Wednesday 24 January 2007

Unchain Pavlov's Cog

  Unchain Pavlov's Cog

In every age children ask, "What will I be when I grow up?" Many also ask, "What am I now?" What are you when you're ‘grown up'? Are you defined by what you think, what you do? Are you an open-minded living being with vast potential or a dog in a mechanised structure planned by someone else? Whatever you're doing is what you want (or wanted) to do. The choice is up to you - you're the sum of all your choices.

                The true calling of human beings is to unfold awareness and expand conscience and consciousness - and to have a great time living. But you can do other things if you prefer. You can ignore the ‘higher calling' and exploit the visible here-and-now. You can be Pavlov's cog, salivating at the sound of the bell - or you can be the resonating bell itself.

                Building cities, planting fields, working as a butcher, baker or candlestick maker can be tasks we do for rewards or creative ends in themselves. You're known by your fruits but you're more than what you do. You're an immortal being focusing on a moment in eternity, a single star in a spangled galaxy, an enormous, tiny point in a cosmos where the hole is greater than the sum of its particles.

                Consciousness leaks into and through the universe as water through a sieve; we're the holes and the water, the form and the substance at once, hue and eye, in this ongoing passion play. This vast universal gift that unfolds and unwraps with our focus and understanding is a mystery with no end, a tale with no head or tail but the one you provide.

                You're the sum of your experiences, yet at the core of the enmeshing and constricting constructs of mind, body, beliefs, thoughts, society, law and gravity itself, your consciousness - you - are the core of the cosmos, in touch with all possibility and capable of anything you can imagine. You're literally creating the world as you go...

                YOU are god. How does god have a good time? Within the building, the job, the clothing, surface markings and contours, we're all one interwoven superconscious being. It's a good idea to discover who you really are and what you're capable of while you're alive and free to do so. There's no time but the present, so take some time as a present to your self. Find out what waits to unfold within you and magically change the world around you. 

                All you have to do is listen, right where you're sitting now, to what's inside you, in your breath and blood, waiting to reveal itself. The Buddha is a bud, after all. You're alive now! Celebrate today. Have a great time. You'll be glad.

•-          R. Ayana

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Tuesday 2 January 2007

Smart children choose vegetables

Smart children choose vegetables

Children with high IQs are more likely to be vegetarians when they grow up, according to recent research.

A British study of more them 8,000 men and women aged 30 whose IQs had been measured when they were 10, showed that the higher the IQ, the greater the odds of being a vegetarian.

"People who are more intelligent as children, who will obviously keep that intelligence when they are 30, were more likely to say they are vegetarians at that age than those that were less intelligent," said Dr Catherine Gale, an epidemiologist at the University of Southampton in England.

She added the findings were consistent with other studies showing people who are more intelligent tend to eat a healthier diet and exercise more.

"There is quite a lot of evidence linking vegetarianism to a lower risk of heart disease. People who are vegetarians tend to have lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels and they do have a lower risk of dying from coronary heart disease," Gale added.

For each 15-point rise in IQ scores in the study, the likelihood of being a vegetarian rose by 38 percent. Even after adjusting to factors such as social class and education, the link was still consistent.

More than 33 percent of the men and women in the study described themselves as vegetarians but said they ate white meat and fish. Just over four percent were strict vegetarians and 2.5 percent were vegans, who eat no animal products at all, including eggs and dairy.

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