Thursday 31 March 2011

Dirty Electricity + the Link to Cancer

Dirty Electricity + the Link to Cancer

Modern Humans are Bathed in Electromagnetic Fields

By Donna Fisher

“Today it is quite widely accepted that these EMFs can cause childhood leukaemia. There is some evidence that other childhood cancers may be related to EMF exposure...”

History has shown that the western world with its vested interests is slow to inform citizens about toxic agents and help protect them. The "dirty electricity" pandemic is no stranger to inaction, as were the asbestos, lead, acid rain, DDT, PCB and tobacco-smoking public health issues before it. The contention that artificially created electromagnetic fields (EMFs) which emanate from electricity generation can cause cancer has medical and legal experts commenting that EMFs will dwarf the tobacco-smoking issue and the asbestos crisis combined.

This health issue has a history replete with destroyed careers and tarnished reputations involving scientists who have sought to help the people, and with so-called experts who have colluded with the forces going against the precautionary principle of public health: first, do no harm.

In his assessment for the journal of the Royal Institute of Public Health in the UK, Dr Stephen J. Genuis reported that vested interests have been effective in delaying restrictive EMF legislation. He also noted that claims of environmental harm have been challenged by researchers who fail to disclose covert ties to industry, that economic interests exert undue influence on medical journals, and that some editors and journal staff have suppressed publication of scientific results that are adverse to the interests of industry.1

Professor Mark Ellwood, who was installed by the Australian federal government in the most elevated position in the nation as Director of the National Cancer Control Initiative to provide advice and make recommendations to the government and other key groups regarding cancer control, submitted expert witness reports for the power companies (and telecommunications companies) for court cases. Professor Andrew Wood, installed by the federal government in another position that serves to protect [Australians] — ARPANSA, the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Administration — also submits expert witness reports for the power industry for court cases. Professor Wood is currently chair of the ELF (extremely low frequency) Standard Working Group for the ARPANSA Radiation Health Committee.

It was not until 1979 that the western world took notice that these silent, invisible EMFs may be hazardous. Epidemiologist Dr Nancy Wertheimer and electrical engineer Ed Leeper conducted a study in Denver, Colorado, USA, and reported that children who were twice or three times as likely to have leukaemia tended to live in homes close to power lines and transformers.

Their results, published in a scientific paper, showed an increased incidence of leukaemia, lymphomas and nervous system tumours in children.2 Their hotly debated research had an immediate effect: in response to public opposition to the construction of new high-voltage power lines, the electricity industry convened an expert panel of eminent and conservative medical scientists. Included in this panel was Professor David Carpenter, from the Department of Public Health at New York University, and Dr David Savitz, one of America's most respected epidemiologists. Professor Carpenter's original scepticism was overturned when the Wertheimer and Leeper study, originally heavily criticised as flawed, was extended and improved. It confirmed a significantly increased risk of leukaemia.3

The reason why childhood leukaemia is studied is because the strongest evidence for a cancer is that the same cancer is significantly elevated in children.

In 2001, leading occupational medical epidemiologist Dr Sam Milham, MPH, and E. M. Ossiander, of the Washington State Department of Health, Olympia, researched the rise of electrification in the UK and USA and concluded that the childhood leukaemia peak of common acute lymphoblastic leukaemia was attributable to residential electrification: 75 per cent of all childhood acute lymphoplastic leukaemia and 60 per cent of all childhood leukaemia could be preventable.4 In 2007, Professor Michael Kundi reported that up to 80 per cent of all cases of childhood leukaemia may be caused by exposure to these fields.5

It was reported as early as the 1960s (Court-Brown and Doll) that a new leukaemia-causing agent entered the UK and USA in the 1920s–1930s.6 Today it is quite widely accepted that these EMFs can cause childhood leukaemia. There is some evidence that other childhood cancers may be related to EMF exposure, but not enough studies have been done.7

Wertheimer and Leeper were the first to see a magnetic field–breast cancer connection in their 1982 study of residential magnetic field exposures of adults.8 Even though this study looked at overall cancer risk in adults and found an increase in excess cancers of the nervous system, uterus and lymphoid tumours, "they discovered a nearly threefold increase among women younger than 55 who lived near power lines, indicating that magnetic field exposure had accelerated development and growth of breast cancer".9

Breast tissue (along with foetal tissue) is the most sensitive tissue in the body and also the most sensitive to artificial (man-made) radiation, which is why any study into breast cancer has significant ramifications for all of us. Breast cancer is a very-high-risk disease for women today. The contention that EMFs are a risk factor, let alone a causative factor, in female breast cancer has been heavily resisted. When individual cases of breast cancer or breast cancer clusters in women occur, various reproductive factors are also taken into account which can mask the role that EMFs play.

When, in 2001, three men in one small office developed breast cancer, Dr Sam Milham testified for the men in their 2003 court case, arguing that their cancers were caused, in part at least, by EMFs emanating from an electrical vault next to a basement office where the men worked.10 In 1997, Dr Thomas Erren, MPH, had noted that an association between ELF EMFs and breast cancer is supported in men.11

In 2002, even the Washington, DC, legal counsel for electricity utilities worldwide conceded in a privileged attorney–client communication that the stance of the power industry had to change.12 Studies are normally conducted on exposed and unexposed subjects, but with these EMFs we are all exposed, making a definitive cause hard to prove. Also, it would be unethical to expose people to high measurements of these EMFs to prove the case. People don't welcome having to change convenient lifestyles, and, when doubt and confusion are introduced, the public is often quick to disregard the importance of data that makes changing ingrained habits a requirement.

There have been thousands of studies of EMFs, more so than with any other health issue. In 1997, Dr Erren commented that there are more epidemiological studies that link cancer to these fields than to environmental tobacco smoke.13 We are all concerned about the infiltration of chemicals into our wider and more personal environments, yet an analysis of 65 studies reported that the combined effects of toxic agents together with EMFs enhance the damage as compared to the toxic exposure alone.14

In 2007, the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that it is "reasonable and warranted" to lessen exposure to these ELF EMFs, "[p]rovided that the health, social and economic benefits of electric power are not compromised"15—information that will take decades to be acted upon around the globe.

EMFs and Cancer Clusters

Fifty-three people in a small post office in Capalaba,
Brisbane, Australia, with an old electricity substation next door, were diagnosed with serious and fatal diseases by 2000, although staff had started to take notice of the disease patterns in the early 1990s. Investigation of the electrical environment was incomplete, and there is still no resolution to this situation today.

When research is conducted into these disease clusters, often it's the case that measurements are taken after hours when the electrical environment has changed or that investigations are conducted after extensive remedial electrical work has been completed.
Often the cancers are put down to "random chance" or "coincidence".

However, in the case of the breast cancer cluster involving 17 women working in a small area within the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) TV studios in Toowong, Brisbane, the cancers, which were diagnosed between 1995 and 2006, were thought to be workplace-related but no cause could be found. In early 2005, the women pinpointed the area which they thought was in question. A private firm, EMC Technologies, took radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation measurements in April 2005 and concluded that all the work areas surveyed complied with the ARPANSA RPS3 standard,16 but it wasn't until 18 December 2006 that ARPANSA investigated the premises for ELF EMFs. Within three days, the ABC staff were no longer working on the premises.

The specific measurements of ELF EMFs in the area pinpointed by the staff were not mentioned in the ARPANSA report.17 Complete and precise measurements of ELF EMFs as well as transient EMFs should have been taken in the area. Professor Bruce Armstrong led the ABC's own investigation into the cancer cluster in 2006, looking at other breast cancer risk factors such as reproductive, lifestyle and age factors. When questioned on national television in August 2007 on this breast cancer cluster and the frustration of some of the women who felt that the proper investigations were not carried out before all the equipment was taken out, he stated: "It is very important to do the investigations properly, and indeed we did have a problem with the ABC with the fairly quick decision to remove people from the site. It did mean that some of the measurements we wanted to do were not complete, and I do understand how the women feel in that respect; they don't feel that it's been done satisfactorily..."18

This breast cancer cluster came close to showing the world that EMFs can cause breast cancer. Even though further analysis was not conducted on male staff in this workplace, the possibility does exist that prostate and/or testicular cancers may have been present or may develop in the future. If complete measurements of all aspects of the electrical environment had been taken, this could have been a win-win situation for all citizens of the world: the women could have known what caused their breast cancer and (along with every other woman and man) would have been able to ensure that their next working environment was safe; ABC TV would have been the perfect medium to spread the much-awaited information across the globe; and the ABC itself would have been commended on its groundbreaking achievement in helping millions of people (and scientists) throughout the world understand EMFs more fully. It also could have enabled the process of workplace reform to be instigated.

These cancer clusters serve to show us what is happening silently on a daily basis in everyone's lives. The adults and children of today have already been affected by these EMFs. Miscarriage, stillbirth, pre-term delivery, altered gender ratio and congenital abnormalities have been linked to maternal exposure.19 Testicular abnormalities, atypical sperm, chromosomal aberrations and offspring congenital defects have all been linked to paternal exposure.20

Fathers employed in industries with higher than average EMF exposure have also been noted to have offspring with higher rates of brain and spinal cord tumours.21

The Perils of Dirty Electricity

Any harmful EMFs can be classed as "dirty" to put into common idiom the scientific and technical language that accompanies this public health issue—yet there is another facet of electricity, termed "dirty electricity", that is now seen as even more of a threat to our health than the electromagnetic fields mentioned above. It is not only the fields from power lines and substations that can be a concern; dirty electricity is running through virtually every building on the planet.

An even more prevalent and insidious agent, this secretive and subtle underlying menace is in all probability one cause of the dramatic increase in many illnesses and cancers. Dr Sam Milham stated in 2008: "Very recently, new research is suggesting that nearly all the human plagues which emerged in the twentieth century, like common acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children, female breast cancer, malignant melanoma and asthma, can be tied to some facet of our use of electricity. There is an urgent need for governments and individuals to take steps to minimize community and personal EMF exposures."22

In 1994, the B Armstrong et al. study relating to dirty electricity was published.23 However, it was not until 2005, when Dr Sam Milham and electrical engineer Lloyd Morgan came out of retirement due to their concern over a cancer cluster, that information worthy of creating a paradigm shift finally began to emerge, with the results having serious implications for all of us. (These brave researchers had honourable intentions and impressive credentials.24 Dr Sam Milham in 1982 was the first to link workers exposed to EMFs with higher rates of leukaemia. Lloyd Morgan, a brain tumour survivor and a director of the Central Brain Tumor Registry of the United States (CBTRUS), introduced the Benign Brain Tumor Registries Amendment Act into US Congress that became law in 2002. Along with breast cancer, leukaemia and diseases of the central nervous system, brain tumours are among the diseases that are more prominent in this health issue.)

The researchers were responding to alarm over a cluster of 18 cancers reported in 2003 among the 137 teachers at a middle school in California. Even though the school district administration had refused a number of requests for these men to assist in the evaluation of this cluster, one teacher invited these researchers to visit the school after hours to take measurements of the electrical environment, which they did at their own expense. When the researchers reported their findings to the Superintendent of Schools, Dr Milham was threatened with prosecution for "unlawful...trespass" and the teacher who had invited them into the school received a letter of reprimand.

The teachers then filed a California OSHA (Occupational Safety Health Administration) complaint, which ultimately led to the progressive California Department of Health Services (CDHS) becoming involved. The CDHS measured the different facets of the electrical environment and provided Milham and Morgan with the data, which showed that dirty electricity—"transients", which are radio-frequencies riding along electrical wiring—was involved. Finally, this was a study that was conducted with the highest integrity, able to break through the red tape and politics that usually accompany the problem of harmful electrical environments. Of immense importance, Milham and Morgan commented that transients may be a universal carcinogen similar to ionising radiation,25 an already established cause of cancer.

The only two published studies relating to dirty electricity—Armstrong et al. 1994 study and the Milham–Morgan study—both show very positive increases in cancer risk with increasing cumulative exposure to transients. What is of critical importance is that the cancer risks at the school in California were comparable to the smoking–lung cancer risk. Of no surprise, breast cancer cases were reported in this cluster along with several other cancers including colon cancers, uterine cancers and malignant melanomas. Artificially created EM radiation (EMR) is a determinant in the development of malignant melanoma, an increasingly prevalent cancer that was uncommon until around 50 years ago.26

In fact, research on EMFs has been conducted for over 50 years in Russia,27 and the newer research on dirty electricity has been carried out by Russian experts in conjunction with scientists and electrical engineers from the United States, Canada, Kazakhstan and the Ukraine.28 Kazakhstan has already swiftly mandated protection against dirty electricity in industrial situations,29 a model which should be implemented in all countries across the globe.

Ongoing Risk Assessment

We are in the midst of an invisible and silent plague of pandemic proportions that has been woven into our everyday lives. Dirty electricity is in virtually every building, whether it be our homes, schools, workplaces or hospitals. Energy-efficient appliances and equipment are amongst the culprits that create dirty electricity. Dr Magda Havas, Associate Professor of Environmental and Resource Studies at Trent University, Canada, reports that many houses with solar panels have very high levels of dirty electricity.30 Wind turbines can also generate dirty electricity, which is then transferred along the grid.

If these EMFs released a visible substance on us, we would comprehend very quickly the attack on our body and that dirty electricity is creating havoc with our immune systems. Even though we cannot see it and most of us cannot feel it, dirty electricity is affecting all of us. Removing dirty electricity has seen cases of multiple sclerosis improve dramatically and even go into remission, and has also resulted in asthmatics using inhalers less often.31

Some diabetics are discovering that their insulin levels are being artificially raised in dirty electrical environments. In 2004, Dave Stetzer, president of Stetzer Electric, and Dr Havas presented to the WHO their research showing the difference between the blood sugar level in a dirty electrical environment (a measurement of 36) and one that was filtered (a measurement of nine).32 Autism is now seen as the fastest-growing developmental disability.

Dr Havas reported that a recent pilot research study has shown higher rates of babies born with autism where the mothers' sleeping locations had high levels of radio-frequency EMR.33 Children who have leukaemia or are in recovery have poorer survival rates if exposure to extremely low frequency EMF levels is high.34 It follows that all ill and recovering patients should be aware of their exposure to these fields. Lichtenstein et al. concluded from their study of identical twins that environmental factors are the initiating event in the majority of cancers.35

On studying cancer trends in the 20th century, Hallberg andJohansson reported that there is a common environmental stress that accelerates several forms of cancer  —colon cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, bladder cancer and melanoma.36 From when electricity was first generated to the introduction of AM radio
(1920s), radar (1940s), FM radio and TV (1950s), computers (1970s), mobile phones (1980s), and wireless technologies and compact fluorescent lighting (2000s), artificially created EMR is the most likely environmental stress.

Artificially created EMR may also be the underlying menace in the tobacco smoking and asbestos crises. Hallberg and Johansson reported that exposure to radiowaves (artificially created EMR) appears to be as big a factor in causing lung cancer as cigarette smoking, and that deaths due to asbestosis were not known until after the 1960s despite the fact that asbestos had been used as a building material since the end of the 19th century.37

We cannot afford to be unsuspecting recipients of this artificial electromagnetic radiation which has been newly introduced in such a short period of our history. Associate Professor Olle Johansson, of the Department of Neuroscience at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, commented that today no one would consider having a radioactive wristwatch with glowing digits (as you could in the 1950s), having your children's shoes fitted in a strong X-ray machine (as you could in the 1940s), keeping radium in open trays on your desk (as scientists did in the 1930s) or X-raying each other at garden parties (as physicians did in the 1920s).38 These examples relate to ionising radiation; apart from nuclear fallout, we have a choice whether to expose ourselves to it or not.

Many different types of artificially created radiation have been woven into our daily lives. It is awareness that will bring understanding of the different types of radiation so we can make our own informed choices on what we are willing to be exposed to and what we must avoid. School teachers and principals alike must be educated on this most important health issue so that measures can be put into place to ensure that they and our children are not at risk in a dirty electrical environment, for dirty electricity has been found to be especially prevalent in environments with concentrated fluorescent lights and computers. Employers and employees alike must understand that their workplace must also be protected. People in their own homes must also protect themselves from modern equipment that also generates dirty electricity.

Finally, Dr Cedric Garland, the epidemiologist currently investigating the breast cancer cluster on the campus of the University of California, San Diego, is focusing on the possible role of EMFs, especially transients.39 Dr Garland advised that the female employees should be informed about tamoxifen research — that ELF EMFs have been found to partially block this drug's action in preventing breast cancer spreading or a recurrence of cancer—and recommended that those taking the drug should be transferred to a lower-current area if they so desired.

Transients cause cancer. Just as we filter our water to remove contaminants so we have cleaner water, now we must filter our electricity to remove this contaminant so we have cleaner electricity. ∞

About the Author:

Donna Fisher, based in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, is the chair of Donna Fisher Silent Fields Inc., a non-profit organisation that is working towards the implementation of legislation against "dirty electricity" with the aim of protecting people in the workplace. Her model is now being incorporated across the globe, especially in the European Union. She is also CEO of the Donna Fisher Breast Health Initiative, which is committed to noninvasive technologies for prevention, detection and cure of breast cancer and supports eliminating the environmental causes of breast cancer with particular focus on chemicals and radiation.

Donna Fisher is the author of Silent Fields: The Growing Cancer Cluster Story – When Electricity Kills... (Lindlahr Book Publishing, Queensland, 2008; reviewed in NEXUS vol. 15, no. 6) and the forthcoming More Silent Fields: Cancer and the Dirty Electricity Plague – The Missing Link... ( Joshua Books, Queensland, 2009; see review in our next edition).

Donna Fisher can be contacted by email at and via her website

NEXUS Editor's Note:
This article comprises edited extracts from Donna Fisher's two books, Silent Fields: The Growing Cancer Cluster Story (chapters 3, 5, 6 and 9) and More Silent Fields: Cancer and the Dirty Electricity Plague (chapters 2, 4 and 8).


1. Genuis SJ, "Fielding a current idea: exploring the public health impact of electromagnetic radiation", Public Health 2007, doi:10.1016/j.puhe.2007.04.008
2. Wertheimer N and Leeper E, "Electrical Wiring Configurations and Childhood Cancer", Am J Epidemiol 1979; 109(3):273-284
3. Savitz D et al., "Case-control Study of Childhood Cancer and Exposure to 60-Hz Magnetic Fields", Am J Epidemiol 1988; 128(1)21-38
4. Milham S and Ossiander EM, "Historical evidence that residential electrification caused the emergence of the childhood leukemia peak", Medical Hypotheses 2001; 56(3):1-6
5. Kundi, Michael, "Section 11: Evidence for Childhood Cancers (Leukemia)", p. 12, in: D Carpenter, MD, and C Sage, MA, (eds), "BioInitiative Report: A Rationale for a Biologicallybased Public Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF)", August 31, 2007, report/index.htm
6. Milham and Ossiander, op. cit.
7. Sage C, MA, "Section 1: Summary for the Public", p. 8, in: Carpenter and C Sage (eds), "BioInitiative Report", op. cit.
8. Wertheimer N and Leeper E, "Adult cancer related to electrical wires near the home", Int J Epidemiol 1982; 11:345-355
9. Löscher W and Mevissen M, "Magnetic Fields and Breast Cancer: Experimental Studies on the Melatonin Hypothesis", in: RG Stevens, BW Wilson and LE Anderson (eds), The Melatonin Hypothesis: Breast Cancer and the Use of Electric Power, Battelle Press, Columbus, 1997, p. 578
10. Slesin L, News & Comment, Microwave News, July 22, 2004, ; also see Milham S, MD, MPH, "A cluster of male breast cancer in office workers", Am J Indust Med 2004 Jun10; 46(1):86-87
11. Erren T, MD, MPH, "Epidemiological Studies of EMF and Breast Cancer Risk: A Biologically Based Overview", in: Stevens, Wilson and Anderson, The Melatonin Hypothesis, op. cit., p. 731
12. Discovery document passed on to the author by defendants against Powerlink; see D Fisher, More Silent Fields: Cancer and the Dirty Electricity Plague – The Missing Link..., Joshua Books, 2009, p. 117
13. Erren, in: Stevens, Wilson and Anderson, The Melatonin Hypothesis, op. cit., p. 729
14. Juutilainen J et al., "Do extremely low frequency magnetic fields enhance the effects of environmental carcinogens? A meta-analysis of experimental studies", Int J Radiat Biol 2006 Jan; 82(1):1-12
15. World Health Organization, Extremely Low Frequency Fields, Environmental Health Criteria Monograph No. 238, 2007,, chapter 1, p. 13
16. EMC Technologies, "Electromagnetic Radiation Survey Conducted for Australian Broadcasting Corporation", 2 May 2005; available at
17. Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency, "Assessment of Exposure to Power Frequency Magnetic Fields in the ABC TV Building at Toowong, Brisbane", February 2007; at
18. Professor Bruce Armstrong, interviewed on 9am with David & Kim, Channel 10, Australia, August 7, 2007
19. Genuis, "Fielding a current idea", op. cit.
20. ibid.
21. ibid.
22. Dr Milham quoted in: Rees C and Havas M, Public Health SOS: The Shadow Side of the Wireless Revolution: 110 Questions on Electromagnetic Pollution from a Forum at the Commonwealth Club of California (e-book), Wide Angle Health, 2008, p. 7; available at
23. Armstrong B et al., "Association between Exposure to Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields and Cancer in Electric Utility Workers in Quebec, Canada, and France", Am J Epidemiol 1994; 140(9):805-820
24. Further credentials are available at
25. Milham, S, MD, MPH, and Morgan LL, BS, "A New Electromagnetic Exposure Metric: High Frequency Voltage Transients Associated with Increased Cancer Incidence in Teachers in a California School", Am J Ind Med 2008 May 29; 51(8)579-586; at
26. Genuis, "Fielding a current idea", op. cit.
27. Leading researchers include AA Letavet, MG Shandala, LA Iljin, Ju D Dumansky, ZV Gordon, AG Subbota, IG Akoev, BI Davydov, Ju G Grigoriev.
28. Leading researchers include: Emeritus Professor M Graham; Electrical Engineer D Stetzer; Associate Professor M Havas, Dr Valentina Nikitina; Professors of Medicine V Kozlovsky, E Zharkinov, V Reznik, Ju D Dumansky.
29. Kazakhstan Health Department, "Permissible levels of high-frequency electromagnetic pollutions voltage in wires of industrial frequency alternating current", confirmed by order of the Head State Sanitary Physician of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 28 November 2003, No. 69.
30. Rees and Havas, Public Health SOS, op. cit., p. 46
31. Fisher D, More Silent Fields: Cancer and the Dirty Electricity Plague – The Missing Link, op. cit., p. 37
32. Havas, M, Presentation to the Electrical Pollution Taskforce, Markham, 2005, February 23, 2005 (Dr Magda Havas's graph is shown in D Fisher, More Silent Fields: Cancer and the Dirty Electricity Plague – The Missing Link..., op. cit., p. 44)
33. Rees and Havas, Public Health SOS, op. cit., p. 16
34. Sage C, MA, "Section 1: Summary for the Public", p. 9, in: Carpenter and Sage (eds), BioInitiative Report, op. cit.
35. Lichtenstein P, Holm NV, Verkasalo PK, Iliadou A, Kaprio J, Koskenvuo M et al., "Environmental and heritable factors in the causation of cancer: Analyses of cohorts of twins from Sweden, Denmark, and Finland", N Engl J Med 2000; 343:78-85
36. Hallberg Ă– and Johansson O, "Cancer Trends During the 20th Century", Journal of the Australasian College of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine 2002 Apr; 21(1):3-8
37. ibid.
38. Johansson O, "Section 8: Evidence for Effects on the Immune System", in: Carpenter and Sage (eds), BioInitiative Report, op. cit.
39. Slesin L, "Cancer Cluster at UCSD; EPRI’s Kheifets to Investigate", Microwave News, Vol. XXIX, No. 3, January–March 2009, pp. 4-5, .

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From NEXUS New Times Magazine OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2009

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Tuesday 29 March 2011

Alternative Models & the Ether: The Farce of Modern Physics

Alternative Models and the Ether
 The Farce of Modern Physics
by David Pratt

In modern physics subatomic particles are variously described as zero-dimensional points, one-dimensional strings, two-dimensional spacetime ribbon-tape, wave functions, or packets of probability waves. All of these are mathematical abstractions. Some of the equations associated with these concepts may be useful, but the theories concerned do not provide a realistic model of what particles are and why they have particular properties.

Clearly they must be finite, three-dimensional entities, and composed of something, i.e. energy-substance of some kind. They must have structure and be capable of deforming (i.e. changing size and shape) otherwise they would be unable to absorb, emit, or exchange energy with other particles. The standard model of particle physics is inadequate because it is no more than a mathematical model. A few examples of alternative models are outlined below.

Eric Lerner has suggested that particles may be vortices in a fluid medium. He points out that plasma – a magnetized fluid – forms particlelike structures (plasmoids) ranging in size from thousands of a millimetre to light-years. As mentioned in section 2, experiments with spin-aligned protons imply that protons are a kind of vortex. 

Plasmoid vortices interact far more strongly when they are spinning in the same direction, and because vortex behaviour would become evident only in near-collisions, the effects should be more pronounced at higher energies and in more head-on interactions. Experimental results confirm this, whereas the broken-symmetry approach favoured by mainstream physics predicts that the opposite should happen at higher energies. Lerner adds: ‘Particles act as if they have a “handedness,” and the simplest dynamic process or object that exhibits an inherent orientation is a vortex. Moreover, right- and left-handed vortices annihilate each other, just as particles and antiparticles do.’1

The idea of reality being formed out of vortices was put forward by Anaxagoras 2500 years ago, and was championed by Descartes in the 17th century. In the late 19th century, some scientists proposed that atoms might be vortices in an underlying etheric medium, which was also widely invoked to explain the transmission of forces and light waves. In the early 20th century, the ether went out of fashion among mainstream scientists, and was replaced with (curved) empty space containing a variety of ‘fields’. 

It should be noted that the famous Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887 did not disprove the existence of an ether. It failed to detect a variation in the speed of light caused by the earth’s motion through a hypothetical stationary ether. 

In 1905 Einstein dismissed the ether as ‘superfluous’, as light could be understood as consisting of particles (photons) rather than waves propagating through a medium. Later he introduced the notion of a ‘gravitational ether’, but he reduced it to an empty abstraction by denying it any energetic properties. Later still, he abandoned the term ‘ether’ altogether.2 However, numerous individual scientists have continued to develop ether-based models.
Such models are already ‘unified’ in the sense that physical matter and forces are derived from the activity of the underlying etheric medium.

As already mentioned [see link at end of article - Ed], some physicists speak of a ‘quantum ether’. This refers to two things: 1) the zero-point field (ZPF), i.e. fluctuating electromagnetic radiation fields produced by random quantum fluctuations that, according to quantum theory, persist even at a temperature of absolute zero (-273°C); 2) innumerable pairs of short-lived ‘virtual’ particles (such as electrons and positrons), sometimes called the ‘Dirac sea’. 

Formally, every point of space should contain an infinite amount of zero-point energy. By assuming a minimum wavelength of electromagnetic vibrations, the energy density of the ‘quantum vacuum’ has been reduced to the still astronomical figure of 10108 joules per cubic centimetre. 

Although various experimental results are widely interpreted as consistent with the existence of zero-point energy, further work is needed to test the theory and alternative explanations. Some scientists have theorized that mass, inertia, and gravity are all connected with the fluctuating electromagnetic energy of the ZPF. 

However, the ZPF itself is usually regarded as the product of matter-energy, which supposedly originated in the ‘big bang’, whereas modern ether theories generally hold that physical matter crystallizes out of or dissolves back into the preexisting ether. At present the only verified all-pervasive electromagnetic energy field is the cosmic microwave background radiation, which is commonly hailed as the afterglow of the big bang, but is also explicable as the temperature of space, or rather of the ether.3

Paul LaViolette has developed a theory known as ‘subquantum kinetics’, which replaces the 19th-century concept of a mechanical, inert ether with that of a continuously transmuting ether.4 Physical subatomic particles and energy quanta are pictured as wavelike or vortex-like concentration patterns in the ether. A particle’s gravitational and electromagnetic fields are said to result from the fluxes of different kinds of etheric particles, or etherons, across their boundaries, and the associated etheron concentration gradients.

LaViolette believes that an etheric subatomic particle might resemble the vorticular structures that theosophists Annie Besant and Charles Leadbeater observed during their clairvoyant examination of atoms from 1895 to 1933. They called these objects ‘ultimate physical atoms’ (UPAs), which they considered to be the basic unit of physical matter, existing on the seventh and highest (‘atomic’) subplane of our physical plane; they said that any effort to dissociate a UPA further caused it to disappear from our own plane of reality.5

Fig. 6.1 ‘Ultimate physical atoms’ as described by Besant and Leadbeater

The positive and negative forms of UPAs differ in the direction of their whorls and of the force pouring through them. In the positive UPA, the force is said to pour from the astral plane into the physical plane, while in the negative form it pours from the physical plane through the atom and into the astral plane. LaViolette believes that the ether streams flowing into and out of positive or negative etheric subatomic particles in his own model may look something like this. He writes:

Vortical structures similar to those drawn by Besant and Leadbeater have been observed at a more macroscopic level in plasma physics experiments. For example, the plasma focus device, a high-current spark discharge device used in fusion experiments, is observed to produce spherical plasma vortices measuring about a half-millimeter across. Each such plasmoid consists of eight or ten electric current plasma filaments twisted into a helical donut-shaped structure that closely resembles the whorl patterns [in fig. 6.1] ...6

19th-century scientists were confused about the properties of the ether, because to explain the transmission of light waves it had to behave like a vibrating solid, but to avoid retarding the motion of celestial bodies it had to be a perfect fluid. Harold Aspden’s very detailed ether model considers the ether to have the properties of a liquid crystal. It is composed of charged particles (quons), set in a cubic structured array, within a uniform charge continuum of opposite polarity, so that it is electrically neutral overall. 

His model can explain the value of the fine-structure constant (which links Planck’s constant, electron charge, and the speed of light), the proton-electron mass ratio (based on the proposal that protons are formed from virtual muons, which provide the main sea of energy in the ether), and the gravitational constant, among other things. His theory explains gravitation as an electrodynamic phenomenon, allows for the existence of antigravity, and proposes that the induction of ether spin permits the extraction of ‘free’ (i.e. etheric) energy.7

Aspden refers to the following simple experiment pointing to the existence of an ether. A rotor containing a magnet is brought up to a certain speed of rotation, then suddenly brought to a complete stop, and then promptly restarted. Aspden found that the energy required to bring it up to the same speed the second time was only a tenth of that required the first time, but this ceased to be the case if he waited half an hour before restarting the rotor. This suggests that the ether coextensive with the rotor spins with it, but whereas the motor can be stopped within a few seconds, the ether takes much longer to stop spinning.8

Paulo and Alexandra Correa, too, have developed a very detailed model of a dynamic ether, known as aetherometry. Their experiments with electroscopes, ‘orgone accumulators’ (specially designed metal enclosures or Faraday cages), and Tesla coils point to the existence of both electric and nonelectric forms of etheric energy.9 They rule out a purely electromagnetic ether, such as the zero-point field. They contend that ether units ‘superimpose’ to form physical particles, which take the shape of a torus. 

Pursuing an insight of Wilhelm Reich, they have found evidence that photons do not travel through space: the sun emits electric, etheric radiation which can travel much faster than the speed of light, and photons are transient, vortex-like structures generated from the energy shed by decelerating physical charges (such as electrons). They argue that gravity is essentially an electrodynamic force, and have found experimental evidence of antigravity.10 Aetherometry proposes that the rotational and translatory movements of planets, stars, and galaxies are the result of spinning, vortical motions of ether on multiple scales.

Demonstrations that energy can be tapped from sources not recognized by official physics will help to revive wider scientific interest in the ether, which is an infinite source of nonpolluting energy. Several scientists take the view that an energetic ether is needed to explain low-energy nuclear reactions (‘cold fusion’).11
Many mainstream scientists deny the possibility of room-temperature fusion with table-top reactors simply because conventional theories say fusion requires temperatures of tens of millions of degrees. Indeed, billions upon billions of dollars are being squandered in an effort to create a hot fusion reactor that supposedly imitates the processes powering stars. 

Aspden argues that the sun cannot possibly be a nuclear fusion reactor because it is ionized and electrostatic repulsion between protons would prevent it compacting sufficiently to produce at its core the extreme temperatures and pressures required for hot fusion.12

Fig. 6.2 Top: Dr Paulo and Alexandra Correa holding PAGD reactors in their laboratory.13

Below: PAGD diode in action (

The Correas have developed three power-generation technologies:

• the patented Pulsed Abnormal Glow Discharge (PAGD) plasma reactor, which produces excess energy by setting up a resonance between accelerated electron plasma and local etheric energy;
• the patented self-sustaining aether motor, which extracts etheric energy from Faraday cage-like enclosures or resonant cavities, living beings, the ground, vacua, and atmospheric antennas;
• the HYBORAC energy converter, which taps the latent heat of a Faraday cage and can supply heat, mechanical work, and electricity around the clock using solar and atmospheric etheric energy.14

Ether science is still in its infancy, and it is only natural that there should be a multitude of largely conflicting models. These theories at least show that more rational models are possible. At best, they may identify useful numerical relationships and equations, and propose concepts that approximate to realities in nature. But all models inevitably embody simplifications, idealizations, and abstractions to some extent. The future progress of physics will largely depend on a concerted scientific effort to explore the unseen ether.

A theosophical perspective

From a theosophical standpoint, there can be no ultimate, ‘bottom’ level of reality. The underlying ether cannot be perfectly continuous, i.e. absolutely structureless and homogenous, as this is an impossible abstraction; it must consist of particlelike discontinuities that can act together to form waves. Following the principle of analogy, such particles would be concentrations of a deeper, subtler ether, which can be thought of as relatively continuous, but actually consists of even finer particles, which are in turn concentrations of an even subtler ether, and so on, ad infinitum. 

The ‘empty’ space separating particles and objects on any particular plane, and through which they appear to move, is not so much filled with as composed of and generated by all the interpenetrating, invisible grades of energy-substances forming higher and lower spheres and planes beyond our range of perception. Space is therefore not absolutely empty, as this would be equivalent to pure nothingness. Rather it is the infinite totality of all the energy-substance, or consciousness-substance, in existence.

What to us are subatomic particles are no doubt, on their own level, just as complex as our own planet and star. For us, an electron can be regarded as an elementary particle, but it obviously has a shape and structure and is therefore divisible. Being a configuration of condensed ether energy, it can be broken apart and its energy can reform as less stable, very short-lived particlelike ‘resonances’. 

What we call an electron is probably not a single, continuously existing entity; it denotes the average behaviour of an entity that is continually reembodying with incredible rapidity. A year for us means a single orbit of the sun, and a ‘year’ for an electron would be a single orbit of the atomic nucleus; one second for us is therefore equivalent to about 4 million billion electron-years.15

Nature is infinite in all directions. There is no smallest finite size, and no largest finite size. Between the two abstract limits of the infinite and infinitesimal, there is an unimaginable diversity of concrete, finite entities and things, of infinitely varied sizes and composed of infinitely varied grades of energy-substance, all of them alive and conscious to some degree. Every entity or system – atoms, planets, stars, galaxies, etc. and the living entities that form them and inhabit them – is composed of smaller entities and forms part of ever larger entities. In addition, any particular entity or system is composed of a spectrum of energy-substances, from relatively physical to relatively spiritual. And every hierarchy of interacting worlds is merely one in an endless series, stretching ‘upwards’ to increasingly ethereal realms, and ‘downwards’ to increasingly denser realms.

Apart from the lowest etheric levels, which can be considered as the highest subplanes of our own physical plane, the inner, invisible worlds cannot be probed directly with physical instruments. However, the existence of subtler planes and bodies can be inferred from a wide range of ‘anomalous’ phenomena.16 Accurate first-hand knowledge of some of the higher planes forming part of our own system of worlds can only be gained by those who have sufficiently developed their inner occult faculties and powers.17

  The adepts say that they build their philosophy on ‘experiment and deduction’,18 but their field of investigation extends far beyond the outer physical shell of nature.

Notes and references
1. Eric J. Lerner, The Big Bang Never Happened, New York: Vintage, 1992, pp. 370-1.
2.Space, time and relativity’,
3. Harold Aspden, Creation: The physical truth, Brighton: Book Guild, 2006, p. 82; Harold Aspden, ‘The heresy of the aether’, 1998,
4. Paul LaViolette, Genesis of the Cosmos: The ancient science of continuous creation, Rochester, VE: Bear and Company, 2004; Paul LaViolette, Subquantum Kinetics: A systems approach to physics and cosmology, Alexandria, VA: Starlane Publications, 2nd ed., 2003 (
5. Stephen Phillips argues that there is strong evidence that the results of Besant and Leadbeater’s clairvoyant research into atoms were not simply the product of hallucination, fabrication, or coincidence (e.g. their apparent discovery of isotopes five years before official science). But he shows that were certainly mistaken in thinking that they were observing the atoms and molecules known to science. The ‘atoms’ they saw were made up of a population of ‘ultimate physical atoms’ (UPAs) that was numerically equal to about 18 times the atomic weight of the chemical element in question.
    To reconcile their findings with modern physics, Phillips speculates that B&L’s clairvoyant observations brought about a disturbance that caused two atomic nuclei of the element being observed to collide and fuse, and that each UPA is one of the three hypothetical subquarks forming each of the three hypothetical quarks composing a proton or neutron, with quarks being joined together by hypothetical superstrings. (B&L did not apparently see any electrons.) A UPA is also supposed to be a magnetic monopole, and the ‘wall’ around the groups of UPAs seen by B&L is said to be the boundary between different domains of the hypothetical Higgs field. No doubt when quarks, superstrings, and Higgs go out of fashion someone will find a way of connecting B&L’s UPAs to whatever replaces them!
    (See ‘Occult chemistry’, Philip S. Harris (ed.), Theosophical Encyclopedia, Quezon City, Philippines: Theosophical Publishing House, 2006, pp. 456-61; E. Lester Smith, Occult Chemistry Re-evaluated, Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing House, 1982.)
    B&L may well have observed something real, but there are few people nowadays who think there was no self-deception at all involved in their various clairvoyant observations – e.g. their descriptions of the past lives of themselves and their associates, their meetings with mahatmas and initiatory experiences on the astral plane, and their descriptions of the inhabitants of other planets in our solar system. (See ‘Leadbeater, Charles Webster’, Theosophical Encyclopedia, pp. 367-73; Gregory Tiller, The Elder Brother: A biography of Charles Webster Leadbeater, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982.)

6. Genesis of the Cosmos, pp. 237-8.
7. Aspden, Creation,,
8. Harold Aspden, ‘The Aspden effect’, 2002,; Creation, pp. 20-1.
9. Paulo N. Correa and Alexandra N. Correa, Experimental Aetherometry, vols. 1, 2A & 2B, Concord: Akronos Publishing, 2001, 2003, 2006 (
10.Aetherometry and gravity: an introduction’,
11. Eugene F. Mallove, ‘LENR and “cold fusion” excess heat: their relation to other anomalous microphysical energy experiments and emerging new energy technologies’, 2003,; Paulo N. Correa and Alexandra N. Correa, The Correa solution to the ‘cold fusion’ enigma, 2004,
12. Creation, pp. 147-57; Harold Aspden, ‘A problem in plasma science’, 2005, .
13. Michael Carrell, ‘The Correa invention: an overview and an investigation in progress’, Infinite Energy, v. 2, 1996, pp. 10-14.
14. Correa Technologies,; Keith Tutt, The Search for Free Energy: A scientific tale of jealousy, genius and electricity, London: Simon & Schuster, 2001, pp. 218-22, 315-7.
15.The infinite divisibility of matter’,
16.Worlds within worlds’,
17.The mahatmas’, ‘The theosophical mahatmas’,
18. The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett, TUP, 2nd ed., 1975, p. 144 / TPH, chron. ed., 1993, p. 285; ‘Physical vs. occult science’,

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