Monday 30 July 2007

An empty head, but a life lived to the full

An empty head, but a life lived to the full
A No-Brainer

French doctors are puzzling over the case of a 44-year-old public servant who has led a quite normal life - with virtually no brain.In a case published in The Lancet, doctors led by Lionel Feuillet, of the Timone Hospital in Marseilles, said the father of two had been admitted to hospital after suffering mild weakness in his left leg.
        Scans showed that his cerebral cavities, called ventricles, had expanded hugely.
       "The brain itself, meaning the grey matter and white matter, was completely crushed against the sides of the skull," Dr Feuillet said.
       "The images were most unusual … the brain was virtually absent."
       The patient's medical history showed that at the age of six months he suffered hydrocephalus, also called water on the brain, and needed an operation to drain the dangerous build-up of spinal fluid.
        Neuropsychological testing revealed the man had an IQ of 75, with a verbal IQ of 84 and performance IQ of 70. Most people have a minimum IQ of 85, although the benchmark and the way it is measured are sometimes contested.
          "The man has been able to lead a life that can be considered normal," Dr Feuillet said.  "Even if he has a slight intellectual handicap, this has not hampered his development or building social networks."
      Max Muenke, a pediatric brain defect specialist at the US National Human Genome Research Institute, said of the findings: "What I find amazing to this day is how the brain can deal with something which you think should not be compatible with life." Dr Muenke was not involved in the case.
From Agence France-Presse, Reuters via Sydney Morning Herald

This and many other similar cases blow brain-mind theory out of the water – in case you haven’t drawn the obvious conclusion. The fact that macro-parrots have human language vocabularies of hundreds of words – superseding even the well-known language capabilities of chimpanzees – while having brains the size of a walnut is another good indication that almost everything we’re taught about the brain-mind nexus is WRONG.

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts…

- R.A.

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Thursday 26 July 2007

Delerious Dark Matter Foams

Delerious Dark Matter Foams

This morning I came out of my delirium; fever dreams had me in their sway for an immobile day and night while the boys fed themselves and each other and brought me water and fresh juices they squeezed for us all. They followed my mumbled cooking instructions so well that the meals were better than they would have been if their dad had cooked them. Wonderful kids.
            A decade of phantasmagorical dreams would pass, whole epic careers and adventures, births, deaths and magic, other cultures and languages, other aspirations – all in a few minutes between half-waking episodes that delineated the boundaries of the trance and brought images swimming back to this other reality.

            Each story-vision was a universe in itself, a Bardo realm and a hologram that never finished but continued as eye passed beyond it into something more relevant to my fleeing awareness. It was possible to grow beyond each limited event horizon and enter a new, somehow related realm with its own dramas and melodramas, fun and games.

             Every now and then eye would emerge from the miasma and see the individual story realms like bubbles of foam interpenetrating each other; each was a part(icle) of a vaster hologram and each part contained a fractal version of the whole; which meant that not only was the future malleable – there was no fixed past, either.

             All possibilities are versions of the One; but it’s a brave fool who claims that THIS is THE reality and all other universes are merely shadows that never take full form, virtual realities without substance.

            All the multitudinous alternative continua are not just virtual images of this one, much as they might appear to be from this perspective. They are real in their own terms and from their perspective, ‘this’ world that we momentarily share is the virtual ghost.

            In my delirious wanderings it was the boundary condition, the shape of each universe, that demarked and demonstrated the differences between them, much as our different bodies, while human, are each totally unique. We all carry different messages in a fundamentally similar matrix.

            I doubt this makes much sense to most people, but will press on for the vanishingly tiny proportion of readers who haven’t already given up and who may be interested.

            Around each realm is a skin, a surface that delineates a different frequency (or shade, if you prefer), amplitude, time rate and mass. All these parameters change constantly in relation to each other and to other universes. Only individual positional moments have fixed values. 

            Every surface resonates in time with whatever’s beyond its drum-skin; it’s possible to delve deeply into anything, by becoming sensitive to surface impressions and expressions. By placing your ear against a wall you can hear sounds emanating from beyond it. Your hands can sense vibrations in a wide range of media. Combined together in harmony, your senses are supersenses that can be tuned to anything, anywhere, anytime.

            Behind each surface that you approach is a vast series of dimensions. Every object contains within itself a literal memory of everything that’s gone into its existence, every thing that’s had a part in placing it where it is right now – everything in the universe holds an image of everything, in every universe. And these images are accessible to you as visions that can be accepted, forgotten – or tested. Some of your dreams and visions will be particularly relevant to the present you inhabit, but all the dreams that you envision will have some bearing on your existence or you wouldn’t be able to apprehend them. 

          Think quantum interconnectivity on an apprehensible scale.

            Every one is a quantum computer. All it takes is practice. But you won’t practice if you don’t believe it’s possible. So the first lore of magic is to believe that magic is possible – without that simple step you’ll get nowhere if you attempt to comprehend ultimate reality. That’s what it takes to be a magician – not belief (at first), but a genuinely suspended disbelief. Then you have to work your way through a multitude of illusions to find anything useful. But the truth is in there.

            So anyway – to cut a long story short, it became obvious from these multiple perspectives that what modern physicists refer to as ‘dark matter’ and ‘dark energy’ are in fact identical to and one and the same as the zero-point quantum foam. In fact, the apparent reality of elusive dark energy is a proof of the infinite sea of potential in every position in spacetime – a proof that zero-point energy is real. It’s exactly what you’d expect to find if an infinitude of particles were appearing and disappearing constantly – dark energy (and matter) is a residual effect of their momentary existence in this realm.

            Anyone who’s explored my site @ TimeSpace - - will note that I also claim these ‘virtual’ particles ARE the infinite multiple universes rotating through each other.

             But hey – this is enough for one day, isn’t it?

            In some ways we’re always connected. Time flows on…  

- R. Ayana

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Monday 23 July 2007

Remember your home phone number? Forget it!

Remember your home phone number? Forget it!

Can't remember life before mobiles? Chances are you'll also struggle to recall your home phone number and family birthdays.

According to a survey released Friday, the boom in mobiles and portable devices that store reams of personal information has created a generation incapable of memorizing simple things.

A quarter of those polled said they couldn't remember their landline number, while two-thirds couldn't recall the birthdays of more than three friends or family members.

The tech-savvy young fared worse than older people. The under-30s could remember fewer birthdays and numbers than the over-50s, according to the survey.

Two-thirds said they relied on their phone or electronic organizer to remember key dates.

"People have more to remember these days and they are relying on technology more for their memory," said Ian Robertson, professor of psychology at Trinity College, Dublin.

Researchers polled 3,000 people over the last two weeks in the survey for Puzzler Brain Trainer magazine.


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Friday 20 July 2007

People may be able to train selves to forget

People may be able to train selves to forget bad memories


Scientists have found evidence that people can actively suppress disturbing memories by choosing not to think about them, a finding that could lead to improved therapies for post-traumatic stress, whose sufferers are haunted by scary memories they can’t control.

By scanning the brains of 16 healthy adults who had been shown gruesome photographs, researchers from the University of Colorado discovered subjects’ memory circuits slowed when they were instructed to push mental images of the photos from their minds.

“You can train yourself to remember something, and you can train yourself to forget it,” said University of Colorado graduate student Brendan E. Depue, lead author of the study published today in the journal Science.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology neuroscientist John Gabrieli, who was not connected to the research, called the study “a big step forward.”

Previous experiments by Gabrieli and others have shown that subjects can suppress memories of neutral words and images, material viewed as more forgettable than gory scenes or personal trauma.

“The great issues for memory suppression are emotionally intense experiences,” he said, cautioning that no lab experiment can duplicate the trauma of real military combat or physical abuse.

In the latest experiment, researchers trained test subjects to recognize 40 sets of images, each of which paired an expressionless face with a murder scene, car crash or other disturbing picture.

After they memorized the pairs, participants were shown only the faces and asked to “think” or “not think” about the corresponding image as a scanner recorded their brain activity.

When subjects were told to block the disturbing image, the scanner recorded reduced activity in the brain regions that process and store memory. When asked to think about the images, activity in those brain regions increased.

Researchers also conducted the test without the scanner, asking participants to write down whether they remembered or forgot the photo paired with each face. They were shown each face 12 times.

When subjects tried to block the negative picture, they remembered it 53.2 percent of the time. But their recall rose to 71.1 percent when they tried to remember the disturbing scene.

But some researchers questioned the study’s conclusions.Craig Stark, an assistant professor of psychology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine who studies memory, said that deliberate memory suppression involved hard brain work.

“You would expect brain activity to go up, not down,” he said.Stark said the study demonstrated not memory suppression but an ordinary sort of forgetfulness.“As you prevent yourself from thinking about something, you will keep yourself from reinforcing and consolidating that memory,” he said. “At that point, a perfectly normal process of memory decay goes to work.”  
By Denise Gellene - Los Angeles TimesJuly 13, 2007

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“The world is created by self-hypnosis.”
- R. Ayana

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Tuesday 17 July 2007

Sci-Fi Realty Gap

Sci-Fi Realty Gap
Which Intelligence hosts these sites?
Back in 2001 - before the event that changed nothing but excused a lot - a few colleagues and myself ran a trace to find out just where the websites we created were actually housed – where the servers were physically located.
            It’s easy to do, of course – you just run one of many free programs designed to trace the source of a website. We were all based in various parts of Oz, using differing platforms and ISPs (internet service providers) to ‘host’ our sites. But the ISPs weren’t actually ‘hosting’ us at all – they rented space in the most competitively-priced local servers they could find, as you might expect.

       As we watched the lines spreading across the map of Oz, tracing our pet sites to their sources, we were surprised to note that they were all converging on the same part of the continent – a barely populated remote region of the vast interior desert, not far from the small town of Alice Springs.

       We had no need to look up the location; it was obvious what was hosting our precious sites. They were all housed in servers in a small area of prohibited territory on which no Australian is allowed to freely walk – a ‘joint’ US/Oz intelligence and surveillance facility known as Pine Gap.

        It’s the best-known secret facility in the land. Eye remember watching (then) Vice-President George H. W. Bush facing down a Sixty Minutes reporter over the secret base, during a visit to these antipodean shores in the Reagan (ray-gun) cold war era. The reporter – George Negus – asked the V.P. if he could tell us anything about Pine Gap. 

       Bush froze behind his desk and said, “Pine what?” and made other obfuscations for a couple of sentences as Negus assured him, “Come on, it’s the single best-known joint facility in the country; everyone knows about it.” Indeed, in 1975 a bloodless US and British-sponsored coup had unconstitutionally ousted an incumbent Ozzie Prime Minister, after he’d dared to raise the possibility of not renewing the (literally) peppercorn lease for the site - that had been erected within Aboriginal lands from the 1960s.

       Finally Bush conceded that he’d heard of the place – in a tellingly roundabout way;

       “George,” he said, staring the reporter down from the vantage of his massive brow, “there’s something you have to understand – when I take an oath I take it for life.” That shut George Negus up. The oath the Vice President was referring to was the one he’d taken as a previous head of the CIA. It was easy to see which oath - and which allegiance - took precedence for him.

       So what’s Pine Gap? Take a look at the place on Google Earth – and then take a closer look at the uniquely strange geological formation amid which it sits. Only people who have never been there (unlike me) would believe the publicly disgorged nonsense that it’s simply a surface satellite surveillance base. It’s obvious there’s a vast underground facility housed beneath the place. This was even public knowledge until the 1980s, when ‘revisionist’ reports began emerging from the Oz Defense ministry claiming that the previously admitted underground base didn’t exist.

       Originally devised as part of the nuclear deterrent and as part of the developing US bunker system spreading across the continents of the globe in the 1960s and ‘70s, it was constructed to house 2,500personnel in a series of underground installations, tapped into what’s probably the largest known underground river system on Earth, in one of the most remote locations on the planet. But don’t worry – there are a few similar bases on your continent, wherever you may live. They were all primary nuclear targets during the cold war.

       What goes on at Pine Gap? For a start, all the communications in the southern hemisphere – every phone call, radio message or other signal – is ‘collected’ there before being sent to Langley, Virginia. This is standard public information, disclosed from time to time by governments. Every private conversation and every bit of data on the southern hemisphere’s internet, broadcast media and phone networks, private, corporate or government, is intercepted there; and don’t think any ‘secure’ piece of data is safe – your security systems, like the Australian Government’s were developed and are owned by the people that own this facility. They collect everything.

       Like our websites had been. It was easy to collect them – all the facility had to do was offer secure storage space and fast access for a cut-rate price and the ISPs flocked to their razor-wired door. 

The surface installation of radomes and rectangular concrete structures is slightly impressive in its own right.The base has always been serviced by regular Starlifter flights that also flew the data back to the (other) States – but certain supplies, such as toiletries, were deemed easier to be purchased in the local town. From these local purchases and others it becomes obvious that the true population of the base is still counted in thousands, not hundreds as both governments now claim.

       Other more interesting things than mere data collection occur in the multiple secret subsurface levels as well. Over the years I’ve interviewed various people engaged in the construction process (they used local labour – some of it Aboriginal, some local, some corporate and military). Their stories dovetailed too well to have been self-aggrandising fantasies (the Aboriginal workers were only allowed to work down to five levels).

        There’s a great NASA video taken from a space shuttle that shows something very interesting emanating from Pine Gap – a discrete ray, a beam weapon aimed at space. I won’t test your credibility – look and see for yourself;

        With my own eyes I’ve seen troops burst out of an elevator mounted on a vast concrete slab at Pine Gap, pouring out in successive waves from behind a small roller door-fronted concrete pillbox, to subdue harmless curious demonstrators who walked through the fence. I’ve seen other things as well.

       The following may go a small way toward illuminating some of the other activities that take place there. Please note that the world is a strange and wonderful place – far stranger than a mere materialist meat-market of feudal monkeys struggling through their short, brutal lives on an isolated, lonely planet. We’re much more interesting than that!

       The truth will set you free to be unsettled, confused and enlightened. Believe what you will; but read this, if you like; it was written by an agent of my acquaintance who once worked at Pine Gap:  

-         R. Ayana

 The Disclosure Project – see it soon, before someone loses the disc!

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Monday 16 July 2007

Freedom or Fatherland Insecurity: Utopia Now or Apocalypse Tomorrow

Freedom or Fatherland Insecurity
Utopia Now or Apocalypse Tomorrow 

“I can’t see the human race getting very far, if women are busy making babies while men are busy killing people.”-         Kathleen Azzopardi, age 16 

Loving your country is natural, if you live in a natural landscape. All landforms and ecosystems are uniquely individual and people who truly live in them, rooted firmly in the nurturing earth, will always cherish and defend their homeland, families and traditional lifestyles.

            Until less than one generation ago most humans lived with nature, outside the modern mushrooming profusion of hive-like cities and towns. More often than not they lived happy, prosperous and fulfilling lives in mutually supportive groups of friends and families. A threat to their land was a threat to their family and their farm, their animals and crops – a threat to their existence. And the major threat to their pleasant lives was usually a city-building, dynastically minded empire-builder and his band of ignorant, willing spear carriers bent on pillage and rape.  

       Patriotism – the love of the ancestral parent-land – was used as a tool to harvest spear and cannon fodder as regularly as possible. The war machine’s appetite was always voracious and insatiable.

       These monarchic feudal empires ruled essentially unchanged through most of our histories before being partially reformed into our modern version of corporate wage-slavery after the Enlightenment. 

       Rallying around the flag was a necessity of battle, to be regularly practiced in the all-too-brief peacetime so that another generation could be marched into the maw of the beast with a minimum of complaint. The sporting, playful nature of humans was easily exploited for the purposes of war. 

       Regimented sporting codes enacting regional rivalries on a practice battlefield were encouraged by the rulers of most nations, to foster a militant and violently competitive mindset among the people and ensure that young men were encouraged and rewarded for possessing a near-suicidal lack of enlightened self-interest and individuality. Violent team sports are practice for the mindset of war, not a harmless sublimation of it.

       Nationalism, patriotism, racism and religion are the cornerstones of an age-old propaganda edifice that’s designed to stop humans of different tribes and races from thinking for themselves – and from learning to actually like and trust each other. These pernicious fantasies have very effectively impeded the unification of humanity in its race toward a millennial new age of peace, prosperity and familiarity – of fairness and compassion – until now.

        Now we have to replace these outmoded notions with much better concepts – a unified healthy planet, a noble species of sisters and brothers with awareness beyond mere materialism, educated in the undeniable facts of our truly remarkable existence and potential. Our true heritage and birthright is greater than we can currently imagine; a caterpillar can’t even see the butterfly.

       Nation states do not actually exist. Nations are merely notions, ideas that exist in no landscape but that of the habituated human mind. In such a notional state so-called patriots and soldiers are rewarded with an utterly undeserved credibility and trust, just as sportsmen and women are treated as great leaders and worthy sages for the duration of their prosaic lives.

        Nationalism is nothing more than an excuse to believe in an illusory us and them. There’s no honour, nobility or valour involved – loving your imaginary nation is the result of a hypnotic command that uses inflated, self-important racism to excuse murder, theft and extortion. Nationalism always creates a supposedly credible enemy for little girls and boys to demonise and to fantasise slaying in excruciating detail – and our innocent thoughts make the world.

       If all nations did what they claim as a sovereign right and simply defended their own territory and homeland, no war could ever occur. But defense is not what having a military force is for in our post-modern world.

        Patriotism is merely a pat excuse to riot and cause mayhem in the name of the paterfamilias and padrone, the father, fatherland and fuehrer – usually an old, lonely, blind, hidebound, vengeful psychotic with antisocial tendencies; the monomaniac leading the blind. 

        These are standard primate traits; not hard-wired behaviour but default settings that are easily tripped by fearful ignorance. Height makes might makes right and the rest is window-dressing and uniforms covering up an essentially mindless, reptilian territorialism that has no ethic but the satisfaction of its own reflexive, insatiable desires.

        All our mass beliefs, education and political systems are based on religiously followed lies and self-deceptions, designed to make people fracture themselves into a false hierarchy of castes and classes, winners and losers, victims and victors. 

       Our warriors are blind killer apes, our priests are lunatics baying at the moon and our leaders are old terrified self-aggrandising assholes shitting on everyone else from the top of the tree, marking territory.

       You know it’s true. We’re all one people, with shared emotions, dreams, hopes and aspirations, fractured into a fearful, clamorous Babel of broken mirrors by the lies and errors of those who preceded us. There’s no point respecting leaders of the past or present, no point listening to their vaporous self-serving mockery of intelligent discourse - or in showering them with spirit money or campaign contributions. 

        The vast majority of all our ancestors were mainly blind, reflexive automatons doing nothing more than their equally robotic predecessors. Today’s leaders and followers are just the same old dinosaurs tarted up in less ornate finery, sucking the cream off our collective mother’s milk at our expense. They’re lying  front-men for the industrialist robber barons, weapon makers and corporate gangsters that despise and fear the rest of Humanity - and who would rather be rid of the majority of us.

        Our veneration may be better reserved for the truly deserving visionaries who improve the lot of all humanity at the expense of no-one – those who question and consider, create and experiment; those who examine themselves, nature - and their own nature. Of course, it’s much harder to recall the name of a single one of these individuals than to remember the name of a myriad of sportspeople, generals or delusional religious figures. 

       Religious dogmas – ‘faiths’ - are nothing more than regional lies told by the blind, the misled and the control freaks of a bygone era. The truth will set you free from the desire for faith. Certainty is much more satisfying and is found in the simplest things by those who really want to root their belief systems in knowledge of the nature of reality – not the nursery rhymes of paedophiles. 

       Seek the truth in geometry, the substrates and matrices of our existence – the subject leads to other planes of awareness that reveal unexpected pathways through the multifaceted maze between here and tomorrow.

       The true shakers and movers of history are largely invisible to us, shoved aside by the makers and shovers who ensure their names occupy every billboard - and that’s actually a good thing, because the victor goes to spoilage and corruption at the focus of the undying attention lavished upon them by a servile, adulating, sub-adult population of hypnotised slaves and servants. The hero is always nailed to the cross of mass expectation and prejudice, gaining power and glory at the expense of freedom and inspiration – or tripping and falling over feet of clay.

       This catalogue of woefully repeated ancestral errors only works within unenlightened cultures whose parents allow their children to be ‘taught’ in systems designed as religious programming or job training for automatons. We need to expose our children to fresh concepts in places and mindsets that are carefully crafted for the edification and education of young minds with unexplored potential in a world where anything is possible – not institutions that subject them to being subject to subjects.

      Today’s schools and universities are the bastard offspring of arrogant industry and self-serving charity, bricks in the wall that separate us into haves and have-nots. They divide the best sponge-like young minds into separate streams and dead-end specialisations, blocking the development of a well-rounded intellect and life, rechanneling it into a careering, unsteerable vehicle that temporarily serves the purposes of industry.

       It’s the old methodology of divide and conquer applied to the brightest minds and the truest, most innocent alliance of truth-seekers, lost in the fossilising shadow-maze of the ivory tower.Rigid specialisation is the opposite of adaptation and synthesis; it’s the worst survival mechanism in a changing paradigm.

       Specialisation creates hierarchy and hierarchies are designed to impede change and maintain the status quo of stasis.If you think someone is an inferior or superior when you communicate with them you end up learning nothing; the worth of the information is already compartmentalised, pre-judged and prejudiced - not explored for its intrinsic value and qualities.If you assume the person you’re communicating with is a free, coequal and consciously living being there’s a much better likelihood of fruitful synergy. Friendly interest arouses friendly interest and free thought and communication creates unexpected hybridisation and catalysis. 
We don’t need hierarchies any more. We’re all one people, similar in our diversity and united in our sense of unique difference. We’ve outgrown our blind larval past and unless we change our ways now most of us are going to starve to death and die in the wars that will erupt when the food and other prime resources jam up in the inevitable human-created bottlenecks looming in our near future.

             Would you prefer it wasn’t you that’s passing their precious time rearranging deckchairs while the coal-fired ship’s master keeps yelling ‘Full steam ahead’? Would you prefer it was someone else? Do you see the bald, blind imperative illogic of ‘us’ and ‘them’, when we’re all on the same Titanic vessel in an uncharitable sea?We don’t have to take that path; there’s a steering wheel and the future sea has no fixed roads, only currents and tides, icebergs and landfalls. 

We can develop a new system, a truly new world order based on freedom and chaotic creativity, a new, truer democracy that votes for issues, not faces – one that votes early and often, not for parties or clans but for the betterment of all and a fair distribution of resources and trade in a chaotic state of increasing abundance. The skills to make a new Humanity are well-known and available to us all now – if we seek them.

       With clean, free energy and fuels at our disposal and a real commitment to sustainable abundance the entire world can live at the standard of living of middle-class Americans without trashing or utterly transforming the ecosystem. The technology is all waiting for us, sat on and bought out and hidden for decades by the fearful old fossil-fuel dinosaurs. We don’t need them – and that’s what they fear the most.

       Utopia is easily achievable. All we have to do is transform and educate ourselves. We can stabilise and enrich the environment and our cultures into a dynamically productive and creative utopia and transform our lives. We can discover the meaning and challenge of leisure time – another term for freedom. We’ll even find new things to dream and complain about.

       We can make it happen. All the tools are at our disposal, fully developed and waiting for us to pick up and use. All it takes is a willing and educated population, a free media, unilateral disarmament and a totally transparent and continually examined computerised voting system – all on a global scale and in your local neighbourhood.
       It takes a representative world governance – not a government - of all the diverse human tribes, united under the expansive umbrella of the already existing International Bill of Rights – a document that already protects our rights and freedoms and is responsible for most of the great advances of the last half century (that everyone’s taken for granted as unexpected benisons of their own credit-taking individual governments).

     All it takes to live in paradise on Earth is for you to examine your self and your mind, suspend your belief and disbelief, and listen to your unknown neighbour.
     All it takes is for you to consider the possibilities – and look inside your heart. Is a freely shared world of free, caring beings what you want? Are you ready to change jobs, to vote with your time and work in a field that transforms the world for the better instead of one that’s polluting and destroying it - or feeding or servicing those who are?

     Are you ready to discard homeland insecurity with the other rotten fear-filled rags of the past and emerge naked and innocent into a strange, new and fundamentally unknowable dawn?

      The question is the same whether you’re a princess or a pauper. What’s the answer? Can you come up with a better alternative than radical transmutation – given where we’re at right now? Or do you prefer the known ‘alternative’ of the same old feudal nightmare leading to the ragged hole?

       You won’t need to remember where it was that you read this diatribe, one day in the future when it all makes sense – for better or worse. This author doesn’t particularly want to be noticed or remembered; eye for one intend to be alive and happy in a world inhabited by a prosperous, improving Humanity! How about you?Do you dare to dream of paradise now? 

-         R. Ayana 

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From the New Illuminati –

Monday 2 July 2007

Guboo: Renewing the Dreaming Part 2

Renewing the Dreaming Part 2

This is the second part of my conversation with the late Guboo Ted Thomas, an Elder of the Yuin Aboriginal tribe at one of his celebrated Dreaming Camps in the mountains of south-eastern Australia… 

R. Ayana: How do Aboriginal people regard Yetis – or Yowies, if you prefer? 

Guboo:  Now the Yowie. For three years running I’ve seen him – I just saw him over there. I was walking with three white girls and the old fella was walking up behind me. 

            I had the feeling someone was following me along the top of the bank. Every time I’d look back I’d see nothing and then as I was walking I just looked up and spotted him treading from one stone to the other. “Oh.” I said to myself. “It’s you.”

            He knew I was there and I knew he was there because I felt him and so I stopped and turned back. Now that’s just three times I’ve seen him in the Budawangs, up here in the mountains. He was seen here – just up the road here – the Yowie was seen. But he won’t come near the tents. He won’t come near you. And he’s a hairy man, a bit balding on the chest. His head comes bending over more than ours and he has a big nose. And he still exists in the mountains in Australia.[At a subsequent Dreaming Camp a year later several guests witnessed a Yowie enter the large central tent. Their stories and descriptions all tallied when I interviewed them separately – Ed] 

R.A.: How tall is he? 

Guboo: He’s about five foot six [inches]. 

R.A.: What’s the shape of the top of his head,

Guboo: Well the top of his head is sharpish – not like ours. 

R.A.: It comes to a point?  

Guboo: Yes, to a point. I’ve seen him for three years running, up in the mountains. Now there’s a bloke up in Katoomba called Rex Gilroy – he’s the ‘Yowie catcher’. He reckons he’s going to get him. He’ll never ever get him! He’s not in the race because [the Yowie’s] like me; a little while back two fellas came and I knew they were coming a long way off and I waited for them. The Yowie knows all the men and sends thoughts by telepathy. And the Yowie – he sees you coming. He knows you’re coming. He laughs sometimes of a night time – just like a kookaburra.

            Now someone said to me the other day they were walking in the bush and they fell asleep. The girls were up there at Pigeon House [Mountain] and they were so sleepy they wanted to have a rest and go to sleep when they were coming down and they lost their way – they took the wrong track. They went off into the bush and that’s where they felt it – some of the girls here – and it was him.

            He’s like that – you get sleepy, tired. You want to be tired, lay down…

R.A.: Why? 

Guboo: Well, I don’t know. He does that. There’s probably something he wanted to have a look at or take or whatever. [The girls said that when they woke some small items of jewellery and a hairbrush were missing – Ed] 

           We were coming from Bega over the mountain one full moon and he started to sing out and the old fella [Guboo’s grandfather] heard him singing out way up there. You know, the kookaburra doesn’t sing out at night. There were three or four young boys and I, and one fella was so sleepy he wanted to go to sleep, wanted to camp. Grandfather said, “Come on,” and put the boy underneath his arm. He said, “Goolaga’s making him like that.” 

R.A.: Where does he come from? 

Guboo: They’re here, they’re here all the time. They call him Yowie – we call him Goolaga. Yes, he’s here. Now there are forgotten people here and there and he’s one of them. They are also short little fellows – like midgets. 

R.A.: What are they like? 

Guboo: They’re a brownish colour and they don’t wear boots, they go barefoot. Now, if you ever go to Durras, on the north end of Durras Beach you’ll see their cave. Now, sixty-six years ago [in 1922 – Ed] when I walked up to Sydney from down home it took six months because we stopped in one place for a fortnight and we took our time all the way up to Sydney [over 300 miles]. We’d live on the beach on fish and we were better off, we just took our time and walked all the way up. So we walked in front of the cave and saw all their little tracks – like little baby tracks – in and out of the cave. We went into the cave and one of them started to giggle and we all ran out again. That was their cave, they lived in there.We used to live right near the river in a little house. There were a lot of stones and of a night-time you’d hear them. They’d make a sound like a puppy and you’d hear the water splashing as they were trying to catch eels – well, they’re greasy as they go up the creek, and they try to catch them and they slip out of their hands and they hit the rocks and the water’s splashing. We knew what it was but we didn’t go out to see them.

[Standing with Guboo at Blue Gum Flat the next night, we saw the little people catching fish by hand at a ford in the fast-flowing river. They were like small, smooth-skinned humans. Other small people – sometimes called brownjacks – that live elsewhere on this continent are like miniature Goolaga, hairy with pointed headsand varying dispositions – Ed] 

R.A.: Who was it? 

Guboo: The little Goowawas. 

R.A.: Goowawas? 

Guboo: Well, they’re there, the Goowawas. Now, there’s another, a group of women – what we call Maleema. They have long hair right down to here. Pretty women. They live in the mountains. 

R.A.: Are they very small, too? 

Guboo: No, they’re big. The size of me. They’re beautiful and they have long hair. They come to the Nowra Show sometimes and no-one notices them. And they’re the ones with the seeing and they’re still surviving in the south. 

R.A.: They’re brown, too? 

Guboo: Yes, the same colour as myself. 

R.A.: You said Rex didn’t have a chance, he wasn’t in the race… 

Guboo: He isn’t in the race because they know he’s coming, that’s why. When I meditate, I see, and I know exactly when someone is coming – and I know that if I concentrate I can see that fella – in a vision I can see him coming. We knew that Captain Cook was coming thousands of miles away, and all he saw was when we were walking up the beach toward Sydney. We knew he was coming a long time ago.

            You can’t sneak up on me in the bush – I know when you’re coming. I can feel you coming.  So the Yowie – I never interfere with him because he’s part of the world, part of our life; he probably, I’d say, might be the beginning. You know, this is one of the oldest counties in the world as far as I’m concerned. 

R.A.: The beginning of all of us, the Yowie? 

Guboo: Yes, yes. 

The Rainbow Serpent 

R.A.: What about Bunyips? 

Guboo: Bunyip’s a different one. Bunyips are like the Rainbow Serpent. One came up at Wallaga, about two hundred years ago, when white man came. 

R.A.: A Bunyip cam up Wallaga Lake? 

Guboo: Not the Bunyip, the Rainbow Serpent. Underneath where I live, straight out toward Canberra, there’s what they call a big lake, Lake George. You know it goes dry – all the water goes. Well it goes down these holes. Now we’re related to the Aurukun people in the Gulf of Carpentaria and that’s where they talk about the Rainbow Serpent. So underneath that waterhole there’s a big waterway running all the time and that’s where he comes through all that, underneath. 

R.A.: From the Gulf of Carpentaria? [to the north of Australia, thousands of miles distant] 

Guboo: Yes. Right through to Canberra. Now you look in the distance, (Guboo points into the mountains), you see Yaringabilly Caves and that’s a part of the same waterway and then further up you get the Jenolan Caves.  They’re all linked into the one main channel.               

       When I was in the United States a couple of years ago, a spiritual man said to me, “Guboo, our eyes are on Australia, the centre’s going to go under.” The centre’s going to go down. 

            I can really see why, now. Roxby Downs is a big mining place – so that they’re taking millions and millions of gallons of water out. And they’re pumping it out of the centre of Australia to clean the uranium. And you know what they’re leaving? They’re leaving a shelf, and the water’s gone down a long way. And that’s why I believe the centre’s going to go under – because they’re taking all the water out. Taking the pressure off. 

R.A.: The Rainbow Serpent comes down the mountains? 

Guboo: Yes. It’s the Rainbow Serpent that comes out in the in the stone up in Mount Dromedary, backing onto where I live, and you see it at about twenty-five feet high. It’s a big stone and it comes up and curls right down to the ground. It’s just one massive stone going up, his neck and his head. And his eyes are on it {see part 1]. So everything on that mountain is part of our culture, like our Bible – what we believe.

            So that’s it – and thank you for coming around. 

R.A.: Thank you, Guboo.  

-         R.A.

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