Friday 28 March 2008




The American Psychiatric Association defines the meaning of the word INSANITY, as senselessly holding any belief, opinion or system that is not supported by FACT and not knowing the differences between fantasy and reality. If we agree to accept the APA's definitive meaning of the word, then what does our knowledge of 'insanity' signify to us as it relates to our belief based, political and economic institutions? Are those of us who uphold these mythical traditions, insane?
    And if we are not insane and we continue to hold the support of any political-price system economy, then how can we reasonably justify our collective willingness to continuously dupe ourselves into believing that our individual net worth, and the quality of our lives, must only be determined by the opinions of politicians, economists, and the amount of faith based money that they allow us to have?    What if an election were held and no one showed up to vote, and what if we lost faith in the value of money and it became worthless? Might we all be better off without money and politics? Imagine every citizen of the world willfully ignoring all political and economic systems that are designed to swindle us out of our natural reality of abundance.
    All political and economic price systems are based in a fantasy land of easily repudiated beliefs, opinions and or myths. They are set up to create ideological and psychological divisions between various groups of people through our collective willingness to believe in fairy tales.
    In the real world, the vast majority of us will never be represented by a politician or price system economist, unless we can somehow find a way to buy our own piece of the mythically controlled political world government. And that is becoming increasingly more difficult as the worlds faith based money supply is consolidated into fewer hands; and jobs continue to leave our shores, are replaced by automation, or are lost all together as a result of the many problems associated with the reality of Peak World Oil Production, and the corresponding increases in the price of operating economically viable businesses.
   Hasn't history shown us time and time again that politicians cannot and will never be a part of any real and lasting solutions to our most complex social, energy and environmental problems? These problems will only be solved through the functional utilization of reality based technology by Artists, Engineers, Scientists and Technical Experts without any kind of political price system interference.
   Most all military wars are an example and the result of our belief in the divisive myth of money and politics. Money based politicians are representatives of their own private international wonderland, their job is to sell us ideologies that support their own special interests by using our own gullibility against us, as we passionately or passively agree to pay for their profit making wars and businesses with our blood, sweat and tax dollars.
   The vast majority of people surrender our personal freedoms every day of our lives and submit to a political world government that can rightly be called a 'Fascist Totalitarian Plutocracy,' a system which symbolically represents our collective willingness to be controlled and dictated to by one party, an authoritarian multinational government by the rich, that is opposed to democracy! No true democracy is possible until we decide to ignore all political rhetoric and enter into the known FACT BASED REALITY of FREE, clean, and abundant energy systems that are and will be designed and engineered for the benefit of ALL.
   A change in systems will occur when finite resources are exhausted beyond the point where they can no longer be used to prop up Alice's Economic Wonderland, or when the worlds citizens finally realize that any and all polities that use price system economics as the basis for their decision making; whether they are called capitalism-imperialism, socialism-communism, republican or democrat, liberal, and or conservative etc; are nothing more than an elaborate hoax, fabricated to serve, protect, and expand the exclusive interests of a 'self proclaimed' elite wealthy class at the great expense to all of our lives.
   We the people of the world, will become free from the bondage of all price system dictatorships, only when the physical products and services that we all require to sustain our lives are abundantly accessible to each and every citizen and FREE from all subjective interpretations of value.   THE SANITY OF REAL SOLUTIONS ARE ALREADY HERE!   FACT- We have the technology to produce and distribute an abundance of goods and services FREELY to each and every citizen. We have a chance to clean up the environment and the waste that the political-economic price system automatically spawns as we begin to creatively utilize optimum technologies for the benefit of all citizens, whilst assuring a viable future for generations yet unborn.
   I strongly encourage everyone who cares about our future, to consider Technocracy, as the only viable alternative to the insanity of any belief based political and economic institution. Technocracy simply means; A GOVERNMENT OF FUNCTION and skill by Artists, Engineers, Scientists and Technical Experts who base their problem solving decisions firmly on the FACTS as we know and observe them in nature.   If it is physically impossible to sustain an ever expanding price system economy in a finite world, then would it not be wise for us to look beyond our scarcity determined values, and begin to balance the abundance of what we already know for the betterment of everyone everywhere, equitably and without prejudice?   Beyond the myth of money and it's politics, is reality and REALITY is where we will find our sanity for solving our most complex problems.

   For more FREE information about the proposed Energy Accounting System for North America and The Energy Distribution Card, go to or you can make a request, by sending a letter to Technocracy Inc. 2475 Harksell Road Ferndale, WA 98248-9764    
- Robert F. Ahmann U.S.A.

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Wednesday 26 March 2008

The Black Goddess & the Sixth Sense

The Black Goddess & the Sixth Sense
What Our Self-Blinding Societies Fail To See:

 You Can't Know What You’ve Lost When It's Gone  
Some books alter the way you view the world forever. The Black Goddess and the Sixth Sense by Peter Redgrove demonstrates the inherent selective blindness of modern Humanity, and shows how things that are repressed – symbolised by the ‘dark senses’ and the hidden female forces that shape the world – are rising to balance human vision once again.  
    Redgrove paints breathtaking pictures of the modern mindscape in relation to the myths of Oedipus and the Sphinx and shows how, like Oedipus, self-blinding, self-mutilating patriarchies have led humans to believe they are the end-point of evolution, having solved all ‘important’ mysteries. Historically, this view has led to very real ‘end points’ of another nature entirely.
       These deeply embedded and psychically active symbologies also indicate how warrior religions overturned earlier, widespread, more homogenous cultures all over the world, which were more in tune with their environment – cultures which had day-to-day access to the self-evident ‘mysteries’ were systematically eradicated and subsumed by more violently aggressive groups. The conquerors had numbed their true ‘sensuous perceptions’ by alienating the sexes from each other and their senses from themselves, in their daily habits and taboos.  
    This schism in the species is slowly being healed from within, according to Redgrove, by the sublime senses and supersenses that we have submerged – but fortunately have been incapable of eradicating.  
    He explores the multi-channeled communications systems of nature, many of which we are still rediscovering in ourselves and other species. His elegantly flowing prose illuminates a living planet aswarm with multifaceted symphonies that surround and interpenetrate all of us. He takes us swimming through a dazzling spectrum of sensory modes, pointing out;  
    “There are more than seventy octaves of electromagnetic radiation, and the human being acknowledges the visibility of less than one octave, our sight being cramped, as it were, between the red and the violet; the colour of our arterial and intravenous blood.” Sight itself takes up about eighty percent of ‘normal’ sensory brain function; like Oedipus, ‘civilised’ humanity has been blinding itself to the bulk of information that’s always been bombarding and informing us.    Our immature worldviews have relegated most of the actual universe to the status of the peripheral and unimportant – and yet we are not ‘naturally’ blind to these vast forces and energies that surround and interpenetrate us; we have deliberately blinded ourselves to any so-called anomalies that don’t fit into the arbitrary jigsaw puzzles of our religious beliefs and pseudo-scientific dogmas.  
    Redgrove – co-author with Penelope Shuttle of the widely-acclaimed Wise Wound, that deals with the rediscovery of the rhythms of the female body – describes studies of animal intelligence and the sophisticated versatility of animal communication forms, touching on the nature of instinct as an agency of the multi-channeled life force of Gaia, our living planet.      He claims modern humans have willingly separated themselves from much of their environment, consciously acknowledging only a tiny portion of reality.  
    Visual, audible, tactile, infrared, chemical and electromagnetic sensitivity are discussed and explored as modes of perception and communication – an example being the ‘external hormones’ or pheromones which allow communication between humans, other animals, insects and plants – even across species, phylum and order boundaries.  
    “The chemical constituents of animal and plant hormones, sex pheromones and messenger systems in plants and animals are all closely similar. This is why, for instance, the pig responds to the truffle – the latter emits a sex odour-chemical almost identical to the pig’s own; and why you find human insulin in a common bacterium.” There is a near-universal communications system continually functioning between all plants and animals, and one which humans are implicately involved within at all times – yet this ‘hidden, dark’ mode of seemingly extra-sensory communication, that determines many of our actions and reactions, remains almost totally unacknowledged and unexplored.
    The Taoist and Tantric schools of knowledge - which were actively investigating these and other vitally important levels of reality and consciousness for millennia - were all destroyed by self-blinded militarists and unquestioning religions. The numbed conquerors feared any deep investigations of the self, seeing sex and sensuous reality as a threat to their domination and control of the womb and society.
    This continues to the present day with the persecution and destruction of groups such as the followers of Rajneesh/Osho, the spiritual practitioners of Falun Gong, Tantra, shamanism and ‘new age’ explorers of all hues. Instead we prop up the pernicious fantasies of pathological liars, supporting pedophile religionists and destructive money-mad technologists with our precious time and energy. As a result we have misplaced more than mere access to our supersenses and sensitivities; we have alienated Humanity from itself by driving impermeable wedges between female and male, child and adult, emotion and intellect, self and other.
    Humans have cut ourselves off from our ability to consciously control our own fertility and we do not allow ourselves or our children to see or hear vital subtle aspects of reality always perceived by our native cousins and ancestors, who evolved detailed descriptions and sciences of the unseen. The implications and realities of deep empathy and even telepathy are ignored as inadmissible data, despite the fact that everyone experiences these things all the time; we’ve all been carefully taught to ignore obvious truths and to mimic the emperor’s love of invisible clothes, and his immature desire for superfluous gewgaws.
    Chimpanzees don’t copy useless or superfluous behaviours; they only mimic things that appeal to their common sense and fit into their societies without disrupting or destroying them. Yet ‘more evolved modern’ humans engage in self-destructive behaviour and copy pointless and even painful fashions and activities without question.   We fail to see that we share the world with a myriad of unseen forces and entities while we fill our children’s open minds with lies about the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, Gentle Jesus and Wise Mohammed and the Angel Moron(i) - that inevitably lead innocents to distrust their elders and become cynical materialists, denying their inner awarenesses of the unknown.
        Modern processes of education and training also automatically blind children to the unexplained, unacknowledged realities they see and feel all the time. Each generation puts out the eyes of the next to arrest evolution and humans maintain their shuffling stumble through darkness, wondering where the light we all knew and faithfully followed as children has gone.   All alterations to the perfected temple of the human body are suspect. Genital mutilation has literally cut humans off from their supersenses while numbing the species’ feelings and emotions. We have mutilated our bodies and our minds to fit into a sterile, desert-making hierarchical pyramid kingdom of blind termites, in which the one-eyed obsessive always manages to remain King.       

       From the healing of warts and cancers by hypnosis and the nature of the immune system, to the human effects of modern mass communications, and insect antennae being morphically tuned to the electromagnetic spectrum, The Black Goddess and the Sixth Sense is a goldmine of interconnected facts and scientific revelations. For instance, keratin – a common protein found in your hair and nails – is piezoelectric. It actually generates electricity – and radio waves – under pressure, or, for instance, when long hair is waving in the wind or moving. We literally cut off a multileveled mode of communication when we cut ourselves off from our hair. 
    “Gases containing free-flowing organic materials, like pheromones, are especially voracious of infra-red and microwaves, and the organic molecules will re-radiate this energy that is poured into them, although it will be transformed by the vibratory system of the particular molecule.” The radio waves generated by our hair cause our pheromones to fluoresce in the ultraviolet range, making our ‘auras’ glow just at the edge of our accepted perceptions. 

       Pheromones are a form of chemical communications transmitted from most of your body, passing through us as hormones and traveling between almost all species as aerial pheromones. Pheromone receptors are found wherever we have mucous membranes and these substances are passed into and through us from all other lifeforms. Modern drugs and cosmetics mute and conceal these substances and serve to further cut us off from each other and the living world, while blocking our pores and receptors. As every young child knows, your hair and nails are integral and important components of a whole, unsullied being.

        Science is coming to tentative explanations of such concepts as auras and the existence of aspects of an underlying morphogenetic field or collective consciousness, and researcher have found ways to actually detect such fields within the well-known electromagnetic spectrum. “One view of atomic structure is that matter itself is like an interference pattern between waves… matter is a particular form of electromagnetism…” 

       The ‘onlooker’ or ‘spectator’ consciousness prevalent in the Western paradigm and science from Aristotle to today is reviewed by Redgrove. It is compared with such self-integrating concepts as Chi and Feng-shui from ancient China - and other cultures more aware of the “radiant continuum” of life than our ‘modern scientific’ viewpoint, with its blinkered attempts to monopolise knowledge into a simplistic, dead-end materialistic coffin.  
    In our pursuit of knowledge we have been led inexorably toward recognition of ‘invisible’ forces. In our denial of the sensuous invisibles we create invisible terrors, due to the blind spots we refuse and fear to see and the numb places we refuse and fear to feel.   The Black Goddess shows how culturally implanted anti-sensual isolation and guilt has led to the repression of our supersenses, magical belief systems and even non-abstract Romantic and representational art and music. All apparently ‘acausal’ phenomena are tidily and fixedly ignored in the inaccurately neat Aristotelian worldview, whose denizens ignore their imaginations and therefore ignore an organ of perception into unknown realms.   From this deep pit of sublimation, the ‘Black Goddess’ of our suppressed nature rises all-pervasive; like the Sphinx, She is a mediatrix who can reconcile apparent opposites into a fused complementary whole, freeing females and males, humans and animals, intellect and emotion from their unreal abstractions of each other.
        We populate the unknown with programmed fears and mythological angels wielding flaming swords that bar us from the Paradise that surrounds us - instead of exploring the dark, ‘subconscious’ realms of our world with unrecognised senses and supersenses already tailored to its infinite depths. Darkness is not an absence, not the enemy of the light; it is its palpable, unexplored complement.
The Black Goddess and the Sixth Sense is a book destined to radically change the perceptions and beliefs of any who read it.    


Your parents and grandparents were happy and satisfied to be lied to by those who still get away with stealing the wealth and knowledge of the Earth (and everywhere else) for themselves  – are you?

Turn on. Tune in. Opt OUT!   
-               R. Ayana  

-                This article is NOT a paid ad for this publication, but a genuinely appreciative appraisal of a landmark work by an insightful author. A shorter version was published in NEXUS New Times magazine, Vol. 1, No 5 

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From the New Illuminati –

Wednesday 19 March 2008

Global Consciousness Project


Global Correlations in Random Data

Photograph of Earth, 800K The Global Consciousness Project, also called the EGG Project, is an international, multidisciplinary collaboration of scientists, engineers, artists and others. This website introduces methods, technology, and empirical results under the "Scientific Work" menu below, and gives background, interpretations, and implications under "Aesthetic View".
We have been collecting data from a global network of random event generators since August, 1998. The network has grown to about 65 host sites around the world running random colors  per egg per sec custom software that reads the output of physical random number generators and records a 200-bit trial sum once every second, continuously over months and years. The data are transmitted over the internet to a server in Princeton, NJ, USA, where they are archived for later analysis. Individual data create a random tapestry of color. The dot below indicates their global coherence. is to examine subtle correlations that reflect the presence and activity of consciousness in the world. We have learned that when millions of us share intentions and emotions the GCP/EGG network shows correlations. We can interpret this as evidence for participation in a growing global consciousness. It suggests we have the capability and responsibility for conscious evolution. We make the world we live in, and if we Do No Harm, we can help create a Planetary Smile.
ON THE LEFT scientifically treated results
a study of apparent patterns that should not exist in truly random sequences
analysis providing details and context to support building good models
an unambiguous picture of data with minimal interpretation
the goal is to learn the sources of structure and understand mechanism
poetic interpretation and art
a free hand with possiblities touching eye and ear, seeking the heart of the matter
aesthetic and spiritual issues that are central to creative cultural evolution
feeling for the meaning of evident links between events and observers
the goal is to see interconnection as real & creative mind as magical

For further enlightening information enter a word or phrase into the search box @  New Illuminati or click on any label/tag at the bottom of the page

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This material is published under Creative Commons Copyright (unless an individual item is declared otherwise by copyright holder) – reproduction for non-profit use is permitted & encouraged, if you give attribution to the work & author - and please include a (preferably active) link to the original along with this notice. Feel free to make non-commercial hard (printed) or software copies or mirror sites - you never know how long something will stay glued to the web – but remember attribution! If you like what you see, please send a tiny donation or leave a comment – and thanks for reading this far…

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Tuesday 18 March 2008

Third Millennium or Third Reich?

Third Millennium or Third Reich?

We Need a New ‘Free World’
It’s easy to remember the lessons of history when they’re demonstrated again and again in front of your face. But what is history in a world where information is always censored, gilded and provided by the victors? What is ‘proof’ or ‘evidence’ in the post-analog digital age? Modern schools are cut-down, streamlined businesses designed to teach dumbed down populations how to get a cog-job working inside the mechanisms of evil warmongers they’re not there to educate us to become smarter, wiser or better informed human beings. 

                        The public is taught to view politics as a game and their leaders as captains of sporting teams. We’re told to leave the major decisions that concern our lives to our betters and to toe the line and scrabble for promotion over the fallen bodies of our co-workers. We’re entrained to think that jingoistic so-called patriotism (a form of ancestor worship) is an honourable notion to hold in a diverse, ever-changing global village of billions. People somehow fail to see that patriotism is a fundamentally brutal, racist notion that’s the paltry on-hand excuse for most of the wars in history – the ones not directly caused by those other regional racist lies known as religions.

                        How can we allow this to happen? Surely we all know what’s likely to be coming next, as the open maw of history waits poised to devour another generation. Have we all been out on a long lunch, or are those wireless phones and communications systems really cooking our brains? How’s your attention span lately, hmm? Or have we all really just sold out, cocooning ourselves in swathes of plastic crap and toxic insulation, walling out everyone and everything else and blinding ourselves to the wisdom and beauty of nature? Can you recognise a death-wish when you see one? 

             How could the intelligent, well educated middle class people of 1930s Germany have possibly allowed a hideous regime to flourish, helping the crazed and idiosyncratic Nazi cultists to kill millions by actively working for them, day in and day out? Would they have reacted differently if the symbol of the cult was not a swastika but, say, a more obviously noxious, death-worshipping coat of arms – like a skull above a pair of crossed bones?             

             How could the people have fallen for the trick of allowing a brutal, egocentric, superstitious dictator under he sway of unseen, shadowy powers to install himself as unelected leader? How could they let him hand himself (and his unseen backers) draconian and unlimited powers over all of them, suspending the protections and freedoms enshrined in the constitution in the name of dealing with a national emergency caused by foreign terrorists? The convenient burning of the German congress building, the Reichstag, was a great pretext for totalitarian control - and a perfect template for the events of our own era; it was burned down by the Nazis and blamed on a Jew. There were few Muslims in the country to blame in those days, and Jews have always made the best scapegoats, throughout their long-suffering history; they’re such a tiny tribe and really have so little, yet always seem to represent something to be envious or fearful of, to people who don’t recognise knowledge as their only real treasure.

                         Creating scapegoats is a great tool for power mongers who want to keep control in the hands of their ‘own kind’ of people, a perfect wedge to drive between the common simple hopes and dreams of the common people. ‘Divide and conquer’ is the way of all empires, and the division of the spoils always begins within the population of the empire itself; separated off into mutually suspicious classes, races, creeds and parties, the people have no chance to see who’s really running the show and keeping them ignorant.   That’s why certain old tracts say that division is the way the several-headed hydra, the King of the World, Rex Mundi, chooses to rule the people of Earth. ‘Division’ comes from the same root as ‘diabolic’ and ‘devil’.

          But let’s not be distracted by bogie men; we have many far more potent realities and impending events created by these belief systems to deal with; the belief in the so-called ‘natural order’ of pyramid-structured, feudal, hierarchical caste systems that masquerade as just, fair societies, for instance; the ‘right’ of a handful of fossilised selfish old men and women to control the lives of everyone else on the planet, for instance; the insidious carrot-and-stick control mechanism of money, for instance – the bloated, invisible elephant in the global living room. Or the belief that it’s honourable (and not merely understandable) to love your own nation, tribe or family more than anyone else.

         How could the ‘well-educated’ people of central Europe have stood by when underprivileged minorities were systematically vilified and persecuted, and ultimately rounded up and made to disappear from their midst, right under their noses? Of course, many of the workers who created the national economy and kept the wheels of pre-war industries greased were classed as ‘illegal aliens’ – even the ones who’d been born on the soil of that white fundamentalist nation.

          How could the people not realise that a society is best judged by the way it treats its weakest and most vulnerable and underprivileged members? Could they not realise that they would be the next to lose their rights en masse, and ultimately disappear?

          How could they fall for the obvious self-contradicting lies and propaganda continually fed to them by an immoral, unethical media dominated by a few old racist arseholes, who stood to make a motherload from those who listened to their lies and worked for their monopolistic state-sanctioned corporations? Why would they consider anything not told to them through ‘official, reputable’ channels to be unpatriotic fabrications, scams or conspiracy theories? Why would they care, when they had food and alcohol in their bellies, plenty of creature comforts and plenty of insectile work to occupy the bulk of their time and well-entrained minds? 

        When there is no such thing as habeas corpus, when a government sanctions torture and indefinite, unreportable detention, if elections are not fair, open and transparent, if martial law is effectively declared over the citizenry, if a secretive policing agency is set up specifically to monitor the activities of the population, if any criticism of the government of the Fatherland is deemed unpatriotic or even seditious, if concentration camps and prisons are set up – particularly if they’re outside the national borders of the regime - where prisoners can simply disappear; if more than one person in a hundred is in jail – then the Nazis have already taken over completely and Amerika has already become a totalitarian regime of brutality and coercion run by human-hating misfits, not a freedom-loving democracy of, by and for the people.

         Which is a great pity, don’t you think? After all, the Constitution of the U.S.A. was once a sign of a great high watermark in human history, way up there with the Magna Carta and the other handful of documents that testify to the fact that Humanity has a heart and soul, as well as ready fists and a cunning mind. The universally recognised but barely mentioned U.N. International Bill of Rights would deliver a high standard of justice to everyone in the world; if only we were informed of its existence we’d all recognise our true pre-existing rights in this fractious dawn of the New Aeon. But naturally, such inconsequentialities as our rights, our freedoms, and the nature of the organs inside our own skins aren’t illuminated for us in today’s educational establishments.

         ‘America’ was once a byword for Liberty, Justice, Freedom and even Honour to the enslaved and brutalised people of much of the war-torn world; now it’s just another totalitarian empire to be feared and mistrusted, its people a forlorn bunch of well-trained doormats waiting to be downtrodden. The 24/7 Big Bother society ushered in by 9/11 will be recognised by future historians as a wonderful example of the Nazi propaganda minister’s Goebbledygook doctrine of the ‘Big Lie’; if you’re going to tell a porky, make it a whopper. After all, you can fool all of the people some of the time – and before the suckers work out what’s happened, you distract them with an even bigger lie, bigger fireworks, fatter bread and more dazzling circuses.

         Wake up and smell the smoke! The world is smouldering and the agents of racism, patriotism and nepotism are on the march again, ready to send you and your children into the furnace! Kick the bums out and take back the reins of your life. If your boss is an automaton arsehole, show him your back. Find the thing you love, that you do best,, and stick with it.  Did you know that a single lifetime ago, a European nation actually voted to get rid of its government? Not just its current government, but ALL government. The wise Spanish people, fed up with millennia of lies and crass classist crap, voted anarchists into power and the government was done away with – and guess what? Everything worked fine, until the other national governments sent in the shock troops and made an example of them, while the Nazis led the world into conflagration.  But the Spanish people proved their long-forgotten point – without ANY central government, the people can be trusted to keep civilization flowing and growing! The workers kept working and everyone simply co-operated, unified by their mutual interest.  

         Justice, order and freedom are not the legislated provinces of control freaks, but are the birthright and natural demeanour of all civilised people, when we’re left unmolested to our own devices.  Human nature is very different to what self-projecting power mongers would have you believe. Most people just want to have a good life with their families and friends – it’s called ‘enlightened self-interest’.

         All power groups are merely varying echelons of gangsters, and all you really need to know to understand their motives and behaviour is to look to the example of any primitive bunch of spear wielders or teenage rat pack. It’s a simple barnyard pecking order of protection, patronage, violence and greed, whether it’s the Mafia or the Knesset or the Diet or Parliament or any randomly selected corporation, club, lodge or institution. And yet none of these gangs could operate without the agreement of the mass of people who outnumber and outclass them completely - who are carefully entrained to allow these cancerous outgrowths to flourish in their collective body.

          As this screed is being written, more that one person in a hundred has been imprisoned in the ‘land of the free’. Being ‘better than China’ is a saving grace no longer – the U.S. incarcerates a higher percentage of its people than even that benighted nation; and who knows how many unwanted or big-mouthed U.S. citizens simply ‘disappear’ under censored New World orders? Many of these people are innocent, or stuck inside hellholes for victimless crimes in a country whose people, judges and governments claim they believe in mercy, justice and ‘zero tolerance’, all at the same time. How many contradictory things can a brainwashed people believe at once? Time will doubtless tell, for the Fat Lady is still preparing to sing…

         Meanwhile, here in the relatively freed ex-imperial penal colony of Oz, we have a neutral-sounding, state-sanctioned term for what happens when Aboriginal people die in jail cells; “Deaths in custody”. There are an awful lot of ‘deaths in custody’ – but at least we in the ‘Lucky Country’ still get to hear about many of them. As our great national hero, the steel-armored, authority-killing bushranger Ned Kelly remarked as they put the noose around his neck, “Such is life.”

        One in a hundred. How much is too much? Who’s next? 

        Your parents and grandparents were happy and satisfied to be lied to by blood-soaked dynasties of killers who still get away with stealing the wealth and knowledge of the Earth for themselves  – are you?  Let’s end this feudal farce once and for all and create a real planetary democracy. Stop working for the boss and stop buying the poisoned apples of forked-tongued, divisive control freaks!  Create your own enterprise and work together with friends and family, sharing the work in abundance – that’s what it takes to have a Great Life! 

         Turn on. Tune in. Opt OUT!
-         R. Ayana
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From the New Illuminati –

Monday 17 March 2008

Rainbow Bridge Warriors: An Ancient Perspective on a Dawning Age

The Rainbow Bridge Warriors

An Ancient Perspective on a Dawning Age

 By Lorraine Mafi Williams

When the Aboriginal People came to live on the Earth, they found a structure that kept the Earth on an equal balance with nature and the animals and universe. This structure is known to you as the ‘ley-line’ energy grids, known to the aboriginals as the Rainbow Serpent. The aborigines soon learned that it was very important for their survival, and to disturb this grid would mean certain death to Humankind.

            These ley-line energy grids consist of all the minerals under the earth. Man has plundered and ravaged the land so much that the Earth has no protection from elemental and environmental disasters, i.e. earthquakes, floods, bushfires, hurricanes, et cetera.

            The cosmic energy poured down in harmony upon the Earth through the crystal cosmic spiral, but now the beam has no receivers left in the Earth to spread the cosmic energy across and throughout the land.

            To cut a long story short, the aboriginal people throughout Australia have seen the need for all of humankind to prevent mining on sacred sites – which are the Rainbow Serpent – and they have sent out an appeal to all those who have an interest in the prevention of mining and the destruction of the environment, to save the Earth in general from destruction.

Aboriginal legends tell us that the Earth undergoes a planetary shift every 7,000 years. The Earth used to be able to withstand the planetary and cosmic onslaught through the energy grid network under the Earth. However, since white man’s devastation of the Earth and environment in the [more than] two hundred years of Australia , the Earth here has lost its energy grid system.

This is a universal appeal to all Humankind to end the destruction and get back to the ancient laws of survival as the old ancient people know on this planet. The people who have heeded this call through a spiritual movement that they themselves may not understand are known as the Rainbow Warriors. For these people to spread the word throughout the world, they must listen to the Elders of the world.

Here in Australia only the aboriginal people know the ways to save Australia from total destruction. They must work in harmony with the land, animals and the heavens. We humans need the Earth and the Earth needs us to care for ourselves.

The Warriors of the Rainbow

An ancient North American ‘Indian’ legend predicts that when the Earth has been ravaged and the animals killed, a tribe of people from all races, creeds and colours would put faith in deeds, not words, to make the land green again. They would be called “The Warriors of the Rainbow”, protectors of the environment. 

- L.M.W.

Aboriginal elder of the Bunjalung Nation of far eastern Australia, the late Lorraine Mafi Williams wrote this in 1987 and handed it to me in 1988. For various reasons, it has remained unpublished until now.

Your parents and grandparents were happy and satisfied to be lied to by those who still get away with stealing the wealth and knowledge of the Earth (and everywhere else) for themselves – are you? Are you ready to become a peaceful, non-violent Rainbow Warrior and help save the planet? 
Turn on. Tune in. Opt OUT and find your tribe in the greenfastnesses of Mother Earth!

-         R.A.

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