after full inspiration], total lung capacity, functional residual capacity [the volume of air present in the lungs at the end of passive expiration] and residual volume.

Cannabis was also associated with higher airways resistance but not with forced expiratory volume in one second [the maximum volume of air that can be forcibly blown out in the first second during the FVC test], forced expiratory ratio, or transfer factor. These findings were similar amongst those who did not smoke tobacco. By contrast, tobacco use was associated with lower forced expiratory volume in one second, lower forced expiratory ratio, lower transfer factor and higher static lung volumes, but not with airways resistance."

"With marijuana use increasing and large numbers of people who have been and continue to be exposed, knowing whether it causes lasting damage to lung function is important for public-health messaging and medical use of marijuana," according to one of the study's co-authors, Stefan Kertesz. "At levels of marijuana exposure commonly seen in Americans, occasional marijuana use was associated with increases in lung air flow rates and increases in lung capacity."

He added that those increases, though not large, nonetheless were statistically significant. "And the data showed that even up to moderately high-use levels -- one joint a day for seven years -- there is no evidence of decreased air-flow rates or lung volumes," he said.

Cannabis appears to have different effects on lung function to those of tobacco.

Smoking cigarettes can cause significant lung damage, including respiratory symptoms, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lung cancer. It accounts for an estimated 443,000 deaths, or nearly one in every five deaths, each year in the United States, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Data for the long-term effects of marijuana use on the pulmonary system has been scarce until now.

"We found exactly what we thought we would find in relation to tobacco exposure: a consistent loss of lung function with increasing exposure," said Mark Pletcher, MD, MPH, associate professor in the Division of Clinical Epidemiology at UCSF. "We were, however, surprised that we found such a different pattern of association with marijuana exposure."

"Essentially with tobacco, the more you use, the more loss you have with both of the indicators, air flow rate and lung volume," said the paper’s last author Stefan Kertesz, MD, MSc, associate professor in the Division of Preventive Medicine at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine and the Birmingham VA Medical Center. "There’s a straight-line relationship: the more you use, the more you lose."

The same was not true with marijuana use. Air flow rate increased rather than decreased with increased exposure to marijuana up to a certain level.

"An important factor that helps explain the difference in effects from these two substances is the amount of each that is typically smoked," Pletcher said. "Tobacco users typically smoke ten to 20 cigarettes/day, and some smoke much more than that. Marijuana users, on average, smoke only two to three times a month, so the typical exposure to marijuana is much lower than for tobacco."

"And marijuana is one where a lot of people dabble with it in their late teens and 20s, and some people continue with relatively low levels for a long period of time," Kertesz added.

Heavy Marijuana Use May Take Toll...Maybe

Although there was a suggestion that very heavy use of marijuana might be taking a toll on the lungs, the researchers could not get reliable estimates of the effects of very heavy marijuana exposure, as such smokers were relatively rare in the study population.

All participants in the study began as young, healthy adults 18 to 30 years old from four communities: Oakland, Chicago, Minneapolis and Birmingham. They volunteered to be part of this long-term medical research study, agreeing that their data could be used to explore questions, including about tobacco and marijuana use.

Researchers believe the results can supplement the growing body of knowledge about beneficial aspects of low to moderate marijuana use in controlling pain, stimulating appetite, elevating mood and managing other chronic symptoms.

"Our findings suggest that occasional use of marijuana for these or other purposes may not be associated with adverse consequences on pulmonary function," Pletcher said. "On the other hand, our findings do suggest an accelerated decline in pulmonary function with heavier use -- either very frequent use or frequent use over many years -- and a resulting need for caution and moderation when marijuana use is considered."

Like cigarette smokers, marijuana users can develop throat irritation and coughs, but the study didn't focus on those. It also didn't examine lung cancer, but other studies haven't found any definitive link between marijuana use and cancer.

Raw Cannabis is Best

Despite this findings, raw cannabis is considered by many experts as a dietary essential. As a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, some classify it as one of the most important plants on earth. The biggest benefits from the plant may come not by smoking it, but rather by consuming it in its raw and natural form.

CBD (Cannabidiol), one of the main constituents of the cannabis plant has been proven medically to relieve many diseases including the inhibition of cancer cell growth. Recent studies have shown it to be an effective atypical anti-psychotic in treating schizophrenia. CBD also interferes with the amount of THC your brain processes, balancing the psychotropic effect of marijuana.

A British company, GW Pharma, is in advanced clinical trials for the world's first pharmaceutical developed from raw marijuana instead of synthetic equivalents and they say they'll have a mouth spray to treat cancer pain on pharmacy shelves by late 2013.

Why raw? Heat destroys certain enzymes and nutrients in plants. Incorporating raw cannabis allows for a greater availability of those elements. Those who require large amounts of cannabinoids without the psychoactive effects need to look no further than raw cannabis. In this capacity, it can be used at 60 times more tolerance than if it were heated.

Contrary To What Many Studies Suggest, Marijuana Use Does Not Lead to Mental Decline

Cannabis is one of the most powerful healing plants on the planet. Dozens of studies have made pseudoscientific attempts to indicate that young people who use cannabis tend to experience psychological, social problems and mental decline. However, there is no evidence that marijuana use is directly linked with such problems, according to the results of a study published in The Lancet.

 Marijuana was *mostly* legal until 1970 when it became classified as a hard drug. No one thought of it as a dangerous or illicit drug until the 20th century.

"Currently, there is no strong evidence that use of cannabis of itself causes psychological or social problems," such as mental illness or school failure, lead study author Dr. John Macleod of the University of Birmingham in the UK told Reuters Health.

"There is a great deal of evidence that cannabis use is associated with these things, but this association could have several explanations," he said, citing factors such as adversity in early life, which may itself be associated with cannabis use and psychosocial problems.

Macleod and his team reviewed 48 long-term studies, 16 of which provided the highest quality information about the association between illicit drug use reported by people 25 years old or younger and later psychological or social problems. Most of the drug-specific results involved cannabis use.

Cannabis use was not consistently associated with violent or antisocial behavior, or with psychological problems.

In another study, Scientists from King's College, London, found occasional pot use could actually improve concentration levels.

The study, carried in the American Journal of Epidemiology, tested the mental function and memory of nearly 9,000 Britons at age 50 and found that those who had used illegal drugs as recently as in their 40s did just as well, or slightly better, on the tests than peers who had never used drugs.

'Overall, at the population level, the results seem to suggest that past or even current illicit drug use is not necessarily associated with impaired cognitive functioning in early middle age,' said lead researcher Dr Alex Dregan.

Dr Dregan's team used data on 8,992 42-year-olds participating in a UK national health study, who were asked if they had ever used any of 12 illegal drugs. Then, at the age of 50, they took standard tests of memory, attention and other cognitive abilities.

Overall, the study found, there was no evidence that current or past drug users had poorer mental performance. In fact, when current and past users were lumped together, their test scores tended to be higher.

But that advantage was small, the researchers said, and might just reflect another finding - that people who'd ever used drugs generally had a higher education level than non-users.

'In a Western population of occasional drug users, this is what you'd expect to see,' said John Halpern, a psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School.

'In some ways, this is not surprising. The brain is resilient.'

Though some studies have found that drugs like cannabis and cocaine may cloud thinking, memory and attention in the short term, the current findings support the notion that those effects may be temporary, Dr Dregan's team said.

Othher investigators at the University of California at San Diego examined white matter integrity in adolescents with histories of binge drinking and marijuana use. They reported that binge drinkers (defined as boys who consumed five or more drinks in one sitting, or girls who consumed four or more drinks at one time) showed signs of white matter damage in eight regions of the brain.

By contrast, the binge drinkers who also used marijuana experienced less damage in 7 out of the 8 brain regions.

"Binge drinkers who also use marijuana did not show as consistent a divergence from non-users as did the binge drink-only group," authors concluded. "[It is] possible that marijuana may have some neuroprotective properties in mitigating alcohol-related oxidative stress or excitotoxic cell death."

Alarmist claims that experimenting with cannabis will inevitably lead to the use of other illicit drugs persist in the media despite statistical data indicating that the overwhelming majority of those who try pot never go on to use cocaine or heroin.

Moreover, recent research is emerging that indicates that pot may also suppress one's desire to use so-called hard drugs.

In June, Paris researchers writing in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology concluded that the administration of oral THC in animals suppressed sensitivity to opiate dependence.

One of the most important roles cannabinoids play is in the suppression of cancer. The research in this area is being increased every year as many more groups of scientists are discovering the powerful healing properties of cannabis.

Health benefits of marijuana are now well documented. From depression and anxiety relief to reduced blood pressure, pain alleviation and glaucoma treatment. It is not addictive, does not kill brain cells and is not a “gateway” drug -- in fact, when pot is more available, studies show that the use of hard drugs like heroin and cocaine actually decreases.

It's time governments around the world release their restrictions on this plant to all populations so that they may freely use one of mother nature's most healing plants.

Marco Torres
is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles. He holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a professional speaker on topics such as disease prevention, environmental toxins and health policy.

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Sunday 29 September 2013

The Glories of Nuclear Power: The Case Against Nuclear Lizzie

The Glories of Nuclear Power
The Case Against Nuclear Lizzie
Chernobyl's Nuclear Desert

 Had the reactor "gone nuclear" this town and it’s 45,000 inhabitants would have gone up in a mushroom cloud.
"The firemen who were sent to put out the reactor fire
were fried on the spot by gamma radiation".
 Elena Filatova, Chernobyl Photographer

Nuclear power stations are NOT built to produce electricity. Every other type of power station produces cheaper power simply by not producing nuclear waste that the taxpayer has to pay for thousands of years hence. Nuclear power stations are built to split uranium atoms; this process produces nuclear weapons material like Plutonium 239. Just  eight pounds of Plutonium 239 was in the bomb that demolished the entire city of Nagasaki.

What happened to Reactor No 4.

Chernobyl was a steam explosion. Had the reactor "gone nuclear" the town below and its 45,000 inhabitants would have disappeared in a mushroom cloud.

The town of Pripyat, above, is the same size as the English port of Dover. Eventually, Pripyat and Chernobyl's two thousand poisoned villages will disappear in a uranium fallout poisoned forest.
What happened to Reactor No 4. Chernobyl was a steam explosion. Had the reactor "gone nuclear" Pripyat and it’s 45,000 inhabitants would have disappeared in a mushroom cloud. A nuclear explosion would also have mushroomed the other three nuclear reactors creating a sonic bang that would have been heard in London and enough uranium fallout to send most of Russia back to the Stone Age.

The abandoned town of Pripyat.
The abandoned port of Chernobyl.

FALLOUT:  Abandoned metal and concrete structures will eventually breakdown into deadly toxic nuclear rust and dust. Despite being impregnated with fatal nuclear atoms most of the flora and fauna will continue to grow, albeit mutated, as long as the sun shines. 
 'Wolf is radioactive and no use for hat or anything, only good for sun to breed maggots.'  FALLOUT: 'Wolf is radioactive and no use for hat or anything, only good for sun to breed maggots.'
Elena Filatova, Chernobyl Photographer

Waiting To Happen:  Reactor No 4. Chernobyl
April 26, 1986 - 01:23:40. & 01:23:42.

"Reactor No 4. Chernobyl over-heated and flipped it's lid. It was a steam explosion. A nuclear explosion would have been a million times worse."

Chernobyl nuclear power station covers an area the size of six-soccer-fields. Reactor No 4, above, could be likened to a gigantic kettle standing forty-feet high. Made of twelve-feet-thick steel, with millions of gallons of water on the boil.

The kettles elements were 1,661 six-foot-tall uranium fuel rods arranged in ascending circles.

Miles of integrated stainless-steel water-channels carried the heat from the - white-hot - fuel rods.

Over 200 tons of black graphite bricks surrounded and supported the metalwork holding the fuel rods in place. The water came in from eight enormous high-pressure-pumps.

A reactor this size needs nine tons of water every 60 seconds. Nine tons of steam leaves the reactor every minute. The steam drives the Turbines generating 1,000 Mega-watts of electricity (enough for ten million 100-watt. light-bulbs).

The safe working temperature of Reactor No. 4 was 600 degrees Centigrade.

When uranium fuel passes its melting point (2,700 Centigrade) it can double it's temperature as it melts. Going from 2,700 to 5,400 to 10,800 to 21,600 and so on, quicker than you can do the maths.

April 26 1986. No. 4 went out of control.

This happened because the Automatic Temperature Control (ATC) had been illegally disabled.

Imagine the operator's sat in the control room watching all two-hundred of No 4's temperature gauges flying into the red! They were powerless as the surge of nuclear heat flashed hundreds of tons of water  into super-heated-steam. Walls of black graphite bricks turned white and disintegrated.

Miles of stainless steel water channels melted and vaporized into exploding, expanding gas.

Within minutes of the operators realizing something was wrong, an almighty explosion tossed the 2,000-ton steel & concrete reactor lid up in the air like an old penny.

It somersaulted and landed on top of the reactor, balanced on its edge (above right).

Oxygen rushed in causing a spectacular series of Roman Candle explosions; shooting out blazing lumps of melting nuclear waste. Aircraft reported some of these lumps went one-mile-high. Radiation warning klaxons screamed from the roof of every building in the sprawling nuclear complex. Erupting cascades of flaming nuclear waste started thirty more deadly toxic fires. Every fire engine within 50 miles answered the call to Chernobyl Power Station.

Fourteen hours later. The smaller fires were all under control but the reactor fire was still failing to respond to the millions of gallons of water hundreds of high-pressure-fire-hoses were pumping on it - direct from the station's own storage pools and the local river.

By now an Emergency Meeting was in progress at the Kremlin. The Politburo heard their top nuclear scientists explain how the increasing temperature could cause a fast-chain-reaction.

At one-million-degrees-Centigrade (super-critical) all the nuclear atoms in the blazing reactor could split in unison. Causing a nuclear explosion bigger than Hiroshima and Nagasaki put together. The blast would smash Chernobyl's other three reactors into atoms - sending over 800 tons of eternally fatal fallout up in a mushroom cloud. The same cloud would have contained the atomized town of Pripyat.

Prevailing winds would have brought tons of fallout to Moscow.

The Politburo were left in no doubt Moscow could become a nuclear ghost town if Chernobyl went nuclear. Kremlin scientists ordered-in squadrons of helicopters to bomb the fire with ten-ton-loads of wet sand and clay, limestone, and chunks of boron-carbide steel. The chunks of steel would slow down the splitting nuclear-atoms and lessen the risk of a fast-chain-reaction. Limestone when burned releases carbon dioxide, which would starve the fire of oxygen. The wet sand and clay was intended to form a heat-sink to trap some of the fatal fallout.

May 3. Geiger-counters recorded the radioactive release was steadily increasing. So was the temperature! The attempt to smother the fire was apparently feeding it! It seemed the sacrifice of over 2,000 fire fighters, who, by this time, had received fatal doses of radiation, had all been for nothing...

May 6. By the Grace of God, the Geiger-counters slowed down...

One year later the remains of the molten nuclear fuel had cooled and set like warm volcanic lava.

Scientists found 70 tons of the original 204 tons of nuclear fuel had escaped (become lighter than air and quite literally gone-up in smoke). Chernobyl was surrounded by farmland. By 1994, fallout-poisoned collective farms and nearly 2,000 villages covering an area the size of Wales had been abandoned - forever.

April 1986. Clinic No 3 Moscow

Most of the firemen who raced to attend Chernobyl died horrible deaths of radiation poisoning.
Plane-loads of firemen like this poor man were rushed to radiation specialists in Moscow, Kiev and Minsk - to no avail.
(Unlike the fire-fighters who rushed to the Twin Towers anyone rushing to a Nuclear 9/11 would be knowingly committing suicide).

Chernobyl: 500,000 Dead and Counting

'Leading scientists and doctors claim that up to 500,000 people may have already died as a result of the world's worst environmental catastrophe... ' - Guardian In March 25, 2006.

As far back as 1976 the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution, made it abundantly clear.

The Defence Of The Realm is best served by decreasing our nuclear risks. Not increasing them.
After the Royal Commission - 1976.
After Three Mile Island - 1979.
After Chernobyl - 1986.

Who? Other than a inbred imbecile could have ordered Sizewell B in 1989?


Using the Freedom Of Information Act nuclear power protesters have just found out how Her Majesties  Government covered-up a near catastrophe at Sizewell nuclear power station in January 2007.

Were it not for a local man spotting a leaking pipe we could have had a British Chernobyl!  more

Trees and plants that manage to grow here now are loaded with fatal cocktails of nuclear poison.FALLOUT 2009.  In 1986 these woods glowed red with radiation. They cut them down and buried them under 1 meter of earth. Trees and plants that manage to grow here now are loaded with fatal cocktails of nuclear poison. The readings on the asphalt paving is 500 - 3000 micro-roentgens. That is 50 to 300 times normal radiation. If I step 10 meters forward towards the trees my Geiger counter will run off the scale.

If I walk towards the reactor the radiation will reach 3 roentgens per hour - which is 300,000 times normal. If I walked all the way to the reactor I would glow in the dark tonight - and never ride my beautiful Kawasaki Ninja again. Not on earthly roads anyway. Elena Filatova, Chernobyl Photographer

News Black-Out

As thousands of brave men were giving their lives fighting the Chernobyl fire, the Kremlin began the usual cover-up that accompanies all things nuclear. An All Soviet Directive (U2617) was issued forbidding details of radiation victims ever being released. For two days the Politburo enforced a complete News Black-Out.

Only when Chernobyl's uranium fallout triggered nuclear alarms in Norway, Finland and Sweden did the Kremlin admit they had a problem.

The orderly evacuation of every person, and every farm-animal, living within nineteen miles of the reactor was going smoothly to plan when Moscow Television reported. "There has been an accident at Chernobyl. Measures are being taken to eliminate the consequences."

The newsreader had no idea the Kremlin had ordered everything, within nineteen miles of the nuclear fire that could be buried, was to be buried. Including the forests.

From every direction the Red Army were heading for Chernobyl. Bringing their fleets of highly efficient earth-moving-machines.

In the next ten months over six-hundred-thousand civilians, from all parts of Mother Russia, found themselves conscripted and transported to the Ukraine. They were cheerfully told they were needed to assist the Red Army in "Burial Duties" .

Villages in the woodlands were bulldozed into the same shallow grave-pits as the forests.

Many villages and the towns of Chernobyl and Pripyat were too radioactive to demolish. Nuclear dust would have killed the demolition crews within hours. Hastily formed "Battalions" of civilian "Liquidators" were ordered to empty these same highly contaminated buildings.

Earth-movers dug eight hundred "emergency nuclear waste dumps", of all shapes and sizes, to take the contents of factories, food storage depots, builders-compounds, office-blocks, schools, libraries, garages, hospitals and clinics. Even the telephone exchanges were stripped out. Nothing that would attract looters was left above ground. Everything from typewriters to butchers-benches; from teddy bears to dentists chairs was tipped and crushed into makeshift nuclear waste dumps.

After three months of "Burial Duties" dozens of civilian Liquidators and super-fit soldiers died of what the Kremlin called "heart-attacks." Soldiers were threatening to go on strike. Tours of Duty were scaled down from three months to three weeks. Army Chiefs began to question the wisdom of sending anyone to fight nuclear waste. Thousands of Battalions of civilian Liquidators were returned to their respective corners of Russia - after falling sick (most of the Liquidators have since died of "ionizing cancers" (i.e. both; skin peeling-off and internal organ failures)).

The "Liquidators" were liquidated by uranium poisoning.

As the summer of 1986 wore on, birds, rats and foxes left the Chernobyl area. Trees, grass and flowers stopped growing or grew mutated. Remote-controlled mechanical-shovels, flown in from USA, refused to move or went comically berserk in the radiation. Over 200,000 convicts arrived in the First Exclusion Zone. In return for forgotten sentences they did most of the work building a 450,000-ton concrete tomb over the wrecked, red hot, reactor.

After twelve months of "Elimination" the Politburo realized no amount of people and machines can ever clean-up a nuclear power station accident.

Thousands of the tens of thousands of army vehicles that became radio-active were used as roadblocks, covered in tons of concrete. They now seal-off hundreds of roads and lanes into the first nineteen-mile round Exclusion Zone (twice since extended). Kiev and Moscow city buses used in the evacuation of 135,000 townsfolk and farmers also became too radioactive to ever use again. They were parked-up along with countless units of army and contractors building and earthmoving equipment forever to remain in the "Dead Zone" rusting into everlastingly fatal nuclear dust.

To stop the migration of fatal nuclear atoms, one-hundred-miles of fifty-foot-deep-sunken-dams were constructed by Red Army Engineers assisted by tens of thousands of civilian Liquidators.

Unfortunately the dams have served to raise the water-table. This has hastened, rather than hindered, the spread of fatal uranium and plutonium atoms from most of the 800 emergency nuclear waste dumps. People living 200 - 300 miles away are now - 2009 - falling ill with low-dose-radiation-syndrome (LRS), a sister of Gulf War Syndrome, caused by uranium fallout in the food & water supply. 

Burying contaminated forests, or any other kind of nuclear waste, is no answer to nuclear poison. The sensible answer is stop making it.

Anybody who say's we need any more nuclear power stations has been born too soon. It will be many decades before medical science can help these poor souls with a brain transplant.

The Queen's Business: August 2009

When Electricité de France (EdF) bought British Energy last year, it was envisaged that Centrica would take 25% of it. Centrica has now agreed to take 20% of the company for £2.3 Billion, along with the rights to that portion of production. It will pay £1.1 Billion and asset swap with EdF its 51% stake in the major Belgian utility SPE, giving EdF a significant stake in that country.

The Queen has also arranged for RWE and E.On to obtain two sites for new nuclear power plants - Oldbury in Gloucestershire and Wylfa in Wales. RWE and E.On are planning to build Westinghouse AP1000 reactors. EdF are planning four EPR reactors at Sizewell in Suffolk and Hinkley Point in Somerset, the first one starting up in 2017.

Ministers of the Crown who do NOT speak-out against producing needless nuclear waste, simply prefer feathering their off-shore-nests with their backhanders before we have a British Chernobyl and everyone has to leave this green and pleasant land. Stealing millions by claiming false expenses, double-dipping, housing flips and staffing fiddles are no more than the tip of the iceberg, the clue is in the words 'Ministers of the Crown' . 

Chernobyl Today Altered States:
Nuclear fish

Everything that still grows around Chernobyl contains nuclear poison.These catfish no longer swim away from humans! You can step into this stream and catch them with your hands. Eating one could kill you.

Everything that still grows around Chernobyl contains nuclear poison. Fish grow twice the size they used to, but only live half as long.

Nuclear Power supporters are quite happy to let this happen to YOUR town!Pripyat, the nearest ghost town to Chernobyl; slowly disappearing in a nuclear poisoned forest of deformed nature. 

Bad Day In April: How the boys on the nightshift blew it
 Reactor No 4 Chernobyl  01:23:40.  &  01:23:42. April 26, 1986
To speed-up safety checks, the night-shift maintenance crew by-passed the Automatic Temperature Control (ATC) Had they not. Reactor No 4 would have shut itself down safely.

When a reactor "Fails to Safety" it takes 50-80 hours to power-up again. To save this time. The ATC was, illegally, disabled.

Chernobyl plant manager Viktor Bryukhanov was sentenced to 10 years hard labour. Viktor was home in bed at the time. But. Viktor was held responsible for "introducing illegal practices that caused the accident." The maintenance crew told a specially convened Soviet Court they knew they were pushing the reactor into the Red Zone. But they believed it would "do no harm as they had done so several times before!"

No 4 was not jerry-built as the controlled media CBS, ITV, BBC et al reported. No 4 was abused. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) records clearly show No 4 had not suffered any hideously expensive teething troubles - as most reactors do. No 4 had a better sustained-output-record than any British reactor. Had it not been abused No 4 would still be working.

Fall Out Zones: November 1989

  The BBC Panorama program visited some of the contaminated areas around Chernobyl
. In a town called Narodici, reporter Jane Corbin spoke to a District Nurse. The nurse was obviously angry and upset when she told Corbin.  "All our children have enlarged thyroids. What are we supposed to do now? Wait for every second child to die of cancer?"

February 1990

BBC reporter Bill Turnbull reported from Narodici for the Nine O’clock News. He found 'a gathering of young mothers crying with despair. They were waiting for a Faith Healer. They had given up on the doctors.' Doctors had run out of drugs to treat their dying children. The nurse's words were coming horribly true. Narodici, 40 miles South of Chernobyl, has since become a Nuclear Ghost Town. The fall-out poisoned 8,000 square miles. Countless farms in Western Russia, Northern Ukraine and Byelorussia, are now surrounded by concrete-posted razor-wire-fences and Fatal Radiation Keep Out signs.

April 1991

Horizon (BBC2) and This Week (ITN) visited the wrecked reactor at Chernobyl Power Station. Both filmed the remains of the reactor hall, and confirmed 134 tons of the original 204 tons of fuel has now solidified, like lava from a volcano, in the ruins. The massive explosion that tossed the two-thousand-ton reactor lid up onto the rim; also, blasted the two-thousand-ton reactor base downwards; allowing tons of the melting fuel to leak into the foundations. This slight separation of the melting mass of fuel reduced the temperature and with it the possibility of a nuclear explosion. Both programs made the point. Chernobyl could have been much, much, worse.

March 1979

The mechanical fault at  Three Mile Island  was actually more terrifying than Chernobyl. Four independent inquiry’s into the mechanical failure at Three Mile Island (President Carter’s Special Commission. Babcock, who built the reactor., Edison Power., who owned the reactor., and the US Dept. Of Environment) illustrate how Unit No 2 came very close to a nuclear explosion. Nuclear poison would have wiped-out Pennsylvania. Plans to build forty new nuclear stations across the US were thrown in the bin where they belong.
In 2001 the Queen's cousin, a criminal lunatic called George W. Bush, became "president" of America and started allocating Billions of taxpayers money to a revival of the insane nuclear waste making industry. The Queen is hell bent on following cousin George's lead.

August 2009

Former head of the Green Party Sir Jonathan Porritt is stepping down as Chairman of the Government’s Sustainable Development Commission (SDC). Porrit has finally realised Her Majesties Government is hell bent on building ten more Chernobyl's. Her Majesty will not tolerate losing her oil, gas and nuclear profits in favour of giving the bloody peasants cheap electricity. Porritt says. 'We had eight years of prevarication when we could have been deploying renewable energy... Little more than a year ago, nuclear companies were telling the media nuclear reactors would not require public subsidies. Now, they are all in there asking for billions of public money.'

23 October 2009

SELLAFIELD has been hit by another plant failure. Evaporator B known as Bravo and which treats highly radioactive liquor has failed for the second time in six months due to coil corrosion.

Thorp is in a seven month planned shutdown and Magnox reprocessing had already closed for routine engineering not long before the latest failure.

Magnox reprocessing is due to re-start before the end of the year by which time Evaporator A known as Alpha will be brought back into service to treat the arising radioactive liquid effluent.
This evaporator has been undergoing a safety upgrade to its equipment at a cost.

It is expected to cost around £500,000 to repair the corroded coil in Evaporator Bravo.

First published Friday, 23 October 2009
Published by
also see Finnish Folly: November 2009


For more information about the glories of nuclear power see  
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From the New Illuminati –