Wednesday 29 March 2006



The peoples of Lemuria – or rather Mu or Meru – lived across an area spanning the Pacific. Their population was largely red-skinned, dark haired precursors to today’s Polynesians and many ‘oriental’ peoples. They inhabited relatively large land masses (some of whose mountain peaks still exist as much shrunken islands), existing continental coasts of the east and west central Pacific and across its myriad archipelagos.

         Thirteen thousand years ago, before the Earth’s axis shifted by twenty degrees in a calamity that ended the last glaciation, the sea level was an average of three hundred feet lower than it is today. Much of this change took place in a remarkably short time.

         An important detail is the reality that the globe of the Earth is not perfectly spherical; the polar diameter is twenty-seven miles shorter than the equatorial diameter, because of the plasticity of the spinning planet creating an ‘equatorial bulge’. This means that when the globe tilts, land masses on the equator will sink – relative to the datum (sea level), by up to two miles. Thus, continental masses can sink beneath the waves in a single day or night. Regions arriving at the equator will be uplifted – like the high altitude salt water Lake Titicaca and the arid Altiplano of central west South America, where extensive agricultural and irrigation systems built for millions of people exist at an altitude where it can never rain.

Some regions, such as North America, shifted away from the pole while others including much of Siberia entered the Arctic Circle. At the same time many of the world’s volcanoes erupted and fault lines shifted, creating massive earthquakes. Huge waves covered much of the land. A highly organised network of global civilizations was reduced to remnants and fragments, littering exoteric prehistory with enigmatic artefacts.


All over the world, stone ruins on the continental shelves bear mute witness to an identity of culture, architecture and engineering, a global trading civilization that was swallowed by the sea, by the literal waters of forgetfulness. In most places these ruins exist above a depth of three hundred feet – but not in all. As many have remarked, it’s a miracle that anyone survived. Some bastions remained largely intact, although many other surviving bands of humans were reduced to cannibalism.

 This global civilization is recognised only in memories of its mythic remnants, bearing names such as Atlantis, Mu and Hyperborea. It is often romanticised and exemplified as a grand Utopia to whose heights the modern world should aspire. But this civilization was fed by slavery and overseen by a race of global masters of geometry and technology whose existence is only hinted at in many of the legends. And there was contact with other inhabited spheres as well.

Look at today’s continental shelves – their extent will only give a low estimate of how much land has returned to the abyss since the antediluvian times before the Holocene era – our own long interglacial period. Imagine what a two hundred foot sea level rise would do to today’s civilization; that’s how much water is still frozen at the poles.

With sea level changes comes an attendant climate catastrophe and global tectonic shift as the weight of water is redistributed.

          There is still time to mitigate the worst of what will otherwise destroy this ‘modern’ global civilization that has achieved by brute force and force of numbers almost all that was wrought in the past by the careful application of knowledge about the structure of reality.

- R.A.


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Wednesday 22 March 2006

Change Agents

Change Agents




There was a time, not so long ago, when the ‘Western World’ was infected with an explosion of new, fresh ideas and ideals. It was a time when all authority was recognised as arbitrary, when leaders were routinely questioned, held up to real scrutiny - and sometimes paid real penalties when found to be engaged in illegal or unethical conduct. A time when all war was recognised as an unnecessary evil, a tool of control for the rich and powerful. It was a time when organised religions came to be recognised as pernicious fairy tales and new ways to evolve the spirit were sought in truly ancient places.


It was a time when young women encouraged, sheltered and praised young men for avoiding government orders to murder strangers in their homes. Many became active in creating an alternative vision of life, love and politics and began to enact real changes in their lives and relations with each other. They stood up to defend the persecuted and rallied to save the environment and bring an end to war.

         They decried injustice and rampant mindless consumerism (shopping) and recognised industry and business as blind behemoths pushing the world toward disaster. 

          They learned to effect change without violence. And often they said, “Never trust anyone over thirty,” as they saw most of those older than themselves as the cause of the world’s problems as they watched them suck up and sell out their dreams and children for imaginary and toxic ‘luxuries’. 

          It was less than two generations ago that the young suddenly outnumbered the old in the West. Not since the Renaissance had well educated youth seized a chance to transform the fossilised crap heaped on them by their terrified bumpkin elders and create new dreams and pathways to growth out of old offal. 

          Today this demographic exists in the ‘East’.

         In reality, 99% of the young people in those halcyon days paid mere lip service to change and burrowed into the cocoon offered them by society when they had the chance, recapitulating the caterpillar lives of their parents and grandparents. They became part of the problem, ignoring the truth they’d known in their hearts and ending up helping to put to sleep the revolution of awareness sweeping the globe. They went out and ‘got a real job’ working for The Man – working for the Beast, working out of fear – fear of being seen as different, fear of insecurity, fear of the unknown, fear of old age and death.

          Only a vanishingly small minority ever actually worked toward changing the dumb oligarchies and transform the feudal fraud foisted on their parents. Only a small number chose to have a great time transforming themselves in this, the best of all possible worlds - instead of blindly burrowing to create their own tomb, mindlessly working, consuming, reproducing and dying.

          While most became lonely box-watchers living in boxes, some entered a different cocoon, a chrysalis, and transformed. They saw, lived and communicated a version of the world which could thrive without the interfering lies of mummified politics, money, religion, aggression - tools used by the burrowing builders of hives for the domesticated, unevolved bulk of terrified humanity. They created spaces where the paradoxical combination of freedom and sharing could replace the blind-leading-the-blind slavery of wage serfdom.


Imagine. They knew that none but ourselves can free our minds. Their songs of freedom and redemption pointed out new ways and many people came to see the obvious – that the Emperor wore no clothes and that nothing stood in the way of them all making a just and wonderful world for themselves. They knew that there was no reason to wait and the time for enlightenment is always now.
While many adopted hip fashions and patois, only about one percent actually lived and spread word of these new ways of living. Hardly any stood together in the streets or forests and said “Stop – no further!” at peril of their freedom and health. Only a few consciously and actively changed their own lives and the world.

          But they could live with themselves – and die without guilt. They did what they could and seeded the wider cult(ure). Many were infected by these seeds of transformation explored possibilities that their parents and contemporaries couldn’t understand, out of sight and out of the bright glare of history. Yet most of the social and environmental advances we have come to experience in the last generation have been a result of their efforts.

It’s time for the sleepers to awaken. You know who you are.Time for us all to start living our ideas and ideals - again. Look around. Smell the flowers or smell the coffee. How will you live, now that you have a choice? This is the best of all possible worlds.

- R. Ayana

 "The majority, oppressing an individual, is guilty of a crime, abuses its strength, and by acting on the law of the strongest breaks up the foundations of society."

-         Thomas Jefferson

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Friday 17 March 2006

Watching the Wheels Go Round

Watching the Wheels Go Round



A rat race is not a competition. Many believe it’s a race that can have winners and losers. Others see a sardonic pun on the nature of the human species. It can also be a metaphor of the spinning globe of the Earth itself – or of the cycle of reincarnation. All these interpretations are partial reflections of a multifaceted truth (like all statements in any language) regarding the vortex of existence. 

         A rat race is, of course, a treadmill. Even if two rats ‘race’ on a single wheel, neither wins or loses. They go nowhere and see nothing beyond their next step. All they achieve is (an) exercise – until they step off the wheel. 

         The human/rat race lives in a delicious illusion of progress; the same drives, hopes, fears, addictions and personalities are clothed in an endless series of fashions and faces, a gene pool which maintains itself and acts as a brake on true change – or mutation. 

         While running on The Wheel you can only keep your eyes ahead on imagined destiny or destination, creating a tunnel vision that excludes everything else, a vortex that appears to move past while you spin the Wheel. Getting off the wheel can be tricky once momentum has built up.

         Attempting to stop suddenly can throw you for a loop. A rat can spin out or be violently thrown off the Wheel - after providing it with propulsion. Noticing no connexion between its trained reflexive activity and the turning Wheel, a rat may even believe that something other than itself is responsible for all this. 

         To get off the wheel it’ a good idea to first note where you are and recognise what’s happening before gently slowing to a complete stop. This can be difficult when other rats (or domesticated primates) are running in the same Wheel – or rut. 
         Each rat has to do it for themselves. And they all have to do it together. 

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- R. Ayana

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Monday 13 March 2006

Mystery Train of Thought

Mystery Train of Thought




The world is rolling along an unknowable course and humanity may appear to be careening in a direction which may seem inexplicable - unless we take a global view This may involve stepping out of our own sense of time and place and transcending our own judgements and judgement. After all, we’re all creating our perceived and actual reality.


         Reality is no more or less hard-wired than the human mind. Wishing and prayer, the focusing of will or awareness by our conscious intent, weighs the scales in the favour of Life – and ourselves, if we remember to include ourselves in our best wishes.


         This is not mere conjecture, but is backed up by decades of studies. A number of easily replicable experiments have repeatedly shown that consciousness affects chance, and life improves the chances for its own survival. One long study, so far culminating in the Global Consciousness Project[i] conducted from Princeton University, has shown not only that humans alter the nature of apparent random chaos, but that pulses of change occur globally at times when ‘historical events’ – nodal moments focusing global intent and appearing to alter the flow of innumerable lives. These pulses are global changes in the nature of ‘randomness’, as determined by a global network of random number-crunching computers. 


         One of their goals is ‘to learn the sources of structure and understand mechanism’ while another is to ‘ to see interconnection as real & creative mind as magical’.

         A staple of the new quantum fractal paradigm, which describes the universe as one of an infinite number of holograms in an 11-dimensional hyperspace, is that there are literally an infinite number of possibilities before us, an infinite number of universes in which we do and become an uncountable myriad of things.

We have only to be here now and rise out of the barbaric and reactive default settings programmed into us by our family, religion and culture to have the ability to choose our own destiny. The first step is the will to do it. The second is to be aware we are programmed – and that all we think we know about the world is only barely functional conjecture.[ii]
          Synchronicity and a deep belief in and knowledge of our own best intentions will guide us toward positive futures. Each night, if and when we reach that depth of sleep beyond REM, beyond dreaming, when all mental and physical processes appear to shut down, we reach a resonant cavity from which we emerge into a changed universe.

          Most days the changes are relatively small and go unnoticed. Or if we do notice that some small thing is different, we’ll almost instantly relegate the alteration to a mistake on our part and put it out of our minds. But sometimes, particularly at times when life itself is threatened, the changes can be greater. Sometimes these changes can occur when we are awake.

          For this reason, it’s not only true that the future is written on water – the past is written on water as well, and is just as subject to apparently ‘random forces’ actually driven by the individual and collective mind and will – ‘spirit’ if you like.

          Why, then, have we ‘been given rein’ to alter the planet in such a drastic manner? If we are not simply material robots conducting predetermined orbits, held to our own programming, then we are as good as lost. Fortunately, this is not the case. Matter, as we now all know (after having tortured and burned many wise people who were ‘ahead of their time’) is made of energy. Quantum physics shows us that this energy is focused by mind. At the core of all things a unity exists that generates vibrating emanation to these other three interpenetrating forms of reality.

          Humans are time-focused beings more fully embedded in the illusion of the passage of time than many other beings, including many animals. Their holographic minds are particularly well suited to apprehending and consciously (or ‘sub’consciously) altering the course of reality. The human race helps to steer the plant-net on a course that leads to the greatest diversity and happiest life for all who dwell in this branch of the Tree of Life. It’s necessary we cultivate tolerance, compassion, humility and love if our first steps in consciously directing our destiny are to meet success.
          As individuals we are already intimately linked with a numberless number of worlds and possibilities. We each consciously steer our own trajectory by first opening up to the possibility that our deepest beliefs literally create our world. 

Then we can analyse the thought-streams flowing through our mind and see where these programs are coming from – and keep or discard them by an act of awareness. Meditating – being aware of and stilling all thoughts – for a few minutes a day (particularly on waking) will transform you and your ability to transform the world into an even better one.

          This is the tip of the iceberg.

          Thou art god. Everyone is everyone. Do as ye would be done by.

          After a time of relentless self-examination it’s time to relax and experience more hedonistic pursuits. Like now – stop reading and experience the multi-sensory mysterious multiverse NOW. That's what eye am doing, anyway...


- R. Ayana

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Sunday 12 March 2006

Death of the World's Rivers

Death of the World's Rivers
Disaster warning from UN as investigation reveals half of the planet's 500 biggest rivers are seriously depleted or polluted

by Geoffrey Lean

The world's great rivers are drying up at an alarming rate, with devastating consequences for humanity, animals and the future of the planet.

The Independent on Sunday can today reveal that more than half the world's 500 mightiest rivers have been seriously depleted. Some have been reduced to a trickle in what the United Nations will this week warn is a "disaster in the making".

From the Nile to China's Yellow River, some of the world's great water systems are now under such pressure that they often fail to deposit their water in the ocean or are interrupted in the course to the sea, with grave consequences for the planet.

Adding to the disaster, all of the 20 longer rivers are being disrupted by big dams. One-fifth of all freshwater fish species either face extinction or are already extinct.

The Nile and Pakistan's Indus are greatly reduced by the time they reach the sea. Some, such as the Colorado and China's Yellow River, now rarely reach the ocean at all. Others, such as the Jordan and the Rio Grande on the US-Mexico border, are dry for much of their length.

Even in Britain, a quarter of the country's 160 chalk rivers and steams - such as the Kennet in Wiltshire, the Darent in Kent, and the Wylye in Wiltshire - are running out of water because too much is being abstracted for homes, industry and agriculture.

This week an influential UN report will officially warn the world's governments of an "alarming deterioration" in the planet's rivers, lakes and other freshwater systems. Klaus Toepfer, the executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme, told the IoS yesterday that the state of the world's rivers is "a disaster in the making".

The UN's triennial World Water Development Report, compiled for an international conference in Mexico City which opens on Thursday, warns that "we have hugely changed the natural order of rivers worldwide", mainly through giant dams and global warming. Some 45,000 big dams now block the world's rivers, trapping 15 per cent of all the water that used to flow from the land to the sea. Reservoirs now cover almost 1 per cent of land surface.

The UN report says that demand for them "will continue to increase", but recommends that they should be barred from the world's remaining, undammed "free-flowing" rivers.

The United States has dismantled 465 dams in recent years, mainly for environmental reasons. But last week, in an abrupt U-turn, it signalled that it was about to embark on its biggest dam-building campaign in decades, when the Washington State legislature passed a bill to allow the federal government to build a series of dams on the Columbia, the West's largest river.

Global warming is endangering even the rivers that have largely escaped damming.

The relatively untamed Amazon was hit by its most serious drought on record last autumn. And salmon are dying in Alaska's Yukon River - the world's longest undammed watercourse - because its waters are getting too hot.

On Tuesday an international day of action will see demonstrations across the globe to draw attention to rivers' plight.

© 2006 Independent News and Media Limited

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