Monday 25 June 2007



I'm closer to the Golden Dawn
Immersed in Crowley's uniform
Of imagery
I'm living in a silent film
Himmler's sacred realm
Of dream reality
I'm frightened by the total goal
Drawing to the ragged hole
And I ain't got the power anymore
No I ain't got the power anymore

I'm the twisted name
on Garbo's eyes
Living proof of
Churchill's lies
I'm destiny
I'm torn between the light and dark
Where others see their targets
Divine symmetry
Should I kiss the viper's fang
Or herald loud
the death of Man
I'm sinking in the quicksand
of my thought
And I ain't got the power anymore

Don't believe in yourself
Don't deceive with belief
Knowledge comes
with death's release

I'm not a prophet
or a stone age man
Just a mortal
with the potential of a superman
I'm living on
I'm tethered to the logic
of Homo Sapien
Can't take my eyes
from the great salvation
Of bullshit faith
If I don't explain what you ought to know
You can tell me all about it
On, the next Bardo
I'm sinking in the quicksand
of my thought
And I ain't got the power anymore


-         David Bowie
-         Hunky Dory, 1971
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From the New Illuminati –

Saturday 23 June 2007

Ladies from the Pleiades

Ladies from the Pleiades
The Several Sisters


It’s been described as ‘the best documented UFO case ever’ – more notes and information, more detailed descriptions provided by witnesses, more and better photographs and movie footage, more physical evidence and more individual contact events than any other UFO case in history – and the contact continues. Causing ongoing contention among the UFO community and biased reports by many cursory researchers, this case has been falsely debunked on a number of occasions. The evidence – an embarrassment of riches that has daunted many investigators - is worth your examination. 

Forty-nine year old Eduard (Billy) Meier was lured into forests surrounding his home near Zurich, Switzerland by an ‘amber-haired spacegirl’. She called herself Semjase and claimed to be from the stellar cluster of the Pleiades; she looked like a young, blonde Aryan woman. Meier claims he has been in her spacecraft and flown to the Pleiades, five hundred light years away.

            UFO investigators and scientists working with NASA, IBM, the McDonnell Douglas company and the CIA have been trying since 1975 to prove that photographs, sound recordings and metal samples taken of and from a seven-metre silvery space ship by Eduard Meier near his Swiss village are fakes.

            Instead they have made this the most authenticated UFO case in history. One-armed hermit Billy Meier’s photographs, taken in the mountains and above the forests of Hinwill, near Zurich with a primitive camera, are recognised by experts as the best-ever daylight shots of a UFO. Spaced over decades, Meier recorded his contacts in hundreds of pages of detailed notes. Metal Samples Meier also gave scientists a piece of metal that Semjase had given him, that she said would confound the experts. The metal fragment was forwarded to Marcel Vogel, world-renowned crystal expert and research chemist for IBM. He spent hours testing it under IBM’s (then $250,000) electron microscope. His opinion:

            “I cannot explain the type of material. By any known combination of materials I could not put it together myself as a scientist. With any technology that I know of, we could not achieve this on this planet!”From the beginning, government UFO investigation agencies have, on the one hand, maintained a highly sceptical profile – but on the other they’ve followed the UFO phenomenon extremely closely.

            The following memo, hidden in files from 1950, had to be dragged out of the CIA by UFO groups using the Freedom of Information Act:

            “The matter is the most highly classified subject in the United States Government. Flying saucers exist. The entire matter is considered by the United States authorities to be of tremendous significance.” ‘Not a Fake’ – NASA Close contact cases like Meier’s saucer present special problems. Leading UFO investigators and NASA scientists were convinced they could show that the Hinwill saucer was one of the most spectacular flying saucer hoaxes of all time. They failed.

            They admit it’s “not a fake” – but they won’t admit it’s real. By this reasoning they are not obliged to heed any message of this visitation – it threatens the foundations of science and the modern industrial machine.To accept that certain people on this planet have been singled out by alien intelligences means we must consider that our planet may have been closely watched for thousands of years. It means that there are intelligences in the universe superior to our own. It means that the barrier called the speed of light is a mental barrier of our own making. 

Stellar Message 

Semjase told Meier they had picked him out as a contact on Earth when he was five years old because they needed a sympathetic human to pass on their warning to the governments of the world against their hell-bent-on-destruction policies [a common thread in many contactee cases].

            It had happened to their planet but they had survived, according to Semjase, and they did not want it to happen to Earth.

            Given that we have been visited – and even the CIA accepts it – how should we now relate to the stars? A curious thing about this ‘Pleiades contact’ is that it’s not the first, in times ancient or modern.The mythologies of many nations, including China and Egypt, contain references to the influence of the Pleiades and the usually female beings who visit from the region. Legends of pre-Incan Peru and from the Navaho refer to ‘gods’ visiting Earth from the Pleiades. To many ancient cultures the most visible seven stars in the cluster are referred to as the ‘sisters’, ‘daughers’, ‘mothers’… 

Out On a Limb Over Maya 

In the 1980s the same message was delivered by another beautiful young blonde woman, ostensibly from the Pleiades and with ‘magical’ powers – this time in Shirley Maclaine’s Out on a Limb (in both written and televised form) - that Ms Maclaine stated was factual.

            It’s worthwhile noting a ‘silly’ synchronicity – the spacegirl’s name in that reported encounter was Maya, pronounced the same as Meier, our man from Hinwill. Maia is also the name of one of the stars in the Pleiades constellation. There’s doubtless a cryptic message in all these synchronicities. Maya is also the Hindu Goddess of Illusion, incidentally – and the demigoddess Maia, after whom the star is named, was said to kidnap mortals [Central Australian Aboriginal tribes also claim a strong connexion with the Pleiades, and also implicate females from that stellar region in the kidnapping of young men; sometimes the youths are returned after an interval of years. Many cultures share similar stories – R.A.].

            The nebula-veiled stellar cluster of the Pleiades is currently in the process of formation and regarded by some to be incompatible with having life-bearing planets at this time – however, the region holds some three thousand stars. And in the Meier case the proof exists – at least, she told him she was from the Pleiades…
-               By Elmer Griffin

-                First published in NEXUS New Times Magazine, Vol 1 No 3
 -                Gary Kinder covers the case in detail in Light Years, 1987
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From the New Illuminati –

Monday 18 June 2007

Keeping Up Appearances (While Secretly Being a Mutant)

Keeping Up Appearances
(While Secretly Being a Mutant)
The Spirit of a Materialist Enlightened

Tree Hobbit by ring wood.

 In the New Millennium we all know that matter is made of energy, that this entire multifaceted jewel of a world, the universe and our own physical bodies, all we see or seem and apprehend with our sensorial array is immaterial energy.

            We’re familiar with the image of immeasurable space in which small dots of matter are distributed as suns, planets and nebulae. We’re familiar with the same image applying to the microcosmic atomic realms within us;  almost everything within and without us is space, with a fine sprinkling of particles creating the appearance of materiality out of spinning blobs of energy arranged by standing waves. 

            It’s all a matter of perception and perspective – and appearance.

            Proponents of advanced physics have gone at least one step further, promoting the idea that these energy forms are arranged by ideas themselves, by mind itself, by the reality of the observer; that the standing waves of energy/matter are organised by the consciousness that perceives them (see Bohm et al). This concept, along with the idea of an infinitude of alternate or parallel universes – a truly infinite multiverse in which everything and anything is not only possible, but mandatory – automatically arise from the notion of uncertainty, of indeterminacy as promulgated by Heisenberg. 

           They are inextricably interwoven with the understanding we have gained from the conceptual revolution of quantum physics; energy moves where we expect it to go, but it moves in every other possible pattern, state and direction as well – simultaneously. ‘Space’ is an infinite well of potential that can be tricked into actualisation by the manipulation of fields and frequencies . This manipulation can take place from and on many levels – including that of mind.

            The Vedas of the pre-Hindu antediluvian world (that existed before the great catastrophes attending and following the end of the last glaciation) have always claimed that matter is made of and infused with energy, formed, constructed and infused by mind, and created and generated by a realm of existence that translates poorly into the modern Western concept of ‘spirit’ (rather, think ‘life energy’ or the ‘Odic Force’, ‘Prana’, ‘Orgone’, ‘Chi’, ‘Holy Breath’ or ‘the Force’).All four levels of existence from matter to spirit are intimately and implicately interrelated with each other; are parts of each other and represent a still higher reality, nestled within and beyond the multidimensional framework whose appearance we understand as the material world. 

Aspiring to Inspiration

 The term ‘spirit’ has been rendered vapid and ethereal by centuries of misuse by the superstitious. Today the word - and its bastard off-shoot ‘spirituality’ - utterly fails to inspire. Originally understood as the unerring spear-thrust of the Divine that penetrates to the core of each and every blunt material body, filling it to its extremities, ‘spirit’ has been downgraded and reduced by a millennium of false dogmas into a boring, superfluous concept that appears to have nothing whatever to do with the here and now.

            Many things, ideas and beings exist and interpenetrate our day to day lives that affect us and our behaviour all the time, and we prefer not to notice. We prefer to think that all our thoughts and decisions are wholly our own, that our free will is paramount – even if we fail to take the minimal time for self-observation to ensure that this is so. Not all of these outside influences are human or material. Everything is alive – and everything is spirit.

            That inelegantly dumb and bludgeoning cudgel of a Western weasel-word – ‘God’ – has been substituted for more ineffable and instructive terms. This feudal notion blocks the inner aspiration of inspiration, the divine right to divine truth revealed in the here and now to each and every one of us - the heritage and legacy of all beings.

            To be aware of that which drives and controls us, we must engage in self-examination and the impartial study of the thoughts and emotions passing through us - and the actions we perform. Self-aware consciousness requires that we be here now. Without this awareness we are automatons programmed by our previous decisions. Only conscious behaviour and thought allow us to reprogramme ourselves.False teachings exhort the blindly, blithely faithful to aspire to a tenuous and tenebrous realm where the ultimate is divorced from the intimate; where immersion in the blissful subtleties of manifest creation is seen as incompatible with a deep knowledge of the self; where self-denial and brainless sacrifices made in the name of self-enslavement are seen as tickets to a judgmental heaven; where some potential existence after this very real life is more important than being here now.Nothing could be further from the truth - because the soul is immortal and we all judge ourselves from a heightened perspective of consciousness in the end. Who knows you better than your honest, unalloyed self? The only time-tested method of temporary escape from your self is death - and the amnesia caused by the sensory denial of the womb and the bright, loud shock of rebirth in a perennial, self-induced amnesia. It doesn’t have to be this way. It’s just a choice, an ingrained habit that we can wean ourselves from, if we retrain our passions, minds and bodies. If we learn who we are and decide we like ourselves enough. 

If you like, take a breath for a moment. Allow your peripheral vision to occupy your attention for a moment as you stare into this conceptual space that you’re reading. Allow your vision to extend to the periphery of your being, not focused on a tunnel. Hold that feeling, that perception of widening horizons. Feel how your consciousness alters as you focus on everything, from your brain’s centre. Hold that thought.

Try it again. 

Sensual and sensuous immersion in the various pleasures, luxuries and enticements of reality is a prerequisite for true enlightenment – along with a journey of simplicity, compassion and self-examination, awareness and reduction of attachments and adhesions. It’s all just being here now. There’s no paradox – one state leads inexorably and rhythmically to the other; they’re inextricably interwoven in the multihued tapestry of life. Everyone who wishes to can experience and be many different things in the course of one single lifetime. Time is on our side – if we take the time.

            Modern priests and religious teachers of all spots and stripes are fallen tribal shamans with only a vestigial awareness of their true role in society. Dynastic, world-devouring emperors and kings and their puppet presidents residing enthroned above their fellows are just spear-wielding hunter-killers elevated to positions they’re incapable of filling.

            All of them are control-freaking confidence tricksters jammed firmly into the well-padded armor of their bodies by fear of the here and now and terror at the promising changes of the uncontrollable future. Not even their most accurate prognostications can shield them from the unknown results of their past and present actions. That’s the great universal benison of the uncertainty principle, a gift in the present to all free-willed beings. Priestly presidents and cardinal kings attempt to replace eternal ethics – like fairness, or the ‘golden rule’ known intrinsically to all - with a myriad of transient cult and culture-specific moralities that are merely arbitrary mores and inconvenient conventions. These evil fantasies of population control are dreamed up by hide-bound, straight-jacketed patriarchs and matriarchs whose job it is to maintain the status quo – to forestall all revolution or evolution of the species and its nature.The tell us to regard fear as ‘conservatism’ and suicidal behaviour as ‘tradition’, snug in their own well-feathered dinosaur nests, laying sterile eggs of untruth to poison unwary innocents. 

The Fuckup Principle 

These pseudo-potentates all poorly served by flunkies – self-serving public servants and lawyers/liars – whose own unenlightened self-interest makes it impossible and unwise to tell the truth about the system to their ‘superiors’. Likewise, the lower echelons of society keep as many of their activities free from the oversight of overlords and beaurocrats as possible. And it’s certainly not in the interest of power mongers to inform and educate those over whom they rule - beyond a basic level of competence necessary to maintain a passable, sleepwalking semblance of civilization that provides them with a high enough standard of luxury to separate them from the common herd – from the vermin in their warrens. Remember the image – it’s one firmly held in mind by many of the rich and powerful whose ranks much of the planet would happily sell their souls to join – if only they came from the right family.

            This edifice of misconduct and miscommunication is known as the Fuckup Principle (by Robert Anton Wilson, Bob Shea and the rest of the enlightenment movement of the last generation) – the unavoidable consequence of a pyramidal, rigidly hierarchical and caste-driven society. Automaton-like existence in a hive doesn’t suit fun-loving domesticated primates and eventually the whole corrupt termite mound rots from within as it chews away the tree trunk that supports it.

            The globe is littered with the ruined remnants of cities and other support systems for the use of the handful of self-obsessed people who believe they are born to rule forever.

            Smart primates – like clever rats – desert these houses of cards when the winds of change begin to blow and take to the trees; then the whole cycle repeats itself as civilization emerges from caverns and deserts and the primordial swamp once again. We’re creatures of ingrained habit living on a planet subject to cyclic transformation, learning to work toward our own salvation through evolution, to remake our own nature with compassionate common sense. We have an infinitude of alternative futures (and presents) to choose from. We can live in the best of all possible worlds – in fact, we already do.

 Feral Hippy Furniture by ring wood.

The Fat Lady Sings

Every object and event is not merely illusion – it’s the fleeting, transforming surface of a deeper conscious reality that all chemistry, habit, automatism and robotic behaviour is embedded in. Our familiar solid reality is an interlocked series of cross-sections of many planes and forces.

            As many schizophrenics, monks and mystics know, every utterance is a multifarious portent and every scene or action an omen of a parallel, simultaneous series of overlapping realities. We live in a multifaceted living fractal jewel of a hologram where every question has many answers and every quest has a plenitude of destinies.

            The consciousness and awareness available at ‘higher’ geometric dimensions or alternate possible planes leaks continually through the sieve of reality as the reality of our senses and the visons and concepts that enter our minds. We are gateways to an always tappable potential, to deeper perceptions of reality - and abilities that transform our notions of probability and possibility. We come equipped with the built-in tools to explore these other realms, if we tune our awareness and senses into a gestalt whose whole is far greater than the sum of its particles – if we take a moment to centre ourselves, to turn on, tune in, drop out of our notions of convention and quest outward into the unknown with sensitivity and self-preserving reverence.

            The grand old cycle’s coming round again, and soon the fat lady Gaia will sing, ushering in another ending and a new beginning. We can do better this time. We’ve never been better prepared for what faces us. We’re developing the international social skills and communications to avert all war – if we can reign in our own passions in each and every one of our all-important lives. We can learn to govern our appetites and propaganda-driven desires and repair the planet that supports us all. The economies, techniques and technologies already exist for us to make this a paradise planet for all. Is this what we will?We’re fun-loving primates. We can even learn to like to share with people that don’t look, smell or sound like us. 

And we can come up with something infinitely fairer and better than the same old feudal nightmare, the dominant paradigm that endures today through the nepotic and necrotic masks of despotism or totalitarianism or socialism or the meretricious meritocracies that pose as democracies, where only the rich can be elected to high office. They’re all a series of old classics dressed up in velcro and polyester and they’re all beginning to pall for the new generations of humans who are finally aware of what is possible – and easy. The eyes and ears and minds of humanity are evolving too rapidly to be contained – the genie is out of the bottle, and always has been. We’re the dawning of a new species, open and ready and waiting for enlightenment – ready to do the right thing by each other, now that struggle and strife are no longer necessary. Ready to do the improbable.The waiting is at an end. Just forget your fears and maintain a sense of immanence. The new you is coming. Can you imagine what you can be? 

- R. Ayana

Images - author's

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From the New Illuminati –

Friday 15 June 2007

Permaculture: Renewing the Planet

Renewing the Planet 

Permaculture creates living systems using cooperation with nature. Using its designs and principles we can create beautiful, practical, self-sustaining urban or rural environments. Using the diversity, stability and resilience of natural ecosystems, people can create real solutions - and put back more than they take from the Earth.

            Bill Mollison, the pioneer of Permaculture, provides alternative perspectives and catalytic solutions to seemingly intractable problems in this transcript of a talk we shared over an evening meal almost twenty years ago. His visionary solutions are even more relevant today, no matter where you live… 

R.Ayana – You’ve been working with Permaculture for a long time now…

Bill Mollison – Yes, an unconscionably long time – about fourteen or fifteen years [at that time - Ed]. 

R.A. – What’s the aim of Permaculture?

B.M. – Oh, they change all the time. We’ve achieved a lot of aims in that we’ve set up a good educational system and design; that was an early aim. One success is we’ve generated more teachers – although we’re very short of teachers – who are teaching in their own languages in their own countries.The aims keep on changing and our current aim is to become developers, to purchase and develop properties or villages and to have the developmental capital for that. I guess we’ll get there, too – we seem to achieve our aims. That’s the worst part of success – where do you go from there? 

R.A. – How does Permaculture development differ from the normal destructive developments we’re so used to?

B.M. – We bring all the sustainable forms of development in – a village we develop would contain more than sufficient food and would catch all its own water from rainwater, in filtration tanks. If we were very lucky we could also have a supply from a stream. But if not, we can build a village in the desert that can provide itself with water.

             Then the houses are largely self-energised by the design of the building for space, heating and cooling, either by use of a small amount of solar power in each house or by some other form of power. For instance, if we had a little stream we’d simply put in a small hydro system, so that the need for people to earn would be sharply reduced. The average family today spends 46% of its earnings on food and 19% on energy. We think we can cut down on individual expense by 70-80% - which frees up a lot of capital. In fact, in Brazil we found if we could provide houses with gardens, people could own them in five years. But if we didn’t, they would never own them because the interest kept beating them.

            So the difference in having your food supply and therefore half your income available is great. The Permaculture village also has proper disposal of wastes plus its own banking system that is all recycled back, first to the village and second as priorities to other villages or groups. It would have its own education system, its own schools, child-minding centres – like the libraries and all the education training going on here in modern suburbia. And its own small market and commercial centres and light industrial area. 

R.A. – What size population are you looking at?

B.M. – Well, for full employment within the village structure, at a thousand people or slightly larger everybody would be employed in the village. Maybe as many as thirty or forty percent of people would work ‘location free’ – people would write books or are in service to the outside as consultants, for instance [this without the existence of today’s internet – Ed]. You could hike or walk to work and the amount of transport needed would be tiny and could be provided by a small delivery service plus a truck for trade and a little taxi service. 

R.A. – How long would it take – from scratch – to get to self-sufficiency and surplus?

B.M. – Well, if you go on data from California, about three years after you start you’re about eighty percent sufficient in food. After that it gets a bit embarrassing – there are a lot of signs along the footpath saying ‘please pick the fruit’. So there are surpluses occurring all over different seasons after the third year. So three to six years – after six years you’re into heavy yields.

            At one site I had almost a tonne of almonds off the trees this year. I’ve been going back there for six years, since the inception, and it’s remarkable how much food is coming out of the system. It’s a medium-density town which provides all its own food. They still go and buy things like fish and chips – but if they were cut off they could supply everything.

            The kids love it – there’s just parkways and walkways – there are no through roads and it’s very quiet and safe and the capital gain on the housing has been enormous. A house there is now worth two or three times what it was worth six years ago and there’s a waiting list for vacancies. So these developments that use very low energy expenditures and high self-reliance are very much in demand.

Regreening the City 

R.A. – People see how it’s relatively easy to achieve self-sufficiency in the county, but how would you do it in the suburbs?

B.M. – There are people who do it. The very first design that I did in 1975 was in the industrial suburb of Thornbury, Melbourne [Australia]. There was a small group of people who slowly bought up a city block as it became available. They had houses touching each other along the back, so they took down a lot of the fences and they put in a wood workshop, metal workshop, pottery and children’s house, which was an old garage. They closed off a couple of lanes and had chickens, ducks and all their fruit. They spent seven dollars per person per month. So $84 a year covered their food.

            Slowly, they went to work on the houses – adding little glasshouses and cold houses to bring cold draughts in the heat – and efficient heating systems. But that’s by remaking poorly designed houses. It’s been in continuous evolution since 1975. It’s a nice little jungle. R.A. – So you’re looking at a city block size?B.M. – Yes. Well, you can work on two blocks. If you have an association of friends who live in the city and all agree to move into a district as any house becomes available – sell where you are, buy there – you can do it.

            They did another strange thing in Thornbury. They pooled all their money into a single bank account and they all carry a cheque book and see how little money they can write each month. I think the surplus is as high as eight to nine thousand dollars a month. It provides for everybody, plus the surplus. They support two of their number in service to an Aboriginal settlement and pay them a wage to stay there and pay the fees of anybody who wants to go to university to improve their education – people are able to take another two or three years training as adults.

            They have a very large capital surplus and bought a little farm in Gippsland and a coastal patch of land down in Bass Strait on one of the islands, so they have a holiday place. Because of this big saving in food, energy and travel and also by pooling income, they achieve a surplus of capital while they work on a lot of projects… 

-                R. Ayana

Originally published in NEXUS New Times Magazine Vol. 1 No 8 1988-89

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From the New Illuminati –

Monday 4 June 2007

Guboo: Renewing the Dreaming

Renewing the Dreaming

Guboo Ted Thomas was a well respected Australian aboriginal elder of the Yuin Tribe, based at Wallaga Lake in south-eastern Australia. He helped halt the logging of some of his tribal lands at Mumbula Mountain long before saving forests was seen as a wise and necessary thing to do by Western societies. He regularly took people of all races into the bush to get a feel for the place and witness some extraordinary things, often dissolving their ‘civilized’ separation from the land.
            I listened to Guboo on his eightieth birthday at one of his extraordinary Dreaming Camps near Pigeon House Mountain in the country of the Yuin tribe, inland from Ulladulla. Guboo (meaning ‘good friend’) has since passed on… 
R.A. – What was life like for you as a child? 
 Guboo – Well, when I was a boy I went to school. I only went to first class. All I learned was how to knit, sew, crochet, cook tarts and look after the garden. That’s all the education I ever had from the white man.
            It was wonderful because I learned from my old people. They brought me up – school wasn’t the right place to go because I learned nothing. My father was a tribal Elder from the Monaro tribe based in Canberra and my mother is a Chinese woman. I was born in a place near Braidwood…
             I wasn’t born in a hospital; I wasn’t born in a house. I was born in the bush with the miners. That’s where I was reared, with the old people. They took me away from other kids.
I used to play out there with the kids, in the morning or in the afternoon, or late at evening. Just before the sun started to go down the old fella would come out with the boomerang – what you’d call a whistler boomerang, and he’d throw it – THWHSSSS – and when we heard that coming over our heads we’d run straight inside. It was a signal. We were in bed when the sun went down. Nobody would sit there and say, “I don’t want to go inside!” No, none of that.
So when we were in bed he’d tell me a story. The old fella used to tell me a story about Noah’s Ark. Now at Mount Dromedary we have an Ark there on top of the rock.
We have everything there to show you. There’s the life of a people. Everything’s there. That’s our Bible, we’ve got it there – Noah’s Ark and everything. So those places and those rocks are our education. It’s our learning place. It’s how the old people teach us; how they’d teach me how to use my mind. 
 Dolphin Dreaming 
When we’d be walking up and down the beach he’d say, “Sonny, we’re gonna get a lot of fish. Look out there!” He’d say, “We’re gonna get a lot directly.” And I looked at him and I said, “Oh yes.” In my mind I said to myself, ‘how could he get fish, because he hasn’t got a net?’ But I daren’t say that to him or else he’d hit me with a stick! I couldn’t answer him back that way. So I’d just have to keep quiet and say, “Oh yes.” That’s all I’d do.
            So grandfather got up and started singing – and he was looking out to sea and out at the sand dunes and walking up and down, and he sat down and my dad got up – he walked up and down and he said, “Come on now sonny, dolphins are coming, they’re coming now.”
           “Be way out there. You can’t see them yet but they’re coming. Come on,” he said, “we’ll go down the beach.” And he’d give me a long stick and he said, “Sonny, you use that now.” And he gave me the stick. They had spears, you know! And I thought, ‘How can I spear with this stick?’ But I dared not say or he’d hit me with the stick. So I said, “Oh yeah?”
             We went down and grandfather bounced along the surf. “Right,” he said, “let’s stop here.” So we did. I watched and saw one wave, and two waves, and three waves coming in. Grandfather went and hit the water and made a noise. I didn’t see anything, and then a big breaker came in and went right up the beach, and I heard this slapping noise hitting my leg, just below my knees and it was fish. When the breaker went out there were twenty fish high and dry on the beach and grandfather said, “Sonny, use your stick!” So I started whacking them with the stick. Twenty fish died that day. And every time they’d throw the spear in there’d be a silver curl on the end and they’d pull a fish up and throw it out. So that’s how we got the fish.
            And grandfather crooked his arm out and the big dolphin came in and put his head there and just lay there. His tail would go over and around as grandfather was talking to him in the language. And grandfather was saying, “Chi, chi, chi, chi…” Grandfather was talking the language and I was just standing watching him. And he put his hand out and walked around steadily and then the dolphin did a cartwheel on a little breaker coming in and then a somersault over it. Then he splashed the water and said goodbye and the old fella thanked him for all the fish and sang a lament to the beach.
             So that was the dolphin and that’s what I had to learn and how I learned what I know. What stuck to me more than anything wasn’t education, it was common sense. It stuck to me throughout my life.
            My people walked about naked all the time. I loved that, I find that’s wonderful for the people. We wear these clothes and we’re not getting used to it. It’s like hiding our beauty. For forty thousand years we did that in the bush and we roamed around and it was a wonderful life. The kids would have the mother’s breast, and if she couldn’t give it then her sister took over. Up around seven or eight they’re still on the breast. That’s why they’re different; and then when white man came they brought the bottle and they became bottle babies and had clothes on.
             Aboriginal people grow up naked and in the tribe with all those people there was no rape. And now in the days when the white people are here you go a little bit naked and you can be raped. And that’s because they became bottle-fed babies in the first place. That’s really what happens with the Aborigines because we look at sex as a great thing if it’s done the right way. It’s wonderful – and that’s Aboriginal life.
            Our law comes from the mountain. When Jesus went up on the mountain he said to his disciples, “You wait here.” [As had Moses – Ed] He went up there in the mountain to pray, and most churches I’ve seen are always on top of a hill or on the side of a hill. You want to take notice of that, because they’re trying to be like Jesus when he went up there. When I see churches I say, “Look at the sacred sites.”
            Aboriginal law comes from the mountain and that’s where I learned it all. Whatever Jesus did the Aboriginal people did. 
 Healing By Touch 
 Laying on of hands – that’s how I heal people, just by putting my hands on them. I don’t have to pray, because in the hands is something important. Over in Holland I just sat there and people lined up coming to me. I’d just touch them. A bloke came up and said to me, “Guboo, I have a headache all the time and it never stops!” I just touched him and put my hand on his head and I said, “You right?” He got up then and jumped up in the air on his feet and said, “I’m healed, I’m healed!” And it’s not Guboo that does it.
            I go into the mountains and pray. I’m just like a battery, I go flat because people take it out of me. I have to go up into the mountain and pray to the Great Spirit. 
 R.A. - Do you get teachings from the rivers as well, the low points? 
Guboo – Yes, well in New Zealand I went up to the top of the mountain to pray and practically right up the top there was a river running with flowing water and it was cold. And when I walked up and looked at it – “Wow!” I said to myself, “Look at this, this is marvelous!” I was reminded what the Bible says – ‘You drink this water, you’ll never thirst. Out of my belly flow the rivers of water.’ So that’s it – it’s put there for us today. See, we’ve lost that. We get stuck into the mighty dollar, and that’s what’s running the world today. And the United States is the same – they’re worse off there.
             It’s bad enough over there when a Christian stands up and says, “Well, I want seven million dollars or I’ll die.” I was there when he got the seven million and if he got another three million on top of that he wouldn’t die then. So that’s money for false pretences; he never died…
End of Part 1
We first published this in NEXUS New Times Magazine Volume 1, Number 8, 1988 – see

- R.Ayana

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